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政府以公共利益的名义超越法治的能力。Government's ability to transcend the rule of law in the name of the public good.


例外状态state of exception是德国哲学家和法学家卡尔·施密特在 20 年代提出的概念 is a concept introduced in the 1920s by the German philosopher and jurist ,类似于紧急状态(戒严法),但基于主权以公共利益的名义超越法治的能力。-维基百科Carl Schmitt, similar to a state of emergency (martial law) but based in the sovereign's ability to transcend the rule of law in the name of the public good. -Wiki

永久紧急状态的概念在 20 世纪得到了完善。例外状态可能只是The concept of a forever state of emergency is one that has been refined over the 20th century. A state of exception may be just one area of 政府内公共利益的一个领域,也可能定义整个治理结构。public good现代历史上也有这两种情况的例子。 within a government or it can define an entire governing structure. There are examples of both in modern history.



在乔治·阿甘本关于例外状态概念的书中,阿甘本讨论了如何长期延长“例外状态”以控制人口。他的例子包括美国如何拘留和对待在“反恐战争”期间俘获的囚犯,以及希特勒如何从 1930 年代初开始利用豁免状态来维持对德国政府及其人民的控制。In Giorgio Agamben’s book on the concept of a State of Exception, Agamben discusses how the “state of exception” can become extended over long periods of time to control populations. His examples include how the United States detained and treated prisoners captured during the "war on terror", and how Hitler used a state of exemption to maintain control over the German government and it peoples beginning early in the 1930s.

乔治·阿甘本在其 81 年的一生中,大部分时间都被认为是欧洲左派的宠儿。他的学术著作广受好评,并获得了巨大的赞誉。During much of his 81 years of life, Georgio Agamben was considered the darling of the left in Europe. His scholarly works were well received and he was blessed with great accolades.

然后是 2020 年和新冠肺炎 (COVID-19)。就在此时,阿甘本将他关于豁免状态的想法转向了新冠危机,从而成为了学术界和国家的敌人。他开始写博客,但被当局的高压“删除”,因此他将这段文字改写为下一本书,于 2021 年出版。Then came the year 2020 and COVID-19. This is when Agamben turned his ideas about the state of exemption onto the COVIDcrisis and with that, became the enemy of both academia and the state. He had begun writing a blog, which was “removed” by the heavy hand of authorities, so he then morphed this block of writing into the following book, published in 2021.


阿加本认为,豁免状态既可以基于独立的法律渊源,也可以作为治理国家的一套法律之外的特征。独立法律渊源的一个例子可能是联合国条约或协议,例如《2030 年议程》或世界卫生组织法令,例如通过《国际卫生条例》(IHR) 制定的法令。这些可能而且(以前)甚至绝对会篡夺以民主原则为基础的宪政共和国的法治。Agaben argues that a state of exemption can be either grounded upon independent sources of law or featured as external to the set of laws governing a country. An example of an independent source of law might be a UN treaty or agreement, such as Agenda 2030 or a World Health Organization edict, for example via the International Health Regulations (IHRs). These could and (previously) even have absolutely come to usurp the rule of law of a constitutional republic grounded in democratic principles.

在新冠疫情期间,行政国家暂停法律,然后制定规则和条例,这就是豁免状态的一个例子,它在该国的法律体系之外运作。The administrative state suspending law and then making up their rules and regulations during COVID would be an example of a state of exemption, which operated outside of the set of laws governing the country.

“今天的主导力量已经决定无情地放弃资产阶级民主的范式——及其权利、议会和宪法——并用我们几乎看不到轮廓的新机构取而代之。”‘The dominant powers of today have decided to pitilessly abandon the paradigm of bourgeois democracy – with its rights, its parliaments, and its constitutions – and replace it with new apparatuses whose contours we can barely glimpse.’

阿甘本写道,在整个西方世界,生物安全国家已成为通过实施例外状态来控制公民和人口的首选方法。Agamben writes that, throughout the western world, the biosecurity state has become the preferred method for control of citizens and populations via imposition of a state of exception.

我们可以使用“生物安全”一词来描述由这种新的健康宗教与国家权力及其例外状态相结合组成的政府机构——这种机构可能是西方历史上已知的同类机构中最有效的机构。We can use the term ‘biosecurity’ to describe the government apparatus that consists of this new religion of health, conjoined with the state power and its state of exception—an apparatus that is probably the most efficient of its kind that Western history has ever known.

事实上,经验表明,一旦健康受到威胁,人们就会愿意接受对自由的限制,而此前他们从未考虑过要忍受这种限制——即使是在两次世界大战期间,也不是在极权独裁统治下。-阿甘本,乔治。我们现在在哪里?(第 5 页 - Kindle)。Experience has in fact shown that, once a threat to health is in place, people are willing to accept limitations on their freedom that they would never theretofore have considered enduring—not even during the two world wars, nor under totalitarian dictatorships. -Agamben, Giorgio. Where Are We Now? (p. 5 - Kindle).

阿甘本乐观地认为,源自国家主权的合法权力正在消亡。通过豁免状态(“技术卫生主义专制主义”)来掌握极权主义控制是不可能持续的。因为人们最终会看穿表面。Agamben optimistically argues that the legitimate power derived from national sovereignty is dying. That the grasping for totalitarian control via the state of exemption (“technological-sanitationist despotism”) cannot be sustained. Because people eventually see through the facade.

卫生恐怖的传播需要默许和不分裂的媒体来达成共识,而事实证明这种共识很难维持。与所有宗教一样,医学宗教也有异端和异议者,来自不同方向的受人尊敬的声音对这种流行病的现实性和严重性提出了质疑——这两种观点都不能通过缺乏科学一致性的数字的日常传播而无限期地持续下去。最先认识到这一点的可能是主导国家,如果不是被自身侵蚀的现实所吓倒,他们永远不会诉诸如此极端和不人道的手段。The dissemination of the sanitation terror needed an acquiescent and undivided media to produce a consensus, something that will prove difficult to preserve. The medical religion, like every religion, has its heretics and dissenters, and respected voices coming from many different directions have contested the actuality and gravity of the epidemic—neither of which can be sustained indefinitely through the daily diffusion of numbers that lack scientific consistency. The first to realise this were probably the dominant powers, who would never have resorted to such extreme and inhuman apparatuses had they not been scared by the reality of their own erosion.

-阿甘本,乔治。我们现在在哪里?(第 6-7 页),Kindle 版。-Agamben, Giorgio. Where Are We Now? (pp. 6-7), Kindle Edition.

生物安全国家使用审查制度和数字化孤立主义,即控制数字化公共广场,是一种新现象。封锁、保持社交距离和佩戴口罩等新策略已被用来延长豁免状态。计划将人们隔离并使用经过消毒的网络,而不是相互交谈,以施加控制并让人们服从。 The biosecurity state’s use of censorship and digitized isolationism, that is control of the digitized public square, is a new phenomena. New strategies, such as lock-downs, social distancing, and masking have been used to extend the state of exemption. Keeping people isolated and on the sanitized net, rather than talking with each other, was planned to exert control and keep people compliant.

因此,需要新的抵抗形式来对抗这些新的极权主义策略。使用第五代战争技术来对抗帝国豁免状态就是这样的工具之一。问题是,由于行政国家拒绝放弃他们新发现的权力,这会很快变成一场非动态内战吗?为了维护我们的自由而必须进行的战争?Thus, new forms of resistance will be necessary to combat these new totalitarian tactics. The use of fifth generation warfare techniques to combat the imperial state of exemption is one such tool. The question is, will this soon turn into a non-kinetic civil war, as the administrative state refuses to let go of their new found powers? A war that must be fought to maintain our freedoms?

阿甘本相信,当人们意识到这些失败国家所遭受的苦难时,更好的事物将会从这些失败国家的灰烬中崛起。 Agamben believes that something better will rise from the ashes of these failed states as people become aware what has been done to them.

......寻求统治世界的大国必须始终诉诸战争,无论是一场真正的战争还是一场精心构建的战争。而且,由于在和平状态下,生活往往会逃避任何历史维度,因此各国政府现在无休无止地重申,抗击病毒的战争标志着一个新历史时代的开始,在这个新时代中,一切都将不再一样,这不足为奇。在那些愿意蒙住自己的眼睛以免看到自己已经恶化到的不自由状态的人中,许多人接受了这种说法,因为他们相信,在近七十年之后,他们正在进入一个新时代,这并非没有一定程度的自我夸大。和平的(非历史的)生活。尽管,正如已经非常明显的那样,…the powers that seek to run the world must always resort to war, whether that be a real war or a carefully constructed one. And, since in the state of peace life tends to elude any historical dimension, it should not surprise us that governments now endlessly reiterate that the war against the virus marks the start of a new historical era in which nothing will ever be the same again. And among those who willingly blindfold themselves in order not to see the unfreedom into which they have deteriorated, many accept this claim because they are convinced, not without a degree of self-aggrandisement, that they are entering into a new era after almost seventy years of peaceful (ahistorical) life. Even though, as is already more than evident, this will be an era of servitude and sacrifices in which everything that makes life worth living will have to be subjected to mortifications and restrictions, they accept subjugation with pleasure, since they foolishly believe that they have found for their lives a meaning that they had, without noticing it, lost during the peace.

然而,抗击病毒的战争——这似乎是一种理想的机器,政府可以根据自己的需要比真正的战争更容易地管理和指导——最终可能会像其他所有战争一样,以失败告终。的手。也许只有到那时,如果还不算太晚的话,人们才会再次寻找他们如此轻率放弃的那种无法控制的和平。-阿甘本,乔治。我们现在在哪里?(第 89 页)。阋神星。Kindle版。It is possible, however, that the war against the virus—which seemed an ideal apparatus that governments could administer and direct according to their own needs much more easily than they could a real war—will, like every other war, end up getting out of hand. And perhaps only then, if it is not too late, men will look again for that ungovernable peace that they have so rashly abandoned. -Agamben, Giorgio. Where Are We Now? (p. 89). ERIS. Kindle Edition.

在过去的一个世纪里,各国政府已经学会利用豁免状态让人们适应紧急状态是生活的正常状态。生物安全状态已趋于常态化。其他流行病,甚至20世纪的大流行病,都没有被宣布为紧急状态,从而使整个国家,甚至全世界都被长期封锁。这是一种新形式的极权主义。是的,封锁整个人口、疫苗护照、社会距离、强制令、口罩等都是极权主义者的工具。During the past century, governments have learned to use the state of exemption to acclimatize people that a state of emergency is a normal condition for life. The biosecurity state has become normalized. Other epidemics, even pandemics during the 20th century were not declared as a state of emergency whereby entire nations, even the world was to be locked down for extended periods of time. This is a new form of totalitarianism. And yes, locking down entire populations, vaccine passports, social distancing, mandates, masking, etc. are tools of the totalitarians.

“党追求权力完全是为了自己的利益。我们对他人的利益不感兴趣;我们只对权力感兴趣——纯粹的权力。”‘The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power – pure power.’

“权力不是手段,而是手段。” 这是一个结束。建立独裁政权不是为了维护革命,而是为了维护革命。一个人进行革命是为了建立独裁统治。‘Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.’

乔治·奥威尔,1984George Orwell, 1984

我们现在已经习惯了生活在紧急状态、例外状态下——在这种状态下,行政国家We have now become accustomed to living under a state of emergency, a state of exception - one in which the administrative state 通过via普遍的行政命令在控制人们及其生活方面发挥着永久的作用。如果我们必须生活在永久的紧急状态中,我们就不是一个自由的社会。 a generalized executive order has a permanent role in the control of people and their lives. We are not a free society if we must live in a permanent state of emergency.

“面对比你更聪明的疯子,你能做什么,温斯顿想。谁公平地听取了你的论点,却仍然坚持他的疯狂?‘What can you do, thought Winston, against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself; who gives your arguments a fair hearing and simply persists in his lunacy?’

“现实存在于人类的头脑中,而不是其他地方。”‘Reality exists in the human mind and nowhere else.’

乔治·奥威尔,1984George Orwell, 1984

随着利维坦继续组建一个更加全面的安全国家,我们的国家正在将自由牺牲给在科学主义和安全的祭坛上冒充伪神的官僚。在这种情况下,生物安全、能源安全、环境(气候)安全、源自以技术为中心的战争武器的安全以及机器人超人类主义的宗教。这些不断刷新的、存在主义战争/基于恐惧的Our nation is sacrificing freedom to bureaucrats posing as false gods on an altar of scientism and security as the leviathan continues to assemble an ever more all-encompassing security state. In this case, bio-security, energy security, environmental (climate) security, security derived from technology-centric weapons of war and the religion of robo-transhumanism. These constantly refreshed, existential war/fear-based问题-反问题-技术解决 problem- counter problem - technological resolution循环( loops (黑格尔辩证法Hegelian dialectic)与互联网相结合作为信息过滤和漏斗是一种高效的控制方法。在一个对动能战争存在如此强烈抑制因素的时代,持续的“例外状态”已成为替代品。正如奥威尔在其极权主义巨著() combined with the internet as an information filter and funneled is a highly effective method of control. In an era in which there are such strong disincentives for kinetic warfare, the continuous “state of exception” has become a substitute. As anticipated by Orwell in his magnum opus of totalitarianism (1984 1984)中所预见的那样,这些循环向大多数民众植入并强化了一种高度的持续恐惧感。奥威尔预言性地想象我们的未来时无法使用互联网,但互联网现在已成为利维坦的完美选择工具,将由此产生的合成慢性恐惧和不安全感作为一种控制方法植入普通大众。), these loops implant and reinforce a heightened sense of constant fear into the majority of the populace. Not available to Orwell as he prophetically imagined our future, the internet has now become the perfect tool of choice for the leviathan to implant the resulting synthetic chronic fear and insecurity into the general population as a control method.

因此,‘战争’这个词本身就具有误导性。或许可以准确地说,通过持续不断的战争,战争已经不复存在……战争就是和平。‘The very word ‘war’, therefore, has become misleading. It would probably be accurate to say that by becoming continuous war has ceased to exist… War is Peace.’

乔治·奥威尔,1984George Orwell, 1984

但我们人民有反击的工具。在第五代战争中获胜的唯一方法就是不玩游戏,不被他们的谎言和散布恐惧所欺骗。这是为了进行我们自己的尽职调查并支持传播对新闻故事的多种观点的在线社区。成为一名创造者,与朋友和家人分享信息,写作和阅读,是一种仍在发挥作用的力量。这可能是我们抵御长期重写历史和流行的算法互联网修正主义的最佳防御措施之一。But we the people have tools to fight back. The only way to win at fifth generation warfare is not to play, to not fall for their lies and fear mongering. It is to do our own due-diligence and support online communities that are disseminating multiple points of view on news stories. To be a creator, to share information with friends and family, to write and to read, is a power that still is making a difference. It may be one of our best defenses against the chronic re-writing of history and algorithmic internet revisionism which has become endemic.

“过去被抹去了,抹掉的事被遗忘了,谎言变成了真相。”‘The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.’

乔治·奥威尔,1984George Orwell, 1984

我们必须做好反击任何新的“豁免状态”的准备。我们人民,不必再说了。We must be ready to fight back against any new “states of exemption”. We the people, must say no more.

“群众从来不会主动反抗,也绝不会仅仅因为受到压迫而反抗。事实上,只要他们不被允许有比较标准,他们就永远不会意识到自己受到了压迫。‘The masses never revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed.’

乔治·奥威尔,1984George Orwell, 1984

谷歌翻译A State of Exception



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