
来源: 唵啊吽 2023-08-11 06:16:00 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (195032 bytes)


昨晚(8月10日)晚上11点左右,有报道称叙利亚东北部哈塞卡市阿尔沙达迪的美国非法军事基地发生大规模爆炸。Last night (10th August) around 11pm there were reports of a large explosion at the U.S. illegal military base at Al Shadadi, Hasaka, north-east Syria.


代尔祖尔以东地区的地图。红星是占领叙利亚资源和领土的美国沙达迪基地。Map of the area east of Deir Ezzor. Red star is the Al Shadadi US base occupying Syrian resources and territory.

当地人立即发现两架美国直升机飞越现场。后来证实,爆炸发生在距离美军基地很近的库尔德反对派弹药库内。目击者报告称,爆炸产生的弹片和碎片击中了美国大院,造成物质损失。目前尚未有美军人员受伤的报道,但这并不意味着这些人员不存在。库尔德分裂分子报告了一些人员伤亡。Two US helicopters were immediately spotted by locals flying over the scene. Later it was confirmed that the explosion had been in a Kurdish Contra ammunition warehouse very close to the US military base. Eyewitness reports said that shrapnel and debris from the explosion hit the US compound causing material damage. No US military personnel injuries have been reported but that does not mean they do not exist. The Kurdish separatists have reported some casualties.

目前还没有人声称对此事负责。Nobody has claimed responsibility yet.

叙利亚阿拉伯军队巴士在代尔祖尔以东遭到伊斯兰国袭击Syrian Arab Army bus attacked by ISIS east of Deir Ezzor


爆炸发生约一小时后,“伊斯兰国”恐怖分子袭击了一辆运送叙利亚阿拉伯军队士兵的巴士。23 名士兵在袭击中丧生,另有 10 人受伤。这辆巴士行驶在代尔祖尔以东的阿尔玛亚丁沙漠的路上。Around one hour after the explosion ISIS terrorists carried out an attack on a bus transporting Syrian Arab Army soldiers. 23 soldiers were killed in the attack, ten others wounded. The bus was on the road in the Al Mayadin desert east of Deir Ezzor.

南非航空和盟国立即在俄罗斯战机的空中掩护下向该地区派遣增援部队。The SAA and allies immediately sent reinforcements to the area with air-cover from Russian warplanes.

美国极有可能利用此次爆炸,动用“伊斯兰国”恐怖组织袭击SAA夜间巴士。It is highly likely that the U.S. took advantage of the explosion to use ISIS terror cells to attack the SAA night bus.

有时,身为记者的我对这个国家的年轻人所做出的牺牲感到不知所措,这个国家在历史上最残酷的战争之一中抵抗了 12 年。今天早上我写了以下内容:Sometimes the journalist in me is overwhelmed by the sacrifices made by the young people of this country that has resisted 12 years of one of the most brutal wars in history. This morning I wrote the following:


不是烈士,而是准备为国家献身的年轻人之一。Not a martyr but one of the young men ready to die for his country.

当针对叙利亚的战争开始时,这些年轻人还在上学。他们失去了兄弟、父亲、母亲、姐妹,但他们在这里,为这个国家牺牲了一切。尽管他们面临着所有的艰辛,所有的黑暗,所有的野蛮,他们仍会继续为彼此而战,为了看到未来,尽管他们从来不知道未来是什么。These young men were still in school when this war against Syria started. They lost brothers, fathers, mothers, sisters but here they are, sacrificing everything for this country. Despite all the hardships, all the darkness, all the savagery they face, they will keep fighting for each other, for a glimpse of a future even though they have never known what a future is.

西方永远不会占上风。烈士的鲜血将保护叙利亚,尽管我为这些破碎、被偷走的生命而心碎,但这些人的勇气是无法形容的。要是我们西方人能够表现出这样的勇气来反对我们邪恶的统治轴心和它那操纵、变态、冷酷的心就好了。这个世界将会变得更加美好。不要让这些灵魂白白死去。The West will never prevail. The blood of the martyrs will protect Syria and even though my heart breaks for these broken, stolen lives - the courage of these people defies all description. If only we in the West could exhibit such courage against our ruling axis of evil with it's manipulative, perverted, cold hearts. This world would be a better place. Don't let these souls die in vain.

我之前写的两篇文章也提到了叙利亚人民在这场战争中遭受的可怕损失:Two articles I wrote previously also invoke the terrible losses the Syrian people have suffered during this war:

当大兵瑞恩被阿拉伯叙利亚军队中的安静英雄羞辱时When Private Ryan is shamed by quiet heroes in the Syrian Arab Army

There are thousands of 叙利亚有成千上万的“瑞安妈妈” ,她们是勇敢、无畏的女性,她们遭受了难以形容的损失,但她们仍然坚定不移,为自己的孩子在保护自己的未来中发挥的作用感到自豪。‘Mama Ryans’来自萨拉米耶附近塔尔达拉的奥姆·阿尔·福兹 (Om Al Fouz) 在真正的“反恐战争”中失去了五个儿子 in Syria, brave, fearless women who have suffered indescribable loss but who remain steadfast, proud of their children’s role in protecting their future. Om Al Fouz from Taldara, close to Salamiyah, has lost five sons in the genuine 。  “war on terror”.   

“当我失去第一个时,我感觉好像我的背断了,十五天后我又失去了第二个——我以为我的心都碎了。然后是第三次、第四次、第五次,每次我都变得更强”。“When I lost the first one, I felt as if I had broken my back, I lost the second one only fifteen days later – I thought my heart had broken. Then the third, the fourth, the fifth, each time I grew stronger”. 

Om Al Fouz还告诉我:Om Al Fouz also told me: “我有25个孙子,我准备为这场战斗奉献我所有的孩子。我们都准备好殉难,这是我们的国家,我们的尊严,我们的荣誉,我们的道德。我们永远不会把这个国家留给其他任何人”。“I have 25 grandsons, I am ready to give all my children for this battle. We are all ready to be martyred, this is our country, our dignity, our honour, our morals. We will never leave this country to anyone else”.

我于 2018 年 1 月在萨拉米亚遇见了哈拉。哈拉是一位美丽的年轻女孩,她的丈夫在与南非武装部队的战斗中牺牲,以保卫她的家乡和她的国家。和萨拉米耶的许多家庭一样,哈拉对丈夫的殉难表示非常自豪,但她眼中的悲伤告诉我,她失去了她的爱和孩子的父亲。I met Hala in January 2018 in Salamiyah. Hala is a beautiful young girl whose husband was killed fighting with the SAA to defend her hometown and her country. Like so many families in Salamiyah, Hala expressed great pride her husband’s martyrdom but the sadness in her eyes told me she has lost her love and the father of her child.

向阿拉伯叙利亚军队和盟友致敬In honour of the Syrian Arab Army and allies


2018 年解放后,叙利亚阿拉伯军队士兵在乔巴尔。照片:Vanessa BeeleySyrian Arab Army soldiers in Jobar after liberation 2018. Photo: Vanessa Beeley

昨天,英国媒体和推特上出现了令人震惊的图片。大马士革南部的“伊斯兰国”恐怖分子俘获了一名阿拉维派叙利亚阿拉伯军队士兵,并将他变成了“人体炸弹”。出于对这名士兵家人的尊重,我们不会发布这些可怕的照片,他是叙利亚境内遭受西方资助、武装和推动的恐怖分子或“温和”极端主义团体酷刑、肢解和处决的众多士兵之一。 Yesterday appalling images appeared in media outlets in the UK and on Twitter. ISIS terrorists to the South of Damascus had captured an Alawite Syrian Arab Army soldier and had converted him into a “human bomb”. We will not publish these horrifying photographs out of respect for the family of this soldier, one of so many who have been tortured, dismembered and executed by the Western financed, armed and promoted terrorist or “moderate” extremist groups inside Syria. 

这些全副武装、装备精良的宗派思想家在海湾国家、土耳其和美国政权更迭联盟国家的操纵者向他们提供的毒品和权力的推动下,对叙利亚人民犯下的暴行是无法用语言来描述的。阿拉伯叙利亚军队是叙利亚人民的代表,数十万人为保卫叙利亚免受伊斯兰主义入侵威胁其世俗国家而献出生命。There are no words to describe the atrocities committed against the Syrian people by these heavily armed and equipped sectarian ideologues fuelled by drugs and power fed to them by their handlers in the Gulf States, Turkey and countries that form the US Coalition of regime change. The Syrian Arab Army is the Syrian people and hundreds of thousands have given their lives to defend Syria against this Islamist invasion that threatens their secular state.

以下声明是由一些社交媒体活动人士准备的,他们自冲突开始以来一直支持阿拉伯叙利亚军队,并希望代表所有看透叙利亚局势的西方人士公开表达他们的尊重、钦佩和支持媒体撒谎,谁支持叙利亚对抗西方帝国主义的历史性斗争:The following statement was prepared by a number of social media activists who have supported the Syrian Arab Army since the beginning of the conflict and who wanted to express their respect, admiration and support, publicly, on behalf of all those in the West who see through the media lies and who support Syria in their historical battle against Western imperialism:

“历史上有时只有最勇敢的人才能有勇气独自对抗最强大的人,他们试图从我们的星球上抹去我们的存在。我们都经历过这样的时代,我们正在目睹两个世界的战斗。一方面是一个充满帝国主义压迫、暴力和永久战争的世界,以造福于我们世界的掠夺者;另一方面是那些希望看到国际法至高无上和永久和平造福全人类的人。“There are times in history when only the bravest will find the courage to stand alone against the most powerful in their attempts to erase our existence from our planet. We are all living through one of those times and we are witnessing a battle of two worlds. On one side is the world of imperialist oppression, violence, perpetual war, to benefit the predators of our world – on the other are those who wish to see the supremacy of international law and perpetual peace with benefits for all mankind.

那些对这些征服势力采取最终立场的人是阿拉伯叙利亚军队及其盟友,他们坚定而自豪地反对压倒性的军事力量和可怕的战争机器。阿拉伯叙利亚军队不仅为叙利亚及其人民而战,而且为我们所有人而战——在巴勒斯坦、在英国、欧盟、南美、也门、世界各地……叙利亚不仅是文明的摇篮,也是抵抗的摇篮,周围环绕着那些想要摧毁它和那些想要保卫它的人。我们与那些捍卫它的人站在一起。Those who have taken the ultimate stand against these forces of subjugation are the Syrian Arab Army and their allies who have stood firm and proud against overwhelming military force and a terrifying apparatus of war. The Syrian Arab Army does not only fight for Syria and its people, it fights for all of us – in Palestine, in the UK, the EU, South America, Yemen, everywhere… Syria is not only the cradle of civilization, it is the cradle of resistance around which are circling those who would destroy it and those who would defend it. We stand with those who defend it.

以下是来自世界各地的一些人的声明,他们希望承认 SAA 为确保全人类拥有更美好的未来所做的努力。The following are statements from just some of those around the world who wish to acknowledge what the SAA has done to secure a better future for all humanity.

We are also coming to the anniversary of one of the worst U.S. U.K. war crimes during the conflict, in the Deir Ezzor region, that took place in 我们也即将迎来2016 年 9 月September 2016在代尔祖尔地区冲突期间发生的 USUK 最严重战争罪行之一的周年纪念:

2016 年 9 月 17 日,美国领导的一场精心策划的空袭,袭击了俯瞰代尔祖尔机场的 Jabal al Tharda(萨达山),屠杀了 100 多名叙利亚士兵,并将该山的控制权交给了 DAESH/ISIS。那次突然袭击之后,恐怖组织控制了这座山近一年,但未能占领机场或整个城市。美国领导的部队承认了这次袭击,但声称这完全是一个“错误”。然而无可争议的事实、目击者的叙述和关键情况表明这是一个谎言。本文以华盛顿历史上利用雇佣军进行秘密行动的背景,阐述了这一犯罪的证据,并与“合理推诿”的原则相关联。On 17 September 2016 a carefully planned US-led air raid on Jabal al Tharda (Mount Tharda), overlooking Deir Ezzor airport, slaughtered over 100 Syrian soldiers and delivered control of the mountain to DAESH / ISIS. After that surprise attack, the terrorist group held the mountain for almost a year, but did not manage to take the airport or the entire city. US-led forces admitted the attack but claimed it was all a ‘mistake’. However uncontested facts, eye witness accounts and critical circumstances show that was a lie. This article sets out the evidence of this crime, in context of Washington’s historical use of mercenaries for covert actions, linked to the doctrine of ‘plausible deniability’.

来自代尔祖尔的叙利亚目击者的叙述加深并证实了这个简单的事实:2016 年 9 月 17 日,美国领导的对 Jabal al Tharda 叙利亚军队的空袭并非“错误”,而是代表恐怖组织 ISIS 进行的一次精心策划和有效的干预(达伊沙阿拉伯语)。经过数天的仔细监视,一场毁灭性的导弹袭击以及随后对剩余叙利亚士兵的机枪扫射帮助“伊斯兰国”在同一天控制了这座战略山峰。Syrian eyewitness accounts from Deir Ezzor deepen and confirm this simple fact: the US-led air raid on Syrian forces at Jabal al Tharda on 17 September 2016 was no ‘mistake’ but a well-planned and effective intervention on behalf of the terrorist group ISIS (DAESH in Arabic). After days of careful surveillance a devastating missile attack followed by machine gunning of the remaining Syrian soldiers helped ISIS take control of the strategic mountain, that same day.

谷歌翻译SYRIA UPDATES: Explosion close to U.S. base in north-east and ISIS attack Syrian Arab Army bus



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