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地图显示叙利亚北部的三个过境点,叙利亚政府仅对巴布哈瓦开放有条件开放。(简)Map showing the three border crossings in northern Syria that are being kept open by the Syrian government with conditions for Bab Al Hawa only. (Janes)

叙利亚有效地将联合国逼入绝境,北部和西北部边境口岸的控制权有可能完全恢复到合法的叙利亚政府和当局手中。Syria has effectively maneuvered the UN into a corner where, potentially, control over the northern and north-western border crossings will be restored in full to the legitimate Syrian government and authorities.

叙利亚已将联合国通过两个土耳其边境口岸向叙利亚北部提供援助的许可延长三个月。这些是 Bab Al Salameh 和 Al Ra'ee 过境点,通行期限将延长至今年 11 月 13 日。Syria has extended permission for the UN to deliver aid via two Turkish border crossings into northern Syria for three months. These are the Bab Al Salameh and Al Ra’ee border crossings where access will be extended until the 13th of November this year.

据称,联合国一直在利用巴布哈瓦的第三个过境点向叙利亚西北部的伊德利卜运送援助物资。然而,众所周知,这个过境点是在基地组织分支——沙姆解放组织 (HTS) 的控制之下。该过境点为恐怖组织提供了可观的收入。The UN has been using a third crossing in Bab Al Hawa to allegedly deliver aid to Idlib in north-west Syria. However, it is well known that this border crossing is under the control of Al Qaeda splinter group - Hayat Tahrir Al Sham (HTS). The crossing provides considerable revenue for the terrorist group. A fact not denied by US-linked think tanks like the 布鲁金斯学会Brookings Institute等与美国有联系的智库并没有否认这一事实.

2018年,In 2018 the 英国慈善委员会UK Charity Commission发出以下警告: put out the following warning:

英格兰和威尔士慈善机构的独立监管机构慈善委员会发布此警报,警告在叙利亚或土耳其直接或通过合作伙伴开展业务的慈善机构和慈善募捐机构,恐怖组织可能会从中获得经济利益。任何通过 Bab Al-Hawa 过境点的援助物资。The Charity Commission, the independent regulator of charities in England and Wales, is issuing this alert to warn charities and charitable appeals which are operating in Syria or Turkey, directly or via partners, that there is a risk that a terrorist organisation may financially benefit from any aid passing through the Bab Al-Hawa crossing.

继最近的媒体报道后,自 2018 年 9 月起,关于土耳其和叙利亚之间的 Bab Al-Hawa 过境点,慈善委员会(“委员会”)发布此警报,以提高慈善机构(包括慈善机构的受托人、员工和志愿者)的认识。并提醒他们根据反恐立法和慈善法承??担的责任。Following recent media reporting, since September 2018, regarding the Bab Al-Hawa border crossing between Turkey and Syria, the Charity Commission (‘the Commission’) is publishing this alert to raise awareness amongst charities – including their trustees, employees and volunteers of the current situation and to remind them of their duties under counter-terrorism legislation and charity law.

这是因为有报道称该过境点由 Hay'at Tahir Al-Sham(“HTS”)控制,该组织是恐怖组织“基地”组织的别称,该组织受到《2000 年恐怖主义法》(“TACT”)的This is due to reporting that the crossing is under control of Hay’at Tahir Al-Sham (‘HTS’), an alternative name for the terrorist organisation Al Qa’ida which is 禁止proscribed under the Terrorism Act 2000 (‘TACT’)HTS 于 2017 年 5 月被添加到. HTS was added to the 违禁清单proscribed list中。 in May 2017.

叙利亚政府告诉联合国,他们可以继续使用巴布哈瓦过境点六个月,但有两个联合国认为“不可接受”的条件。为什么?The Syrian government has told the UN that they could continue using the Bab Al Hawa crossing for a further six months but with two conditions that the UN deems “unacceptable”. Why?

条件是:The conditions are:

叙利亚Syria has 坚称insisted援助物资的运送必须“与政府充分合作与协调”,联合国不会与“恐怖组织”及其附属机构进行沟通,红十字国际委员会和叙利亚阿拉伯红新月会将开展援助行动。 aid deliveries must be done “in full cooperation and coordination with the government,” that the U.N. would not communicate with “terrorist organizations” and their affiliates, and that the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent would run aid operations.

你可能会问,联合国遵守这些非常合理的条件实际上有什么困难。You may well ask what is actually difficult about these very reasonable conditions for the UN to comply with.

联合国The U.N. 回应称responded ,禁止与叙利亚政府视为“恐怖分子”的团体进行沟通,将阻止联合国及其伙伴组织“在必要时与相关国家和非国家各方进行接触,以开展安全和不受阻碍的人道主义行动”。that the prohibition on communicating with groups considered “terrorist” by the Syrian government would prevent the U.N. and partner organizations from engaging “with relevant state and non-state parties as operationally necessary to carry out safe and unimpeded humanitarian operations.”

HTS是美国、英国禁止的HTS is a US, UK proscribed 恐怖组织terrorist organisation,因此不仅仅是叙利亚政府将HTS视为恐怖组织。联合国在声明中省略了这一相当重要的信息。因此,联合国是否愿意尝试避免与 HTS 打交道,而不是寻找借口继续这样做,因为联合国充分了解 HTS 利用“人道主义”援助物资通过勒索和剥削叙利亚平民来提供收入? so it is not only the Syrian government that perceive HTS to be a terrorist group. The UN omits that rather vital information from their statement. As such, would the UN not be willing to try and avoid dealing with HTS rather than finding excuses to continue doing so, knowing full well that HTS exploit the “humanitarian” aid supplies to provide revenue through extortion and the exploitation of Syrian civilians?

联合国难道不应该努力阻止恐怖主义在叙利亚扩张吗?联合国难道不应该更愿意与国际公认的政府及其首选组织打交道吗?Shouldn’t the UN be trying to prevent the expansion of terrorism in Syria and shouldn’t the UN prefer to deal with the internationally recognised government and their preferred organisations?

Stipulating that aid deliveries must be overseen by the Red Cross or Red Crescent is “neither consistent with the independence of the United Nations nor practical,” since those organizations “are not present in north-west Syria,” it [UN] 联合国在一份声明中表示said,规定援助的交付必须由红十字会或红新月会监督“既不符合联合国的独立性,也不实际”,因为这些组织“不在叙利亚西北部”。信。 in a letter.

为什么这些组织没有出现在伊德利卜?因为这太危险了,会让他们与中央情报局/军情六处白头盔——在伊德利卜运作的基地组织辅助机构——发生冲突。为什么联合国不解决这个事实呢?Why aren’t these organisations present in Idlib? Because it is too dangerous and would put them in conflict with the CIA/MI6 White Helmets - the Al Qaeda auxiliary operating out of Idlib. Why does the UN not address this fact?

联合国副发言人法尔汉·哈克告诉记者:UN deputy spokesperson Farhan Haq told reporters:

“我们仍在努力解决这些障碍。我们希望能够做到这一点,如果克服这些障碍,我们随时准备恢复运营。”"We're still working to resolve those obstacles. We're hopeful that we can do so and we do stand ready to resume operations, if those obstacles are overcome,"

就在四个月前,当美国实际上增加在叙利亚的军事足迹时,这位副发言人还否认美军在叙利亚驻扎:That is the same deputy spokesperson who denied that US troops were on the ground in Syria only four months ago when the US was actually increasing their military footprint in Syria:

最后,联合国的信函还指出,叙利亚政府要求与大马士革“充分合作和协调”来运送援助物资的要求需要“审查”。Finally the UN letter also noted that the Syrian government’s request that aid deliveries should be carried out in “full cooperation and coordination” with Damascus requires “review.”

这是可笑的——联合国需要审查与叙利亚合法政府的合作,向叙利亚人民提供援助?或者在做出任何此类决定之前是否需要参考美国、英国、以色列和土耳其的意见?我认为,联合国完全政治化,是美国、英国领导的阴谋集团的附庸实体,这一点不应再受到质疑。This is risible - the UN needs to review working with the legitimate Syrian government to provide aid to the Syrian people? Or does it need to refer to the US, UK, Israel and Turkey before taking any such decision? That the UN is entirely politicised and a vassal entity of the US, UK-led cabal should no longer be questioned in my opinion.

还值得注意的是,尽管 12 年来的证据表明事实并非如此,英国广播公司 (BBC) 和其他与北约结盟的媒体仍然称 HTS 恐怖分子为“叛乱分子”或“政治反对派”。It is also worth noting that the BBC and other NATO-aligned media outlets are still calling the HTS terrorists “rebels” or “political opposition” despite all the 12 year evidence to the contrary.


2020年过境点地图Map of the border crossings in 2020

关于叙利亚边境口岸的一些背景。2014年,联合国安理会授权四个过境点进入叙利亚,据称是为了运送人道主义援助物资。A little background on the border crossings in Syria. In 2014 the UN Security Council authorised four border crossings into Syria for alleged humanitarian aid deliveries.

  1. 叙利亚东北部与伊拉克接壤的亚鲁比耶 (Al Yarubiyah) 由库尔德反对派及其美国军事伙伴控制。Al Yarubiyah in north-east Syria on the border with Iraq controlled by the Kurdish Contras and their US military partners.

  2. 叙利亚南部与约旦接壤的拉姆萨 (Al Ramtha) 当时受到包括以色列在内的美国联盟武装和支持的恐怖组织的控制。Al Ramtha in southern Syria on the border with Jordan that was then under the control terrorist groups armed and supported by the US alliance including Israel.

  3. 叙利亚北部与土耳其接壤的 Bab Al Salameh 门 - 经常被白头盔等组织使用Bab Al Salameh in northern Syria on the border with Turkey - often used by groups like the White Helmets

  4. 基地组织的 Bab Al Hawa 控制着与土耳其边境的领土Bab Al Hawa in Al Qaeda held territory on the border with Turkey

2019年,俄罗斯和中国在联合国安理会使用否决权,阻止Al Yarubiyah和Al Ramtha的续任。2020 年,俄罗斯和中国否决了 Bab Al Salameh 的授权更新。这使得巴布哈瓦成为In 2019, Russia and China used their veto at the UNSC to prevent the renewal of Al Yarubiyah and Al Ramtha. In 2020 Russian and China vetoed the renewal of authorisation for Bab Al Salameh. This left Bab Al Hawa as the only 联合国批准UN-approved进入基地组织控制的叙利亚领土的唯一“援助”过境点。 “aid” crossing into Al Qaeda controlled Syrian territory.

华盛顿拒绝延长对叙利亚人民的紧急制裁豁免Washington refuses to renew emergency sanctions waiver for Syrian people


因此,尽管叙利亚政府显然正在努力实现稳定和安全,但美国却So, while the Syrian government is clearly working towards stability and security - the US has 拒绝refused延长今年2月6日叙利亚北部两次地震后生效的紧急制裁豁免。 to extend the emergency sanctions waiver that came into effect after the double earthquake hit northern Syria on February 6th this year.

叙利亚常驻联合国代表巴萨姆·萨巴格 (Bassam Sabbagh) 于 8 月 9 日宣布:Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, Bassam Sabbagh, announced on 9 August:

[开放边境口岸]的决定是鉴于叙利亚热衷于促进稳定、改善叙利亚人的人道主义和生计状况以及便利向有需要的人提供援助。The decision [to open the border crossings] comes in light of Syria’s keenness on boosting stability, improving the humanitarian and livelihood situation of the Syrians and facilitating the delivery of aid to people in need.

事实上,就连欧盟也将豁免期限延长至2月24日,但美国的豁免期限已于8月8日到期,并且不会再续签,尽管地震灾民仍然非常需要在地震中被摧毁的住房和重要基础设施。In fact even the EU extended its waiver until February 24, but the US waiver expired on 8 August and will not be renewed despite the fact that the earthquake victims are still very much in need of housing and essential infrastructure that was destroyed in the quake.

6 月,In June, 美国立法者US lawmakers提出了《2023 年阿萨德政权反正常化法案》,以惩罚那些可能试图帮助恢复受 12 年战争和地震破坏影响的叙利亚地区服务的国家。 introduced the Assad Regime Anti-Normalisation Act of 2023 to penalise countries that might be tempted to help restore services to the areas of Syria affected by twelve years of war and the earthquake devastation.

美国非常清楚,这些残酷的经济措施早在对指定个人或机构产生任何影响之前就会对叙利亚人民产生影响。这是华盛顿故意采取的策略,目的是加深叙利亚社会最弱势群体的痛苦。The US knows full well that these sadistic economic measures will impact the Syrian people long before they have any effect on the named individuals or institutions. This is a deliberate ploy by Washington to deepen the misery for the most vulnerable in Syrian society.

恐怖派别加强阿尔坦夫非法美国军事基地Terrorist factions to reinforce illegal US military base at Al Tanf


在美国将经济利益推向叙利亚人民的同时,它也在策划自二月份地震以来一直困扰叙利亚平民的恐怖袭击。At the same time as the US is driving the economic stake into the heart of the Syrian people, it is simultaneously orchestrating the terrorist attacks that have plagued Syrian civilians since the February earthquakes.

恐怖媒体还报道称,美国正在其位于伊拉克和约旦边境的坦夫基地建立恐怖中心。我在之前的一篇更新中报告了这一点。Terrorist media is also reporting that the US is creating a terror hub at their base in Al Tanf on the border with Iraq and Jordan. I reported this in one of my previous updates.

叙利亚国民军各派否认他们的武装分子被转移到阿尔坦夫,承诺月薪为1000美元。他们还否认他们之前被派往利比亚和阿塞拜疆。Syrian National Army factions are denying that their militants are being transferred to Al Tanf with a promised monthly salary of $ 1000. They also denied that they were dispatched to Libya and Azerbaijan previously.

最近的消息表明Recent news suggests,作为行动的第一阶段,多达 7,500 名国民军武装分子将分 15 批被送往阿尔坦夫。他们将从伊拉克埃尔比勒机场飞抵。 that up to 7,500 SNA militants will be sent in 15 batches to Al Tanf as a first stage in the operation. They will be flown in from Erbil airport in Iraq.

与此同时,恐怖袭击急剧增加,叙利亚南部的大部分恐怖袭击均由伊斯兰国负责,叙利亚当局也正试图清理同样集中在叙利亚南部省份的以芬太尼为主的毒品交易。This coincides with the sharp increase in terrorist attacks, the majority claimed by ISIS in southern Syria that is also witnessing an attempt by the Syrian authorities to clean up the Captagon-dominated drug trade that is also centered in the southern provinces of Syria.

叙利亚南部简易爆炸装置爆炸中,一名记者与叙利亚阿拉伯军队士兵一起身亡Journalist killed alongside Syrian Arab Army soldiers in IED explosion in southern Syria


SAMA 电视台记者 Firas Al Ahmed。叙利亚SAMA TV reporter Firas Al Ahmed. Syria

昨天,一名年轻的 SAMA 电视台记者 Firas Al Ahmed 在叙利亚南部德拉附近的道路上撞上简易爆炸装置,身亡。两名阿拉伯叙利亚军队士兵当场死亡,第三名士兵不久后也因伤重而死亡。叙利亚新闻摄影师艾哈迈德·马萨勒梅也受伤,但被当地人从废墟中救出。A young SAMA TV reporter, Firas Al Ahmed was killed when their vehicle hit an IED in the road close to Daraa in southern Syria yesterday. Two Syrian Arab Army soldiers died instantly and a third died from his terrible wounds not long after. A Syria News cameraman, Ahmed Al Masalmeh was also injured but rescued from the wreckage by local people.

媒体团队刚刚报道了叙利亚当局的反毒品走私任务。这表明,这场清除叙利亚毒品生产和走私的运动对所有相关方来说都是一项高风险运动。The media team had just been covering an anti-drug-smuggling mission by Syrian authorities. This demonstrates how this campaign to clean Syria of drug production and smuggling is a high risk one for all concerned.

叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德最近在接受天空新闻阿拉伯语采访时告诉天空新闻采访者(由阿拉伯In his recent interview with Sky News Arabic, Syrian President Bashar Al Assad told the Sky News interviewer (translated from Arabic by 叙利亚通讯社阿拉伯语翻译Syrian Arab News Agency):):

如果我们作为一个国家寻求鼓励叙利亚的贩毒活动;这意味着,我们作为一个国家,鼓励恐怖分子来到叙利亚进行破坏和杀戮,因为结果是一样的……如果我们把人民置于恐怖主义和毒品之间,那么我们就是亲手破坏社会、国家,我们的利益在哪里?If we are the ones seeking as a state to encourage the drug trafficking in Syria; This means that we, as a state, encouraged the terrorists to come to Syria and carry out destruction and killing, because the result is the same… If we put the people between terrorism on the one hand and drugs on the other, then we are destroying society and the country with our own hands, where is our interest [in doing this]?

贩毒活动存在并且并未停止,但当发生战争和国家衰弱时,这种贸易可能会蓬勃发展,而在这种情况下承担责任的是那些在叙利亚制造混乱的国家,而不是叙利亚国家。The drug trafficking  is present and has not stopped, but when there is war and the weakness of the state, this trade could flourish, and those who bear responsibility in this case are the countries that contributed to creating chaos in Syria, not the Syrian State.

请参阅我Please refer to my 之前previous investigation对 BBC 宣传纪录片的调查,该纪录片试图将叙利亚描绘成一个由阿萨德总统掌舵的毒品国家。 into the BBC propaganda documentary that tried to portray Syria as a narco-state with President Assad at the helm.

英国广播公司和联合国都不会报道叙利亚一名年轻记者的死亡和一名媒体摄影师在叙利亚与西方武装组织及其支持者引入叙利亚的贩毒集团作战时的死亡事件,也不会对此表示担忧。这是一个不符合英国政权所制造的叙事目的的现实。Neither the BBC nor the UN will report on or raise concerns about the death of young journalist and the wounding of a media cameraman in Syria while battling the drug cartels introduced into Syria by the armed groups and their sponsors in the West. It is a reality that is not fit for purpose for their UK regime-generated narratives.

阿萨德总统不可能会见埃尔多安Meeting Erdogan is not on the cards for President Assad


During the 天空新闻采访中Sky News interview,总统还被问及在不久的将来与土耳其总统埃尔多安会面的可能性。阿萨德的回答通常简洁而直白: the President was also asked about the potential of a meeting with Turkiye’s President Erdogan in the near future. Assad’s reply was typically succinct and blunt:

一句话,没有会议前提就没有议程,没有议程就没有准备,没有准备就没有结果,那我和埃尔多安为什么要见面?!我们想要达到一个明确的目标。我们的目标是土耳其从叙利亚领土上撤军,而埃尔多安的目标是使土耳其在叙利亚的占领合法化。因此,会议不可能在埃尔多安的条件下举行。A word without preconditions for a meeting means without an agenda, without an agenda means without preparation, without preparation means without results, so why do Erdogan and I meet?! We want to reach a clear goal. Our goal is the Turkish withdrawal from the Syrian lands, while Erdogan’s goal is to legitimize the presence of the Turkish occupation in Syria. Therefore, the meeting cannot take place under Erdogan’s conditions.

谷歌翻译Syria updates - the UN terrorist apologism, US sadism and terror cells activated



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