
来源: 唵啊吽 2023-08-08 07:39:43 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (314472 bytes)

8月7日凌晨2点20分,以色列从被占领的叙利亚戈兰高地对大马士革南部郊区发动空袭。大部分导弹被叙利亚防空部队拦截,但四名士兵在袭击中丧生,两人受伤。还造成了物质损失。At 2.20 am on the 7th August Israel carried out an air attack from the occupied Syrian Golan territories targeting the southern Damascus outskirts. The majority of the missiles were intercepted by the Syrian Air Defence but four soldiers were killed in the attack and two were injured. Material damage was also caused.


在袭击中丧生的三名士兵的名字是:恩少校。伊萨·塔哈·哈穆德、卢埃·巴萨姆·穆罕默德中尉、艾哈迈德·马雷中尉。The names of three of the soldiers killed in the attack - Major Eng. Issa Taha Hammoud, Lieutenant Louay Bassam Muhammad, Lieutenant Ahmed Mare’e.

与往常一样,以色列发动袭击的时机恰逢俄罗斯/叙利亚对伊德利卜(西北部)沙姆解放组织(基地组织分支)的袭击增多,以及叙利亚在叙利亚北部地区集结军队。以色列实际上是美国在该地区的攻击狗,以色列的目的是通过瞄准防空系统和人员来摧毁叙利亚的自卫能力。The timing of the Israeli attack, as always, coincides with increased Russian/Syrian attacks on the Hayat Tahrir Al Sham (Al Qaeda offshoot) in Idlib (north-west) and the Syrian military build up in the northern region of Syria. Israel is effectively the U.S. attack dog in the region and Israel’s intention is to destroy the capability of Syria to defend itself by targeting air-defence systems and personnel.

当然,这些袭击违反了国际法,而且除非有“以色列先发制人的自卫”比喻,否则 BBC 或 CNN 不会提及这些袭击。对于以色列来说,这是一场战争,即在两国及其盟友之间的冲突大幅升级之前摧毁叙利亚防御和进攻性武器的战略。Of course these attacks are a violaton of international law and of course these attacks will go unmentioned at the BBC or CNN unless justified by the “Israeli pre-emptive self defence” trope. For Israel this is the war-between-wars - the strategy to destroy Syrian defence and offensive weapons before any major escalation of conflict between the two countries and their allies.

俄罗斯袭击伊德利卜的 HTS 总部Russian strikes on HTS headquarters in Idlib


俄罗斯空袭伊德利卜的 HTS 阵地Russian strikes on HTS positions in Idlib

8 月 5 日,努斯拉阵线恐怖分子(叙利亚基地组织)轰炸了哈马乡村 Qalaat Mirza 村的民房和基础设施,造成两名妇女受伤并造成大范围的结构性破坏。叙利亚阿拉伯军炮兵集中攻击伊德利卜省吉斯尔舒古尔市和周边乡村的努斯拉阵线军事阵地和基地。On August 5th Nusra Front terrorists (Al Qaeda in Syria) bombed civilian homes and infrastructure in the village of Qalaat Mirza in Hama countryside injuring two women and causing extensive structural damage. Syrian Arab Army artillery intensively targeted the military positions and bases of Nusra Front in Jisr Al Shughour City and surrounding countryside in Idlib province.

8月6日,即以色列袭击大马士革的前一天,俄罗斯和叙利亚战机摧毁了HTS恐怖势力位于伊德利卜市乡村的总部。据当地消息人士称,这些建筑物内有恐怖组织的重要设施。On August 6th, the day before the Israeli attack on Damascus - Russian and Syrian jets destroyed the headquarters of HTS terrorist forces in the countryside of Idlib City. According to local sources, the buildings contained important facilities for the terrorist group.

观看罢工视频:Watch video of the strike:

中央情报局/军情六处白盔组织几乎立即Almost immediately the CIA/MI6 White Helmet construct 采取行动sprang into action,谴责俄罗斯/叙利亚的进攻: to condemn the Russian/Syrian offensive:

该组织表示,“今天早上,俄罗斯空袭”对该市西部“造成同一家庭三人死亡”,“另外六人受伤”。叙利亚民防组织“白头盔”表示,三名死者是一名男子、他的妻子和他们的儿子。"Russian air strikes this morning" to the west of the city "left three people dead from the same family" and "six other people wounded", the organisation said. The Syrian Civil Defence organisation known as the White Helmets said the three dead were a man, his wife and their son.

推特上出现了这些熟悉的图片,与 HTS 有关的特工穿着原始的白头盔制服,在可能在任何地方的废墟上攀爬。The familiar images appeared on Twitter of HTS-linked operatives wearing pristine White Helmet uniforms clambering over rubble that could be anywhere. Even the EU-funded 就连以反叙利亚政府立场闻名、由欧盟资助的叙利亚人权观察站也承认,这次袭击袭击了“反对派”设施。Syrian Observatory of Human Rights known for their anti-Syrian-government position admitted that the strike had hit an “opposition” facility.


另一种说法是这些建筑物是空的,但这一说法被 Telegram 上的多位分析师揭穿,截图清楚地显示了罢工前建筑物中的活动:Another claim was that the buildings were vacant but this was debunked by various analysts on Telegram with screenshots showing clearly the activity in the buildings immediately before the strike:


俄罗斯国防部还The Russian Ministry of Defence has also 宣布announced,伊德利卜以及拉塔基亚和阿勒颇北部乡村的恐怖组织正准备对叙利亚和俄罗斯军队的阵地发动袭击。赫梅米姆俄罗斯协调中心副主任、海军少将瓦迪姆·科利特表示,基地组织的目的是对叙利亚和俄罗斯巡逻队发动自杀式袭击。 that terrorist organisations in Idlib and the northern countryside of Lattakia and Aleppo are preparing to carry out attacks against the positions of Syrian and Russian forces. The intention by Al Qaeda is to carry out suicide attacks against Syrian and Russian patrols - according to the deputy head of the Russian coordination centre in Hmemim, Rear Admiral Vadim Collett.

俄罗斯瞄准叙利亚东南部的恐怖分子据点——美国非法军事基地阿尔坦夫Russia targeting terrorist positions in south-east Syria - the US illegal military base of Al Tanf


在俄罗斯和叙利亚战机轰炸西北部恐怖分子据点的同时,俄罗斯正在继续对叙利亚东南部阿尔坦夫美国非法军事基地附近的恐怖分子据点进行轰炸。At the same time as Russian and Syrian warplanes are pounding terrorist positions in the north-west, Russia is continuing a bombing campaign against terrorist positions in the proximity of the US illegal military base at Al Tanf in south-east Syria.

观看俄罗斯对恐怖分子阵地的空袭:Watch a Russian air-strike on terrorist positions:

我在上一份总结中报告说,美国的意图是在伊拉克和约旦边境的坦夫建立一个恐怖分子中心,在那里他们可以监督对阿拉伯叙利亚军队阵地、车队的袭击,并威胁叙利亚平民的安全。最近做的比较频繁。I reported in my last summary that the U.S. intention is to create a terrorist hub in Al Tanf on the border with Iraq and Jordan from which they can oversee attacks against Syrian Arab Army positions, convoys and threaten the security of Syrian civilians as they have been doing more regularly recently.

叙利亚俄罗斯联合夜间战术军事实弹演习Syrian Russian joint night tactical military live fire exercises


8月3日,叙利亚和俄罗斯特种部队进行了夜间实弹演习,旨在模拟将村庄从恐怖分子占领下解放出来,主要目标是伊德利卜。On the 3rd August Syrian and Russian special forces carried out night live fire exercises designed to simulate liberating villages from terrorist occupation, targeting Idlib primarily.

俄罗斯 Su-24 战术轰炸机、Su-35 喷气式飞机和 Ka-52 攻击直升机参加了这些演习,其中包括阿拉伯叙利亚陆军特种部队使用 Mi-8 AMTSH 直升机进行降落伞和夜间空投。Russian Su-24 tactical bombers, Su-35 jets and Ka-52 attack helicopters participated in these exercises which included a parachute and night airdrop by the Syrian Arab Army Special Forces using Mi-8 AMTSH helicopters.

虽然这些演习并不罕见,但这次演习的时机也与目前清除叙利亚以美英为首的代理人恐怖联盟(包括英国、美国军队和承包商)的行动的升级有关。While these exercises are not unusual the timing of this drill also has a connection to the current uptick in the campaign to rid Syria of the US-UK-led proxy terrorist alliance, including the UK US forces and contractors.


叙利亚阿拉伯军队与伊斯兰国之间的激烈冲突Fierce clashes between Syrian Arab Army units and ISIS


8 月 8 日,ISIS 试图突破代尔祖尔西部沙漠 Al Majbel - Qaws Maadan 轴线上的 SAA 防御。这里距离最近在叙利亚中部重建的美军基地不远。过去几周,美国更加频繁地触发“伊斯兰国”组织,这也是进一步破坏叙利亚稳定的新军事行动的一部分。自那以后,SAA 已控制了检查站和周边地区的安全。On the 8th August ISIS tried to breach SAA defences on the Al Majbel - Qaws Maadan axis in the western desert of Deir Ezzor. This is not far from the recently re-established U.S. military base in central Syria. The U.S. is triggering ISIS cells more regularly in the last few weeks, again as part of the build-up of new military campaign to further destabilise Syria. The checkpoints and surrounding areas have since been secured by the SAA.

During the attack one Syrian soldier was killed and three others wounded according to 据安全消息人士security sources称,袭击期间,一名叙利亚士兵被杀,三人受伤.


国防军与伊斯兰国夜间冲突Night clashes between National Defence Forces and ISIS

人道主义援助的宣布与恐怖主义军事活动的增加同步Humanitarian aid announced in lock-step with increased terrorist military activity


当土耳其、美国、英国、以色列及其盟国控制的各种恐怖代理势力的军事活动增加时,往往会巧合地宣布以某种借口增加对伊德利卜的所谓人道主义援助。When there is an increase in military activity from the various terrorist proxy forces controlled by Turkey, US, UK, Israel and allies there is often a coincidental announcement of an increase in so-called humanitarian aid to Idlib under some pretext or other.

这次宣布This time it has been announced英国的援助资金已通过 ActionAid(英国是主要资助者)转移到伊德利卜,该组织与紫罗兰组织合作,紫罗兰组织是白盔组织的一个分支,许多相同的支持者维持着其在伊德利卜省的存在,主要由基地组织及其附属机构。我之前写过有关 that British aid money has been diverted to Idlib via ActionAid (UK is primary funder) who is partnering the Violet organisation - an offshoot of the White Helmets with many of the same backers maintaining its presence in Idlib province dominated by Al Qaeda and affiliates. I have previously written about the Violet organisation for Unlimited Hangout 的 Violet 组织的文章。Unlimited Hangout.

美国向中东派遣3000多名水手和海军陆战队员U.S. sends more than 3000 sailors and marines to Middle East


According to 福克斯新闻报道Fox News:

美国海军周一宣布,超过 3,000 名水手和海军陆战队员抵达中东,此前美国国防部因The U.S. Navy announced the arrival Monday of more than 3,000 sailors and Marines to the Middle East following a call by the Department of Defense伊朗最近试图在中央司令部行动区域扣押商船”而呼吁增派部队。  for additional troops after "recent attempts by Iran to seize commercial ships in the CENTCOM area of operations." 

据新闻电视台报道:According to Press TV:

过去几年,伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队(IRGC)海军在波斯湾战略地区和其他公海挫败了多起针对伊朗和外国油轮的袭击。Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy has over the past years foiled several attacks on both Iranian and foreign tankers in the strategic Persian Gulf region and other high seas.

去年,伊斯兰革命卫队海军在各种任务中没收了超过 5000 万升走私燃料,主要是柴油。 The IRGC’s Navy confiscated more than 50 million liters of smuggled fuel, mainly diesel, in various missions last year. 

美国海军多次扣押伊朗控制的油轮和运往其他国家的石油,理由是美国对伊朗石油出口实施制裁。伊朗表示,它认为潜伏在波斯湾水域的美国军舰对其安全构成威胁,也是该地区紧张和不稳定的根源。 The US navy has several times seized Iranian-controlled tankers and shipments of oil en route to other countries, citing its own sanctions on Iran's oil exports. Iran says it views US military vessels lurking in the waters of the Persian Gulf as a threat to its security and a source of tension and instability in the region. 

可以肯定的是,五角大楼和拜登政府的这些举动都不能孤立地看待。该战略将进一步切断叙利亚与一直在援助这个陷入困境的国家的盟国的联系,美国对叙利亚东北部包括石油在内的重要资源的盗窃和占领负有责任。What is certain is that none of these moves by the Pentagon and the Biden administration can be viewed in isolation. The strategy will be to cut Syria off even further from allied nations who have been assisting the beleaguered country where the U.S. is responsible for the theft and occupation of essential resources including oil in the north-east.

位于萨那的也门救国联合政府外交部副部长通过他的 Twitter (X) 帐户宣布:Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister in the Yemeni National Salvation coalition government in Sana’a Hussein Al Ezzi has announced via his Twitter (X) account:


谷歌翻译Syria updates - US increase military in Middle East, Israel attacks Damascus countryside



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