
来源: 唵啊吽 2023-08-07 20:04:41 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (830537 bytes)







西非自然资源丰富。对于美国和法国来说也非常具有战略意义。West Africa is rich in natural resources. It is also very strategic for the United States and France.

几乎整个西非都被法国殖民,法国在该地区犯下了残酷的暴行。Almost all of West Africa was colonized by France, which committed brutal atrocities in the region.

直到今天,法国仍然维持新殖民政策,通过强迫西非金融共同体法郎作为本国货币来有效控制西非经济。Still today, France maintains neocolonial policies, effectively controlling West African economies by forcing them to use the CFA franc as their national currency.

塞内加尔发展经济学家恩东戈·桑巴·西拉 (Ndongo Samba Sylla) 将非洲Senegalese development economist Ndongo Samba Sylla described the 金融共同体法郎描述为“一种殖民地货币CFA franc as "a colonial currency,诞生于法国需要促进其管理下的殖民地之间的经济一体化,从而控制其资源、经济结构和政治制度”。, born of France’s need to foster economic integration among the colonies under its administration, and thus control their resources, economic structures and political systems".

巴黎决定着货币政策,甚至掌握着尼日尔、布基纳法索和马里等许多西非国家的大部分外汇储备。Paris dictates the monetary policies and even holds much of the foreign exchange reserves of numerous West African nations, including Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali.




美国在尼日尔拥有最大、最重要的无人机基地之一:201 号空军基地,该基地的建造成本为 1.1 亿美元,每年还要额外花费 20-3000 万美元进行维护,而尼日尔是地球上最贫穷的国家之一。The United States has one of its largest and most important drone bases in Niger: the Air Base 201, which cost $110 million to build, and an additional $20-30 million per year to maintain - in one of the poorest countries on Earth.

尼日尔对于五角大楼的非洲战略具有重要的地缘战略意义。它位于萨赫勒中部,该地区是美国和法国军事活动较多的地区,经常驻有数千名士兵。Niger is geostrategically important for the Pentagon's Africa strategy. It is located in the middle of the Sahel, a region with a lot of US and French military activity, where thousands of troops are stationed on a regular basis.

华盛顿利用其位于萨赫勒地区中心的尼日尔的无人机基地,试图与美国非洲司令部(AFRICOM)部署在整个非洲大陆的部队协调,在北非和西非行使军事主导地位。Washington uses its drone bases in Niger, in the heart of the Sahel, to try to exercise military dominance in North and West Africa, in coordination with the forces that US Africa Command, or AFRICOM, has deployed across the continent.

如果华盛顿失去在尼日尔的盟友,新的民族主义军政府可能会尝试关闭外国军事基地,并驱逐在尼日尔的大约1000名美军。If Washington loses its ally in Niger, the new nationalist military government may try to close the foreign military bases and kick out the roughly 1000 US soldiers in the country.

尼日尔历史上与西方列强的从属关系并没有给尼日尔人民带来任何繁荣。Niger's historically subordinate relationship with the Western powers has not brought the Nigerien people any prosperity.

该国是黄金主要生产国,但The country is a major producer of gold, but 超过 40% 的尼日尔人生活在极端贫困之中more than 40% of Nigeriens live in extreme poverty.

尼日尔也是世界上最大的铀生产国之一。这种放射性物质对于欧洲的核能至关重要,尤其是在法国,该国大约三分之一的电力来自核电。Niger is also one of the world's largest producers of uranium. This radioactive material is crucial for nuclear energy in Europe, especially in France, where roughly one-third of electricity comes from nuclear power.

鲜为人知的是,Less known is that 尼日尔还拥有大量石油储量Niger also has sizeable oil reserves.

市场情报公司标准普尔全球商品洞察警告称,尼日尔7月发生的政变“可能会危及这个非洲国家The market intelligence firm S&P Global Commodity Insights warned that the July coup in Niger "could jeopardize the African country's 成为重要石油生产国和出口国的计划plans to become a significant oil producer and exporter”。”.

报告将尼日尔描述为“重要的西方盟友和安全伙伴以及世界上最大的铀生产国之一”,并补充说“据非洲石油生产者组织称,该国据信拥有10亿桶原油储量”。It described Niger as a "key Western ally and security partner and one of the world's biggest uranium producers", adding that the "country is believed to be sitting on a billion barrels of crude reserves, according to the African Petroleum Producers' Organization".

标准普尔全球商品洞察指出,尼日尔一直在与南部邻国贝宁建设一条石油管道,将原油出口运输到几内亚湾和大西洋。该国“正处于期待已久的产量激增的边缘”,一位石油行业高管将这条管道描述为“游戏规则改变者”。S&P Global Commodity Insights noted that Niger has been building an oil pipeline with southern neighbor Benin, to transport crude exports out into the Gulf of Guinea and Atlantic Ocean. The country "is on the verge of a long-awaited production surge", and an oil industry executive described the pipeline as a "game changer".

一位前国务院官员向市场情报公司抱怨说,在马里和布基纳法索的民族主义军官领导的政变之后,“政府突然将金矿国有化,将工业巨头赶了出来”。A former State Department official complained to the market intelligence firm that, following coups led by nationalist military officers in Mali and Burkina Faso, "the governments abruptly nationalized the gold mines, pushing industrial giants out".

尼日尔政变后不久,也有类似报道称,民族主义军政府决定阻止Soon after the coup in Niger, there were similar reports that the nationalist military government decided to 向西方出口铀和黄金block exports of uranium and gold to the West.

外国军事干预尼日尔和其他西非国家的前景确实摆在桌面上。这绝不是空洞的威胁。The prospect of a foreign military intervention in Niger and potentially other West African nations is truly on the table. It is by no means an empty threat.

该地区最近出现了西方干预的例子。This is a region where there were very recent examples of Western interventions.

2013年和2014年,法国对尼日尔邻国马里发动军事干预。In 2013 and 2014, France launched a military intervention in Mali, a neighbor of Niger.

在 2011 年的政权更迭战争中,以美国为首、在法国、其他欧洲国家和加拿大支持下的北约摧毁了利比亚,杀死了这个北非国家的长期革命领袖穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲。In a 2011 regime-change war, NATO - led by the United States, with the support of France, other European nations, and Canada - destroyed the state of Libya, killing the North African nation's longtime revolutionary leader, Muammar Gadhafi.

十年后的今天,利比亚仍然没有统一的中央政府。该国一直处于破坏性内战状态。Still today, a decade later, Libya has no unified central government. The country has been in a state of destructive civil war.

现在,破坏利比亚稳定和蹂躏利比亚的西方列强确实有可能将这种暴力混乱扩大到西部和南部萨赫勒地区。Now there is a real possibility that the Western powers that destabilized and devastated Libya could expand this violent chaos to the west and to the south, to the Sahel region.



反殖民民族主义者在西非上台Anti-colonial nationalists rise to power in West Africa


一些在西非掌权的民族主义军事领导人正在援引反殖民运动的历史遗产。Some of the nationalist military leaders who have taken power in West Africa are invoking the historical legacy of anti-colonial movements.

在尼日尔的邻国布基纳法索,新In Niger's neighbor Burkina Faso, the new 总统易卜拉欣·特拉奥雷誓言要打击帝国主义president, Ibrahim Traoré, has vowed to fight imperialism,引用切·格瓦拉的话,并与尼加拉瓜、委内瑞拉和古巴的左翼政府结盟。, quoting Che Guevara and allying with the leftist governments in Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Cuba.

Traoré 的灵感来自于布基纳法索前马克思主义领袖托马斯·桑卡拉 (Thomas Sankara),他是一位泛非主义军官,在 20 世纪 80 年代发起了一场民众革命。Traoré is inspired by Burkina Faso's former Marxist leader Thomas Sankara, a pan-Africanist military officer who launched a popular revolution in the 1980s.

特拉奥雷甚至任命桑卡拉的前亲密盟友阿波利奈尔·约阿希姆·凯莱姆·德·坦贝拉为总理,他说他将监督“国家的重建”。Traoré even appointed as his prime minister a former close ally of Sankara, Apollinaire Joachim Kyélem de Tambèla, who he says will oversee a “refoundation of the nation”.


布基纳法索革命总统易卜拉欣·特拉奥雷Burkina Faso's revolutionary President Ibrahim Traoré

然而,与此同时,这些政府高度不稳定,并且在近年来不仅发生了一次政变,而且还发生了一系列政变后上台。At the same time, however, these governments are highly unstable, and have risen to power following not just one but a series of coups in recent years.

其中一些政变是由美国或法国军队训练的军官领导的。一些政变已经建立了亲西方的军政府。但其他一些活动是由民族主义军官发起的,他们反对法国新殖民主义和美帝国主义,并主张更加主权、独立的政策。Some of these putsches were led by officers trained by the US or French militaries. Some of the coups have installed pro-Western military governments. But others have been launched by nationalist military officers who oppose French neocolonialism and US imperialism and have asserted more sovereign, independent policies.

干预西非的威胁Threats of intervention in West Africa


尼日尔新政府领导人公开警告说,The leaders of the new government in Niger publicly warned that 法国正在密谋军事干预France is plotting military intervention.

据《卫报》报道,当局表示,巴黎正在寻找“对尼日尔进行军事干预的方式方法”,并表示法国官员会见了尼日尔国民警卫队参谋长,“以获得必要的政治和军事授权”。Paris is looking “for ways and means to intervene militarily in Niger”, the authorities said, stating that French officials met with the chief of staff of Niger’s national guard “to obtain the necessary political and military authorisation”, The Guardian reported.

英国报纸将尼日尔被推翻的总统巴祖姆描述为“西方列强的盟友”。The British newspaper described Niger's toppled president, Bazoum, as "an ally of western powers".

Along with Paris, the 美国国务院US State Department与巴黎一道,积极与巴祖姆协调,密谋让其盟友重新掌权。 is actively coordinating with Bazoum and plotting to put its ally back in power.



为了为其干预计划提供所谓的“多边”掩护,美国和法国一直在与西非国家经济共同体(西非经共体)密切合作。To give supposed "multilateral" cover to their plans for intervention, the US and France have been working closely with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

路透社报道称,西非国家经济共同体和“西非国防部长已制定了一项Reuters reported that ECOWAS and "West African defence chiefs have drawn up a 如果尼日尔政变不被推翻则采取军事行动的计划”。plan for military action if Niger's coup is not overturned".

这家英国新闻媒体强调,“鉴于尼日尔丰富的铀和石油资源以及在萨赫勒地区与伊斯兰叛乱分子的战争中的关键作用,尼日尔对美国、中国、欧洲和俄罗斯具有战略意义”。The UK-based news outlet emphasized, "Given its uranium and oil riches and pivotal role in the war with Islamist rebels in the Sahel region, Niger has strategic significance for the United States, China, Europe and Russia".

西非经共体对尼日尔实施制裁,该国南部邻国尼日利亚已开始建立事实上的封锁。ECOWAS imposed sanctions on Niger, and the country's southern neighbor Nigeria has begun establishing a de facto blockade.

尼日尔此前约 70% 的电力来自尼日利亚。但与西方关系密切的尼日利亚政府现在已经Niger previously received roughly 70% of its electricity from Nigeria. But the Nigerian government, which is closely allied with the West, has now 切断了这一权力cut off that power.

然而,外国干预说起来容易做起来难,因为尼日尔的邻国已经站出来为其辩护。Foreign intervention may be easier said than done, however, because Niger's neighbors have come to its defense.

布基纳法索和马里政府发表联合声明,表示“对尼日尔的任何军事干预都相当于The governments in Burkina Faso and Mali released a joint statement stating that "any military intervention against Niger would be tantamount to a 对布基纳法索和马里宣战declaration of war against Burkina Faso and Mali”。”.

据《法国 24 日》报道,西非国家警告称,“军事干预尼日尔的灾难性后果……可能会破坏整个地区的稳定”。The West African nations warned that the "disastrous consequences of a military intervention in Niger ... could destabilise the entire region", France 24 reported.

布基纳法索和马里还谴责西方政府“针对尼日尔人民和当局”实施的“非法、非法和不人道的制裁”。Burkina Faso and Mali also condemned the "illegal, illegitimate and inhumane sanctions" that Western governments have imposed "against the people and authorities of Niger".


尼日尔 穆罕默德·巴祖姆·马克龙 法国

2023 年 2 月,尼日尔亲西方领导人穆罕默德·巴祖姆与法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙Niger's pro-Western leader Mohamed Bazoum with French President Emmanuel Macron in February 2023

美国和法国在非洲发现了他们不喜欢的政变US and France discover a coup in Africa they don't like


2023年7月下旬,尼日尔总统穆罕默德·巴祖姆被推翻后,美国和法国立即采取行动,谴责他的下台,并要求这位亲西方领导人复职。In late July 2023, when Niger's President Mohamed Bazoum was overthrown, the United States and France immediately sprung into action, condemning his ouster and demanding that the pro-Western leader be reinstated.

Many African activists highlighted the overwhelming 许多非洲活动人士强调了这种反应以及西方关于促进“民主”的言论的hypocrisy of this response巨大虚伪性 and of Western rhetoric about promoting "democracy".

在过去的一个世纪里,美国和欧洲列强在全球南方地区合法化、支持甚至组织了数十起政变,以推进其经济和地缘政治利益。In the past century, the US and European powers have legitimized, supported, and even organized dozens of coups across the Global South, in order to advance their economic and geopolitical interests.

由反殖民领导人领导的民选政府被西方列强推翻甚至在某些情况下杀害的例子不胜枚举。There are myriad examples of democratically elected governments led by anti-colonial leaders who were overthrown and in some cases killed by the Western powers.

最著名的历史事件之一是刚果民主共和国创始人帕特里斯·卢蒙巴的事件。One of the most well-known historical episodes was that of Patrice Lumumba, the founder of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

刚果曾是比利时的殖民地。在残酷的利奥波德二世国王统治下,Congo had been a Belgian colony. Under brutal King Leopold II, 比利时在那里实施了种族灭绝Belgium committed genocide,杀死了 there, killing off 一半的刚果人口half of the Congolese population.

卢蒙巴帮助领导了反对欧洲殖民主义的独立运动,并于 1960 年民主选举为刚果民主共和国首任总理。Lumumba helped lead an independence movement against European colonialism, and was democratically elected the DRC's first prime minister in 1960.

美国总统德怀特·艾森豪威尔命令US President Dwight Eisenhower ordered the 中央情报局刺杀卢蒙巴CIA to assassinate Lumumba在间谍机构的帮助下,比利时发起政变推翻了他。. With help from the spy agency, Belgium sponsored a coup to remove him.

民主选举产生的刚果领导人遭到绑架和谋杀。他的尸体随后被酸溶解。只留下了几颗牙齿。The democratically elected Congolese leader was kidnapped and murdered. His body was subsequently dissolved in acid. Just a few teeth were left behind.

这就是第一次冷战期间西方政府对待反殖民领导人的方式。他们发起政变以推翻他们,随后建立并支持了几十年来铁腕统治的右翼亲帝国主义独裁政权。This is how Western governments treated anti-colonial leaders during the first cold war. They sponsored coups to remove them and subsequently installed and propped up right-wing, pro-imperialist dictatorships that ruled for decades with an iron fist.



帕特里斯·卢蒙巴Patrice Lumumba

西方对 2023 年 7 月尼日尔政变的反应完全不同。The Western response to the July 2023 coup in Niger was completely different.

随即,法国政府谴责了军方领导的新民族主义政府。Immediately, the French government denounced the new nationalist government led by the military. 埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)办公室Emmanuel Macron's office誓言将做出强有力而迅速的回应,并写道,“总统不会容忍任何针对法国及其利益的攻击”,特别强调了法国在尼日尔的商业利益。 vowed a strong and swift response, writing, "The President will not tolerate any attack against France and its interests", specifically emphasizing its business interests in Niger.

While sponsoring unelected coup regimes in 美国国务院在支持巴基斯坦Pakistan and 秘鲁Peru非选举政变的同时, the 也迅速发表声明谴责尼日尔新军政府。US State Department also quickly released a statement condemning the new military government in Niger.

声明写道:“美国欢迎并赞扬西非国家经济共同体(西非经共体)国家元首和政府首脑在捍卫尼日尔宪法秩序方面发挥的强有力领导作用。”"The United States welcomes and commends the strong leadership of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Heads of State and Government to defend constitutional order in Niger", it wrote.

在谈到尼日尔被推翻的亲西方领导人时,华盛顿呼吁“立即释放总统穆罕默德·巴祖姆及其家人,并恢复所有国家职能”。Referring to Niger's toppled pro-Western leader, Washington called "for the immediate release of President Mohamed Bazoum and his family and the restoration of all state functions".

美国补充说,它“欢迎向尼日尔派遣西非经共体主席特别代表”,并“将继续与西非经共体和西非领导人积极接触,制定下一步措施,以维护尼日尔来之不易的民主”。The US added that it "welcomes the dispatch of the special representative of the ECOWAS Chair to Niger" and "will remain actively engaged with ECOWAS and West African leaders on next steps to preserve Niger’s hard-earned democracy".

通过利用西非经共体为对尼日尔的干预提供“多边”掩护,美国和法国正在回归2011年利用北约对利比亚发动战争时所采用的战略。By instrumentalizing ECOWAS to give "multilateral" cover to an intervention in Niger, the US and France are returning to the strategy they employed when they used NATO to wage war on Libya in 2011.

目前,西方列强也在做同样的事情,为再次对海地进行军事干预辩护,重新建立一个At the moment, the Western powers are also doing the same to justify another military intervention in Haiti, re-creating an international alliance 表面上由肯尼亚领导的国际联盟ostensibly led by Kenya,占领这个加勒比国家。 to occupy the Caribbean nation.

尼日尔是欧洲核能所需铀的主要生产国Niger is a leading producer of uranium, needed for European nuclear energy


西方列强在尼日尔的主要经济利益之一是铀。One of the principal economic interests that Western powers have in Niger is its uranium.

反贫困组织乐施会在 2013 年发表了一份报告,详细介绍了法国如何从The anti-poverty organization Oxfam published a report in 2013 detailing how France was making a killing 世界上最贫穷的国家之一尼日尔的铀矿中获利。profiting off of the uranium in Niger, which is one of the poorest countries in the world.

被称为尼日尔人(不要与来自尼日利亚的尼日利亚人混淆)的尼日尔人民几乎没有从这种铀提取中看到任何好处。The people of Niger, who are known as Nigeriens (not to be confused with Nigerians from Nigeria), have seen almost no benefits from this uranium extraction.

乐施会援引一位尼日尔活动家的话说,“在法国,三分之一的灯泡都是靠尼日尔的铀而点亮的。在尼日尔,近 90% 的人口用不上电。这种情况不能再继续下去了”。Oxfam cited a Nigerien activist who noted, "In France, one out of every three light bulbs is lit thanks to Nigerien uranium. In Niger, nearly 90% of the population has no access to electricity. This situation cannot continue".

乐施会的一位研究人员补充说:“令人难以理解的是,作为世界第四大铀生产国、阿海珐和法国的战略供应商,尼日尔没有利用这次开采的收入,仍然是地球上最贫穷的国家之一。”"It is incomprehensible that Niger, the world's fourth-largest uranium producer and a strategic supplier for Areva and France, is not taking advantage of the revenue from this extraction and remains one of the poorest countries on the planet", an Oxfam researcher added.

自该报告发布以来的十年间,统计数据略有变化。The statistics have slightly changed in the decade since that report was published.

截至2023年,尼日尔是As of 2023, Niger is the 世界第七大铀生产国world's seventh-biggest producer of uranium.

但许多西方媒体担心地注意到尼日尔对欧洲能源稳定的重要性。But many Western media outlets have noted with fear how important Niger is for European energy stability.

Politico 警告称, “尼日尔政变引发了"Niger coup sparks 对法国和欧盟铀concerns about French, EU uranium依赖的担忧”。 dependency", Politico warned.

据媒体报道,“尼日尔供应了法国 15% 的铀需求,占欧盟铀进口总量的五分之一”。“2021年,尼日尔是欧盟最大的铀供应国,其次是哈萨克斯坦和俄罗斯”。"Niger supplies 15 percent of France’s uranium needs and accounts for a fifth of the EU’s total uranium imports", the media outlet reported. "In 2021, Niger was the EU's top uranium supplier, followed by Kazakhstan and Russia".

Politico 补充说,“从长远来看,尼日尔政变可能对欧洲的铀需求构成挑战,正如欧洲大陆正试图逐步摆脱对欧洲核电站使用的另一个最大铀供应商俄罗斯的依赖一样”。Politico added that "the coup in Niger could be a challenge for Europe's uranium needs in the longer term, just as the continent is trying to phase out dependency on Russia, another top supplier of uranium used in European nuclear plants".

核能在欧洲相对重要。2022年,它占Nuclear energy is relatively important in Europe. In 2022, it made up around 10% of 欧盟能源消耗的10%左右EU energy consumption,略低于2002年近14%的峰值。, slightly down from a peak of nearly 14% in 2002.

在法国,核能更为重要。自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,核能已成为其主要能源之一。In France, nuclear energy is even more significant. Since the 1980s, nuclear has become one of its top energy sources.

到2000年代,法国的核电使用量超过了石油使用量,在2005年达到峰值近40%。2021年核电仍然保持强劲势头,占总能源消耗的36.5%(而石油为31%)。By the 2000s, France's nuclear power exceeded its use of oil, peaking at nearly 40% in 2005. Nuclear still remained strong in 2021, at 36.5% of total energy consumption (compared to 31% for oil).



自尼日尔政变以来,法国和欧盟领导人都坚称不会受到影响,并表示他们的Since the coup in Niger, both France and EU leadership have insisted they will not be affected, stating that they have enough 铀储备uranium in their reserves足以维持几年。 to last a few years.

但如果尼日尔民族主义政府继续掌权并遵守其所谓的切断铀出口的承诺,欧洲可能会面临经济后果。But if the nationalist government remains in power in Niger and abides by its alleged pledge to cut off uranium exports, Europe could face economic consequences.

这对欧洲来说也是一个复杂的时刻,欧洲已承诺抵制俄罗斯石油出口并减少俄罗斯天然气进口。This also comes at a complicated moment for Europe, which has pledged to boycott Russian oil exports and reduce imports of Russian gas.

俄罗斯是世界上最大的石油和天然气生产国之一。在俄罗斯于2022年入侵乌克兰并实施西方严厉制裁之前,俄罗斯是欧盟最大的能源合作伙伴,也是许多成员国的第一大石油和天然气供应国。Russia is one of the world's top producers of both oil and gas. Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and the imposition of harsh Western sanctions, Russia was the EU's biggest energy partner, and the number one provider of oil and gas to many member states.


一些欧盟官员提议增加核能产量,以结束该地区对俄罗斯的依赖。Some EU officials had proposed increasing nuclear energy production to end the region's reliance on Russia.

但现在,欧盟核能所需铀的最大供应商之一发生了一场由反对欧洲新殖民政策的民族主义者领导的政变。But now one of the top providers of the uranium the EU needs for that nuclear energy has seen a coup led by nationalists who oppose Europe's neocolonial policies.

与此同时,欧洲一些国家正陷入衰退。This also comes at a moment in which several countries in Europe are going into recession.

德国是欧盟中心的制造业超级大国,正在以极快的速度Germany, the manufacturing superpower at the heart of the EU, is 进行去工业化deindustrializing,很大程度上是因为它失去了重工业所需的廉价能源的主要来源。 at breakneck speed, largely because it has lost major sources of the cheap energy that its heavy industry needs.

尼日尔拥有美国战略军事基地Niger hosts strategic US military bases


除了对西非的外国经济设计外,美国军队还在该地区留下了巨大的足迹,特别是在尼日尔,美国在那里设有多个基地。In addition to foreign economic designs on West Africa, the US military has a massive footprint on the region - particularly in Niger, where it operates multiple bases.

PBS 2019 年的一份报告指出,美国在非洲的军事存在不断增加,并透露五角大楼A 2019 report in PBS noted an increasing US military presence in Africa, revealing that the Pentagon had nearly 在尼日尔驻扎了近 800 名人员800 personnel stationed in Niger(这个数字后来上升到大约 1000。). (That figure later rose to roughly 1000.)

驻非洲美军司令托马斯·瓦尔德豪瑟将军将尼日尔的亲西方政府描述为“一个非常非常糟糕的邻里的好伙伴”。General Thomas Waldhauser, the commander of US military forces in Africa, described Niger's pro-Western government as "a good partner in a very, very bad neighborhood".

美国公共广播公司表示,美国军方正在尼日尔阿加德兹建立一个基地,“这将是空军人员有史以来建造的最大的基地”。PBS indicated that the US military was creating a base in Agadez, Niger, which "will be the largest installation Air Force personnel have ever built".

该媒体写道:“自 2013 年以来,美国一直在尼日尔首都的另一个基地执行无人机任务”,并补充说,“据信中央情报局也在尼日尔东北部使用另一个无人机基地”。"The U.S. has been operating drone missions out of another base in Niger's capital since 2013", the media outlet wrote, adding, "The CIA is also believed to be using another drone base in Northeastern Niger".

Investigative journalist Nick Turse, reporting in 2023, described this US facility in Niger, Air Base 201, as "the linchpin of the 调查记者 Nick Turse 在 2023 年的报道中将美国位于尼日尔的 201 号空军基地描述为“美军在北非和西非群岛军事基地的U.S. military’s archipelago of bases in North and West Africa关键,也是美国广泛的情报、监视和军事行动的关键部分”。该地区的安全努力”。 and a key part of America’s wide-ranging intelligence, surveillance, and security efforts in the region".

图尔斯在《拦截》中写道:Turse wrote in The Intercept:

AB 201 的建造成本为 1.1 亿美元,每年维护费用为 20 至 3000 万美元,它是萨赫勒地区的监视中心,是参与高科技卫星通信、联合特种作战空中分队设施、包括武装 MQ-9 Reapers 在内的无人机舰队日夜在周边地区搜寻恐怖活动。201 空军基地是一个高度戒备的避风港,坐落在 25 公里长的“基地安全区”内,受到栅栏、屏障、带有定制发射口的升级空调警卫塔和军用工作犬的保护。Built at a price tag of $110 million and maintained to the tune of $20 to $30 million each year, AB 201 serves as a Sahelian surveillance hub that’s home to Space Force personnel involved in high-tech satellite communications, Joint Special Operations Air Detachment facilities, and a fleet of drones — including armed MQ-9 Reapers — that scour the surrounding region day and night for terrorist activity. A high-security haven, Air Base 201 sits within a 25-kilometer “base security zone” and is protected by fences, barriers, upgraded air-conditioned guard towers with custom-made firing ports, and military working dogs.

引人注目的是美国在尼日尔维护这些价值数亿美元的高科技军事设施的新殖民主义象征,尼日尔是地球上最贫穷的国家之一,那里的大多数人口甚至用不上电。What is striking is the neocolonial symbolism of the United States maintaining these high-tech military facilities worth hundreds of millions of dollars in Niger, one of the poorest countries on Earth, where the majority of the population doesn't even have access to electricity.


尼日尔美国军用无人机空军基地 201

2019 年,尼日尔阿加德兹 201 空军基地的美国士兵US soldiers at Air Base 201 in Agadez, Niger in 2019

在 2023 年 7 月政变之前,华盛顿将尼日尔政府视为其试图孤立中国和俄罗斯的关键盟友。Before the July 2023 coup, Washington saw the Nigerien government as a key ally in its attempt to isolate China and Russia.

安东尼·布林肯三??月份对尼日尔进行了历史性访问,这是美国国务卿首次访问尼日尔。Antony Blinken took a historic trip to Niger in March, in the first-ever visit by a US secretary of state.

《立即民主》指出,此行是“拜登政府Democracy Now noted that this trip was "part of the Biden administration’s growing 与中国和俄罗斯日益激烈的竞争的一部分competition with China and Russia”。”.

布朗大学研究员斯蒂芬妮·萨维尔对媒体表示:“尼日尔是美国在该地区安全伙伴关系的最后据点之一。”“Niger is one of the last strongholds of U.S. security partnerships in the region”, Brown University researcher Stephanie Savell told the media outlet.

布林肯的访问是在国务院 2022 年 12 月举行的Blinken's visit came just a few months after the State Department's December 2022 美国-非洲领导人峰会几个月后进行US-Africa Leaders Summit的,此次峰会邀请非洲国家元首前往华盛顿特区与拜登会面。, which brought African heads of state to Washington, DC to meet with Biden.

美国国务院写道,这次峰会“植根于对非洲是地缘政治关键角色的认识”——换句话说,华盛顿认为非洲大陆在针对中国和俄罗斯的新冷战中具有高度战略意义。The State Department wrote that the summit was "rooted in this recognition that Africa is a key geopolitical player" - in other words, Washington sees the continent as highly strategic in its new cold war against China and Russia.

政变与革命Coups vs. revolutions


西非新民族主义政府的主要弱点之一是他们是通过政变而非民众革命上台的。这意味着它们不太稳定,如果以历史为鉴的话,它们可能会在随后的政变中被推翻。One of the key weaknesses of the new nationalist governments in West Africa is that they came to power through coups, not popular revolutions. This means they are less stable, and if history is any indicator, could be toppled in subsequent coups.

尽管现代历史上的大多数政变都导致了几乎总是与西方帝国利益结盟的镇压性右翼政权的建立,但历史上也有一些左翼领导人通过政变上台的先例。Although most coups in modern history have led to the installation of repressive right-wing regimes, almost always allied with Western imperial interests, there is a historical precedent of some leftist leaders coming to power through coups.

非洲历史上最著名的革命领袖之一、埃及的贾迈勒·阿卜杜勒·纳赛尔 (Gamal Abdel Nasser) 参与领导了 1952 年的政变,作为反对君主制和欧洲殖民主义的进步自由军官运动的一部分。One of the most famous revolutionary leaders in the history of Africa, Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser, helped lead a coup in 1952, as part of the progressive Free Officers Movement, which opposed both monarchism and European colonialism.

纳赛尔是一位左翼民族主义者,他将外国殖民列强拥有的许多经济利益国有化,推行一些社会主义政策。Nasser was a left-wing nationalist who nationalized many of the economic interests owned by foreign colonial powers, implementing some socialist policies.

纳赛尔还奉行独立的外交政策,是不结盟运动的联合创始人。Nasser also maintained an independent foreign policy, and was a co-founder of the Non-Aligned Movement.



不结盟运动主要创始人(从左至右):印度贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁、加纳夸梅·恩克鲁玛、埃及贾迈勒·阿卜杜勒·纳赛尔、印度尼西亚苏加诺、南斯拉夫乔西普·布罗兹·铁托Major co-founders of the Non-Aligned Movement (from left to right): India's Jawaharlal Nehru, Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah, Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser, Indonesia's Sukarno, and Yugoslavia's Josip Broz Tito

这位埃及领导人不仅在西亚,而且在北非帮助激发了革命性的反殖民主义和阿拉伯民族主义运动。The Egyptian leader helped inspire revolutionary anti-colonial and Arab nationalist movements not only in West Asia, but also in North Africa.

1969年,左翼军事领导人穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲领导了另一场政变,他以埃及的名字命名了自己的反殖民、反君主主义自由军官运动。In 1969, there was another coup led by a left-wing military leader, Muammar Gadhafi, who named his own anti-colonial, anti-monarchist Free Officers Movement after that of Egypt.

和纳赛尔一样,卡扎菲实行社会主义政策,利用利比亚丰富的石油资源造福该国人民。Like Nasser, Gadhafi implemented socialist policies, using the oil riches in Libya to benefit the people of the country.

卡扎菲制定了强有力的社会计划,大幅增加了医疗保健、教育和住房方面的公共投资。Gadhafi created robust social programs, drastically expending public investment in healthcare, education, and housing.

在卡扎菲的领导下,利比亚的Under Gadhafi, Libya had the 生活水平是highest living standards非洲大陆最高的。 out of all of the African continent.


纳赛尔·卡扎菲 利比亚 埃及

1969 年,利比亚总统穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲(左)与埃及总统贾迈勒·阿卜杜勒·纳赛尔(右)Libya's President Muammar al-Gaddafi (left) with Egypt's President Gamal Abdal Nasser (right) in 1969

卡扎菲领导下的利比亚同样支持世界各地的革命斗争,从尼加拉瓜的桑地诺民族解放阵线,到抵抗大英帝国的爱尔兰共和党,再到反抗以色列殖民主义的土著巴勒斯坦人。Gadhafi's Libya likewise supported revolutionary struggles around the world, from the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, to Irish Republicans resisting the British empire, to indigenous Palestinians fighting against Israeli colonialism.

但2011年,卡扎菲在北约战争中阵亡。当西方支持的极端萨拉菲圣战分子用刺刀残忍杀害利比亚领导人时,美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿在电视直播中幸灾乐祸地说道,“我们来了,我们看到了,他死了But in 2011, Gadhafi was killed in a NATO war. When extremist Salafi-jihadist rebels sponsored by the West brutally murdered the Libyan leader with a bayonet, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gloated, live on TV, "We came, we saw, he died!

2011 年北约战争导致利比亚国家崩溃。十多年后的今天,利比亚仍然没有统一的中央政府。这个北非国家陷入了残酷的内战。NATO's 2011 war collapsed the Libyan state. Today, more than a decade later, there is still no unified central government in Libya. The North African nation has been trapped in a brutal civil war.

北约对利比亚政府的摧毁甚至NATO's destruction of the Libyan government even 让露天奴隶市场brought open-air slave markets重新回到了该国。 back to the country.

所以非洲大陆有左翼领导人通过军事政变上台的历史先例。但如果他们不通过民众革命巩固政府的权威和合法性,他们很可能会在另一次政变或外国军事干预中被推翻。So there is a historical precedent on the African continent of leftist leaders ascending to power through military coups. But if they don't solidify the government's authority and legitimacy through a popular revolution, the possibility of them being overthrown in another coup or by a foreign military intervention is very real.

在拉丁美洲,也有这样的例子。In Latin America, there have also been examples of this.

例如,1968 年秘鲁发生了由革命军事领导人胡安·贝拉斯科·阿尔瓦拉多 (Juan Velasco Alvarado) 领导的政变。与纳赛尔和卡扎菲一样,他实施社会主义政策,将银行、采矿和能源等关键经济部门国有化。In Peru in 1968, for instance, there was a coup led by a revolutionary military leader, Juan Velasco Alvarado. Like Nasser and Gadhafi, he implemented socialist policies, nationalizing key sectors of the economy, including banking, mining, and energy.

在促进工人权利和工会的同时,贝拉斯科还使盖丘亚语成为一种国家语言,为被前任(和未来)政府边缘化的原住民社区提供平等。While promoting workers' rights and unions, Velasco also made Quechua a national language, providing equality for Indigenous communities that had been marginalized by previous (and future) governments.

但贝拉斯科也在 1975 年弗朗西斯科·莫拉莱斯·贝穆德斯将军领导的另一场政变中被推翻,他扭转了贝拉斯科的许多进步成果。But Velasco was, too, overthrown in another coup, in 1975, led by General Francisco Morales Bermúdez, who reversed many of Velasco's progressive gains.

另一个著名的例子是委内瑞拉的乌戈·查韦斯 (Hugo Chávez),他在 1992 年也试图发动军事政变,反对该国新自由主义总统卡洛斯·安德烈斯·佩雷斯 (Carlos Andrés Pérez)(通常称为 CAP)。Another well-known example was Venezuela's Hugo Chávez, who in 1992 also tried to launch a military coup against the country's neoliberal president, Carlos Andrés Pérez (known commonly as CAP).

1989 年开始的第二个总统任期内,佩雷斯实施了激进的新自由主义经济改革,包括大规模私有化、削减补贴和提高公共交通票价。这引发了大规模抗议。During his second presidential term, which began in 1989, Pérez implemented aggressive neoliberal economic reforms, including mass privatizations, cuts to subsidies, and increasing public transportation fares. This led to massive protests.

槟消协以极端暴力回应民众起义,命令军队枪杀抗议者。数千人被杀。CAP responded to the popular uprising with extreme violence, ordering the military to gun down protesters. Thousands were killed.

这场被称为“加拉加索”的新自由主义大屠杀使乌戈·查韦斯等进步军事领导人变得激进。This neoliberal massacre, known as the Caracazo, radicalized progressive military leaders like Hugo Chávez.

1992年,查韦斯和其他几名左翼军官试图推翻CAP政权。他们失败了,并被监禁。In 1992, Chávez and several other left-wing military officers tried to overthrow the CAP regime. They failed, and were imprisoned.



委内瑞拉总统乌戈·查韦斯 (Hugo Chávez) 因 1992 年未遂政变被捕Venezuela's Hugo Chávez after being arrested for the failed 1992 coup

这次未遂政变使查韦斯成为民族英雄。1994年他被赦免并释放,随后竞选公职并赢得1998年总统选举。The attempted coup turned Chávez into a national hero. He was pardoned and released in 1994, then ran for office and won the 1998 presidential elections.

However, a briefly successful coup against President Chávez that soon followed in 2002, which was 然而,2002 年乔治·W·布什政府sponsored by the George W. Bush administration发起的一场针对查韦斯总统的短暂成功的政变表明,政变更多地是非民主右翼精英的工具。, shows how putches are much more often tools of undemocratic right-wing elites.

查韦斯在委内瑞拉工人阶级中看到了巨大的民众支持,扭转了美国支持的 2002 年政变,这对总统来说是一个转折点。他意识到他必须深化玻利瓦尔革命,并进一步向左转,走向社会主义。The massive popular support Chávez saw among working-class Venezuelans, who reversed the US-backed 2002 coup, was a turning point for the president. He realized he had to deepen the Bolivarian Revolution, and moved further to the left, toward socialism.

许多历史事件的教训是,如果没有像 1949 年中国、1959 年古巴或 1979 年尼加拉瓜所发生的那样的人民革命;如果只是由进步派甚至社会主义革命领导人领导的军事政变,那么政府往往会更加不稳定,并且更容易被推翻。The lesson in many of these historical episodes is that, if there is not a popular revolution, like what happened in China in 1949, in Cuba in 1959, or in Nicaragua in 1979; if there is simply a military coup led by a progressive or even socialist revolutionary leader, then the government tends to be much less stable, and it is significantly easier for them to be overthrown.

事实上,就布基纳法索而言,这正是历史。If fact, in the case of Burkina Faso, this is precisely the history.

1983年,托马斯·桑卡拉通过军事政变上台。他在革命进程中最亲密的盟友之一布莱斯·孔波雷 (Blaise Compaoré) 随后于 1987 年领导了另一场反对桑卡拉的政变。Thomas Sankara came to power in 1983 through a military coup. One of his closest allies in the revolutionary process, Blaise Compaoré, then led another coup against Sankara in 1987.

孔波雷杀死了他的老朋友桑卡拉,并从 1987 年到 2014 年基本上以独裁者的身份进行统治。Compaoré killed his longtime friend Sankara, and ruled essentially as a dictator from 1987 until 2014.

孔波雷放弃了桑卡拉的反帝和社会主义政策,采取右翼政治和新自由主义经济学,通过一系列被操纵的选举进行统治,与美国和前殖民者法国密切结盟。Compaoré abandoned Sankara's anti-imperialist and socialist policies, adopting right-wing politics and neoliberal economics, ruling through a series of rigged elections, in close alliance with the US and former colonizer France.


布莱斯·孔波雷 美国 乔治·布什

2008 年布基纳法索总统布莱斯·孔波雷与美国总统乔治·W·布什在白宫Burkina Faso's Blaise Compaoré with US President George W. Bush in the White House in 2008

这是目前西非局势的危险之一。有些民族主义政府寻求真正的独立和主权,但由于他们是通过政变上台的,因此开创了右翼军官可以推翻左翼军官并强加保守的亲西方政权的先例。This is one of the dangers of the situation now in West Africa. There are nationalist governments that seek true independence and sovereignty, but because they came to power through coups, it established a precedent that a right-wing military officer can use to overthrow the left-wing military officer and impose a conservative pro-Western regime.

此外,这些右翼军事领导人往往能够统治数十年,因为他们得到了西方政府和企业的支持。Moreover, these right-wing military leaders are often able to rule for decades, because they have support from Western governments and corporations.

这正是第一次冷战期间发生的情况。非洲大陆出现了一系列亲西方的右翼独裁政权,它们推翻了反殖民政府并强加了自己的反动政权。This is precisely what happened during the first cold war. There were a series of right-wing, pro-Western dictatorships across the African continent, which overthrew anti-colonial governments and imposed their own reactionary regimes.

许多左翼反殖民领导人在美国支持的右翼政变中被推翻,从1961年刚果民主共和国的帕特里斯·卢蒙巴到1966年加纳的夸梅·恩克鲁玛,再到1987年布基纳法索的托马斯·桑卡拉。Many leftist anti-colonial leaders were toppled in US-sponsored right-wing coups, from the Democratic Republic of Congo's Patrice Lumumba in 1961, to Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah in 1966, to Burkina Faso's Thomas Sankara in 1987.

尼日尔、布基纳法索和马里的民族主义政府非常不稳定,西方支持的军事干预威胁可能会破坏这些国家的稳定,引发更多政变,并可能引发地区战争。The nationalist governments in Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali are very unstable, and the threat of Western-sponsored military intervention could destabilize the countries, fueling more coups, and potentially setting off a regional war.

美国和法国的明确目标是重新对该地区实施政治控制,开发其丰富的自然资源和地缘战略位置。The transparent goal of the United States and France is to re-impose political control over the region, to exploit its plentiful natural resources and geostrategic location.

西非正在发生的事情是一场更大的国际运动的一部分,在这场运动中,南半球的前殖民地国家——包括拉丁美洲和亚洲地区——正在寻求彻底的非殖民化,主张国家对其资源、劳动力和经济的控制。和安全政策,以追求真正的发展、独立和主权。What is happening in West Africa is part of a larger international movement, in which formerly colonized countries across the Global South - in regions of Latin America and Asia as well - are seeking complete decolonization, asserting national control over their resources, labor, and economic and security policies, in pursuit of real development, independence, and sovereignty.

但帝国列强决不会不战而屈人之兵。But the imperial powers will by no means give up without a fight.


谷歌翻译US/France threaten intervention in resource-rich Niger: Fears of war in West Africa


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