
来源: yzout 2023-05-10 10:35:04 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1321264 bytes)
  • Instead of giving out checks use that money to improve education, vocational high schools, start with kindergarten and get these kids in STEM intensive education programs so when they reach graduation they are competitive. If we prepare the kids, they won’t need handouts to survive.

    1 replying


      Imagine a dystopian world where 13% of the population commits over 55% of the violent crime, but has convinced the other 87% that THEY are the problem.


        In the real world that is called "marketing".

      What money? California’s in the red!

      You cant help people who dont want help. How much more free do people need?



      I'll give money for "reparations" after they pay back all the costs of murder, rape, crime, looting, theft, vandalism and rioting for the past 250 years.

      Until then, get a job and contribute to society.

  • Govt throwing money at problems has a been so successful so far . Equal opportunity is all that is needed. Self earned success is much more gratifying. When I entered college I was told that potential employers wanted me to struggle, to work while in school was a plus. Dealing with t...See more

      The problem is the monies they want to throw are not their own, the state coffers have no money which they didn't take from someone else who earned it.


      Want to know who really faced discrimination and oppression throughout CAs history? Asians. What did they do about it? Well ... they worked and bettered themselves as a community, now making about $10k more per year than the average Caucasian family. What have African Americans done? Blamed wh...

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  • The mistake is considering reparations at all. Everything has been done that can be done. Equal opportunity for all is the law of the land. Systematic racism is dead. Those that fail, individually or as an identifiable group, fail on merit. Those who want to do better can do better by follow...

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      Equal opportunity was the intent, but turned on its head by equity and inclusion-exclusion.


      As far as they are concerned, everyone that isn't in their immediate circle should be paying them and the reason doesn't really matter. They are above working hard, because they are better than the rest of us, and we are the ones that should be working to pay their way.

  • This is the first time I ever agreed with Newsom on anything. I lived 15 years in that state and watched the decline up close. Now I’m at the opposite side of the country and I’m not affected except for our family, who need to escape ASAP and friends who have too many obligations to leave just yet....See more

      Agree with him? He started this mess. He just didn’t think it would get this far. He thought his virtue signaling would be enough.


      Some people don't realize that not everyone can just pack up and go, and I do feel bad for their situation.

  • Here’s the entire case:


    1) Woman says Trump attacked her 27 years ago plus or minus a year. No specific date, time and place of the alleged event.


    2) Trump’s due process rights are violated because he can’t possibly call witnesses to refute the date, time or place of the alleged event.


    3) Talking head...

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      What real evidence has she produced?

      She must be able to prove what she says he did.


      That ‘s why this will be overturned on appeal.


      You have a problem reading Jethro. This about reparations for slavery.

  • Who paid for that "task force"? It only had one purpose, and that purpose had nothing to do with "reparations" or even determining who qualified. It existed as a societal wedge for it's only purpose.


      Gavin Newsom's word salad about "investing billions to root out disparities and improve equity" is a song and dance to avoid saying that he doesn't want to further bankrupt CA and cause its wealthiest residents to flee the state.


        Wrong. Dems will use this as a legal excuse for gifting more social services to ONLY black people. Legal discrimination. That way, Dems will have 1000s more Dem-voting gov workers dolling out services. See how it spins yet?


      It was empty virtue signalling from the beginning. Newsom knows this and he also knows how ridiculous and unpopular this idea is in California and nationwide. He's eyeing a presidential run in 2024, which is why he's declining to endorse this now.

  • Personally, I think the lawyers got to him. They explained that if they start cutting checks, they'll open the state up to endless lawsuits, actual harm claims, punitive damages, etc... and that would bankrupt the state. Forever. Because the Native Americans would be next, and the floodgates would ...

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      Newsom and the lawyers knew all of that before he started this. It’s nothing but a political stunt and pandering for votes.


      Do you REALLY think that Newsom cares if California is Bankrupted ?

      He's got his fortune and Pension assured.

  • Not paying for anything that happened 150 years ago unless others are willing to repay me for failed Great Society subsidies and subsequent entitlement programs for which I received no benefit.

      My grand parents came through Ellis island from Ireland and worked hard to have the American dream I am sure there are many blacks who worked hard it’s all these deadbeats that want to get something for nothing
      Not to mention all the free jail cells awarded to black criminals who get free room and board for the rest of their lives in a lot of cases!
  • It’s more about just cash payments, it’s about the journey. The journey to no monies.


      Reparations is all theater. Legal immigrants come to America and can expect their children and grandchildren to be successful in whatever efforts they focus on.

      We have had at least three generations since the civil rights act, and yet a large part of Black America remains standing still, with their...

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      Who’s more shameful Newsom who realizes he’s now in over his head. Or the unrealistic Black Californians who are Owed nothing since California was founded after Slavery ended. The man who didn’t think supporting Reperations would bankrupt his state. Or the group of people who want something for not...

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  • But, California will spend the equivalent amount studying the problem, with many politicians, including Newsome, enriching themselves trying to come up with a solution.


      The answer is what Roosevelt did, he said the American people want to work and feel needed an therefore he created WPA, CCC, TVA so people would have dignity. Cut the social services off except SS and Medicare. Work or don't eat, that will solve your labor shortage right then and there and you wo...

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      The solution is to put them to work. They have been freeloading for decades. None of them have ever been slaves.


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