
来源: yzout 2023-03-12 15:07:15 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (613174 bytes)
  • The school is 100% responsible for the event and everything that happened at it. The students were wrong, yes. But the school encouraged and allowed it all to happen. The school and it's administration should be ashamed of themselves. Not sure how much can be done legally and as it's a state colleg...

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  • The school leader "went on to question whether the University's stated commitment to free speech was worth the pain that this causes and the division that this causes."

    In case people ever wondered how the Nationalist Zocialists took over Germany, bit by bit.

  • He was invited for this specific reason, his speech was never part of their plan.

  • I have been following the progress of the academic hard left since the late 1980s, since reading the book Tenured Radicals by Roger Kimball. In the 1990s it was political correctness, which was even then spreading from academia into every institution in society, via law schools and j-schools. It co...

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  • I'm trying to imagine a more made up job, with less actual responsibility, than being an "associate dean of diversity, equity and inclusion"


    Maybe "unicorn lookout" or "butterfly fight referee". But that's about it.

    1 replying
  • This is what DEI brings. The actions of these students are proof of liberal indoctrination in our schools. They can't recognize and abide the other side of the spectrum.

  • Stanford, Harvard, Yale and many many others used to be such prestigious schools. Now they're just factories manufacturing liberalism. What a shame for the deserving students on these campuses that want to get ahead in life.

    These same liberal students are probably the ones who make the most noise ...

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  • Interesting that the dean of diversity won't listen to someone who thinks differently from her. Not very diverse...

  • When opposing views cannot be heard over the shouting we have mob rule. Is that really what we want?

  • Imagine law students hostile to free speech. Can’t believe it.

  • If california really believed in the constitution it would pull funding from all these hate filled institutions and call it a day. Tax dollars should not fund this kind of hate.

  • Shameful that free speech only goes one way with the groups. This is not progress but moving backwards.

  • Ya can't make this stuff up. An asst dean of DEI, clearly and openly being anti-accepting, anti-inclusive, anti-tolerant, along with the woke progressive students. I guess this is the lefts new definition of progressive. Anyway, this asst dean should immediately be let go, and if this is an examp...

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  • The same people who used to preach tolerance and acceptance now attack anyone who's views don't align with their own.

  • And they still call these campuses "Institutions of higher learning". Wow

  • The EDI rep should be punished. She is eliminating freedom of speech possibilities. Hard to understand how immature these so called scholars and elite students are. They don't want to debate just intolerance.

  • It's only free speech if you agree with leftist liberals. Other wise they will try to stop your right to free speech and denying others who want to hear your point of view. It's called censorship and fascism.



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