
来源: Tomasli 2023-01-26 12:27:56 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (21689 bytes)

At a time when the world is watching China's pandemic losses, the country has announced its first population decline in decades. 在全世界关注着中国大流行病损失之际,中国宣布了几十年来的首次人口下降。

Here's the latest. 下面是最新的情况。

The National Bureau of Statistics reported Tuesday that the country had 850,000 fewer people at the end of 2022 than the previous year. 国家统计局周二报告说,截至2022年底,中国的人口比前一年减少85万。

That left a total of just over 1.4 billion people with nine and a half million births against 10.4 million deaths. 这使得人口总数刚好超过14亿,出生人数为950万,死亡人数为1040万。

It wasn't immediately clear if the population figures have been affected by the COVID 19 outbreak, but experts find China’s statistics not reliable.
目前尚不清楚人口数据是否受到爆发 COVID-19 的影响,但专家认为中国的统计数据不可靠。

Yi Fuxian is a demographer and expert on Chinese population trends at the University of Wisconsin Madison. 易富贤是威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的人口学家和中国人口趋势专家。

Based on his research, he said China's population has actually been declining since 2018. 根据他的研究,他说中国的人口实际上自2018年以来一直在下降。

According to Yi, China's real demographic crisis is beyond imagination, and that all of China's past economic social defense and foreign policies are based on faulty demographic data. 易富贤认为,中国真正的人口危机超乎想象,中国过去所有的经济社会国防和外交政策都是基于错误的人口数据。

Now the last time China is believed to have recorded a population decline was during the time of the Great Leap Forward Movement. 现在中国上一次被认为有人口下降的记录是在大跃进运动时期。

That was a disastrous drive launched by Mao at the end of the 1950s for collective farming and industrialization. 那是毛泽东在1950年代末发起的一场灾难性的集体农业和工业化运动。

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