
来源: 2022-05-07 08:50:50 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:






丑闻缠身的英国首相Boris Johnson如此嘴脸!),与他的保守党一起,被选民抛弃。据BBC分析:

BBC analysis suggested that results projected nationally would give Labour 35 percent of the vote, Conservatives 30 percent and the Liberal Democrats 19 percent.

也就是说,英国变天在即,工党将赢得未来大选,将执政组阁,Boris Johnson与他的保守党将卷铺盖走人。



Boris Johnson一样,家族丑闻缠身的败灯与佩罗西,以为抓住俄乌战争这根救命稻草,可以利用民主党掌握的猪流霉体,转嫁国内矛盾,把国内老百姓的关注点转到战争上。。。美国老百姓开始时,确实被忽悠了。不过,等老百姓们在加油站加个油,在超市买个菜,在餐馆吃个饭,看到水电账单与地税账单,赫然发现自己的钱包被民主党严重缩水后,才恍然大悟,猛然醒过味儿来:尼玛,原来猪流霉体给咱灌的都特么是民主党的迷魂汤啊!!!!






(ZT)LONDON — Embroiled in a sprawling scandal over parties in Downing Street that broke lockdown rules, Britain’s prime minister, Boris Johnson, suffered a succession of setbacks on Friday in local elections as voters across the country abandoned his Conservative Party.

With most of the votes counted in England, the Conservatives had lost more than 280 races to elect “councillors” — representatives in municipalities — in what Mr. Johnson acknowledged had been a “tough night in some parts of the country.”

The results were closely watched because, after Mr. Johnson was fined for breaking lockdown rules, some of his fellow Conservatives had been considering pressing for a no-confidence vote that could evict him from Downing Street.

Although his party avoided the type of electoral meltdown that might have propelled that threat to Mr. Johnson’s future, the results were nevertheless unnerving for a governing party that is confronting strong economic headwinds.


Adding to the party’s troubles, the Irish nationalist party, Sinn Fein, was on track to emerge as the largest party in Northern Ireland after legislative elections, a seismic political shift that could kindle hopes for Irish unity but also sow unrest in a territory where delicate power-sharing arrangements have kept the peace for two decades.

The Conservatives’ losses of two boroughs in London — Westminster, which has been held by the party since its creation almost 60 years ago, and Wandsworth — were serious symbolic blows.


There was more bad news for the party in Scotland, where Conservatives suffered losses and a BBC analysis suggested that results projected nationally would give Labour 35 percent of the vote, Conservatives 30 percent and the Liberal Democrats 19 percent.
