I am sorry but your accusation is total baseless.

来源: gqc 2008-09-21 09:56:28 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (653 bytes)
Senator Obama has not emphasized on his race in this campain at all. He has said time again he is running for the president of the UNITED states of america, not just the red states, not just blue states. I trust he will be a uniter when he is elected into the white house. I certainly hope he will get elected. As for racism, no one can deny it exists in this country. I am not for Obama because he is black, and I would only hope other people are not against him just because he is black. I dont necessarily view blacks voting for black candidate is racism. It is just like if there is a chinese candidate, we would be more incline to vote for he/her.


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