
来源: 东田枫叶 2020-09-03 20:59:22 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (22959 bytes)

—— 中国外交界里,总有类“恐美症”书生政治幼稚病的“公知”们,总欲一厢情愿降美求荣。然,美政客又如何说道呢

作者:Vladimir Prostran / 翻译:东田枫叶
       而实质是:“我们想要,中国得肢解成为许多小块儿区域和省份。这样,将易于我们通过煽动和资助机构加以操控,以便推动分离主义和反中政策—— 瞧,在香港和台湾,有些人已经声称,他们不是中国人!故,如果伊斯兰恐怖主义再次在新疆爆发,我们将呼吁所有的恐怖主义分子为自由而战。如果有些香港内的暴乱分子烧车、劫店及攻击任何说普通话者,我们将称谓其为年轻的民主斗士。”
       而实质是:“我们想要,中国得将其全部有价值的企业,卖给我们,并且让我们进入其战略性国家工业。而这又是我们从来不会允许中国公司在美国所介入的行业。许多美国公司在华、并与华做着生意的事实,尚非足以令我们认可 ——我们想要能够拥有中国内的战略性工业。与此同时,我们将会确保,在保障美国国家利益的指南下,没有任何中国公司,可在美国购买到任何真正有价值的东西。这就是伟大的特朗普牌,且无人可与之争辩。”
What are the US demands for Chinese government to accomplish in order for the US to list China as a friendly nation?
Author: Vladimir Prostran
Q: What are the US demands for Chinese government to accomplish in order for the US to list China as a friendly nation?
There are things American politicians will say and wrap them as highly noble, but are actually destructive and dangerous. Here are some examples you can hear from any “well intentioned” American politician.
Statement no.1: “We want China to become a fully democratic society with a vibrant political life.”
Reality: “We want China to become a toxic, polarized and unstable society where even simple state decisions will be next to impossible to make because of corrupted political parties representing only their own interests, not the national ones. We’ll also be able to influence those parties through our “democracy development funds” and ensure that there’s always enough polarization to prevent any serious economic and infrastructure development.”
Statement no.2: “We want China to give Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet, Inner Mongolia and all provinces freedom of self determination and let them grow civil rights organizations and political parties that will promote new, democratic values.”
Reality: “We want China to fall apart to many smaller regions and provinces that will be easy for us to control through advocating and financing organizations that promote separatism and anti-China policies - look, some people in HK and Taiwan already claim they’re not Chinese! If Islamic terrorism starts happening again in Xinjiang, we’ll call those terrorists fighters for freedom. If some rioters in Hong Kong burn cars, loot shops and attack anyone who speaks Mandarin, we’ll call them young fighters for democracy.”
Statement no.3: “We want China to allow full media freedom”
Reality: “We want China to allow our media companies to enter the market and promote destructive values through publishing lies or skewed facts that show that the government is the enemy of the people. We will promote the destruction of the current political and social system and then claim that we’re fighting for freedom and democracy. We will accuse everyone saying anything good about the current government even when it’s true to be an anti-democratic piece of scum. If the society in China implodes as a result this anti-national propaganda - pity, you cannot have democracy and freedom without victims”
Statement no.4: “We want China to open its economy to equal treatment of American businesses and investments”
Reality: “We want China to sell all their valuable companies to us and let us enter the strategic national industries we would never allow Chinese companies enter in the US. The fact that many American companies do business in and with China is not good enough for us - we want to be able to own the strategic industries in China. At the same time, we’ll ensure that no Chinese companies buy anything truly valuable in the US under the guide of protecting the American national interests, which is a great trump (!) card no one will ever dispute.”
Statement no.5: “We want China to stop government subsidies and allow a fair market competition.”
Reality: “We want China to stop investing in development of industries that can compete with ours and just buy our products. Even then, if a Chinese company has any potential to succeed in the US, we will make sure that through corporate lobbying and merciless anti-China campaigns any chance of success is nipped at the bud. We’re all for free markets, but only when it works for our companies.”
Answer: Nothing can be done. The US wants to see China weak, poor and destroyed. A strong, developed China with a competitive economy and global Chinese brands is something the US will never accept.



放弃天朝崛起梦想,接受基督福音。 -hkzs- 给 hkzs 发送悄悄话 hkzs 的博客首页 (62 bytes) () 09/03/2020 postreply 23:17:05

所以我说需要一场热战。用以前对付苏联的冷战方式恐难凑效。现在蓬佩奥看上去比习近平急。 -约翰捞面- 给 约翰捞面 发送悄悄话 约翰捞面 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/04/2020 postreply 11:34:28

先问一问爱尔兰人是什么样的福音吧 -flumoon- 给 flumoon 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/04/2020 postreply 09:59:38

尊重普世价值,放弃共产主义理念,军队国有,多党执政,民主加法治。 -老商- 给 老商 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/04/2020 postreply 05:35:45

这是一条正路,习近平走的是老路。当习离开人世,人亡政息,再有一个邓小平那样的人在某处划一个圈搞改革开放。 -老商- 给 老商 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/04/2020 postreply 05:38:03

共产主义在理论上讲非常美好,但现实是在它的初级阶段社会主义就内斗不断,弄得尸横遍野。 -老商- 给 老商 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/04/2020 postreply 05:47:11

没用的,体制不变,周而复始。中共倒台,只差"甲午". -wenpu71- 给 wenpu71 发送悄悄话 wenpu71 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/04/2020 postreply 10:34:25

只要不像现在那样愚蠢就行了 -tibuko- 给 tibuko 发送悄悄话 tibuko 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/04/2020 postreply 07:50:00

年年纳贡岁岁来朝 -大蜜蜂- 给 大蜜蜂 发送悄悄话 大蜜蜂 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/04/2020 postreply 09:14:27



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