
来源: 2008-04-07 19:27:03 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
Fox news 刚刚爆料,小O与敌为友,令人深思, 我Goole到如下文章,仅供各位O饭反思,想想小O周围都是些什么人呀! 中国有句古训物与类聚,人与群分,小O如此敌我不分,不是思想有问题的,就是判断力有极大缺陷。

Thursday, February 28, 2008
Barack Obama: Friendly With A Terrorist?

As Barack Obama has become the presumptive Democratic nominee, the spotlight has shown brightly on his shady friends. While he speaks of a hope for a better America, he has befriended William Ayres, a terrorist who seeks to destroy the America his wife is only now proud of.

William Ayres was involved in the bombings of New York City police headquarters in 1970, the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972. He committed this acts while a member of the Weather Underground. In 1970, Ayers described the group’s philosophy as “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.”

In a supreme dose of irony, on September 11, 2001, The New York Times published an interview with the terrorist in which he said “I didn’t regret setting bombs..I didn’t feel we did enough.” When asked whether he would do it all again, Mr. Ayers responded “I don’t want to discount the possibility.” In the interview, he also spoke of how The Weathermen were “an army of lovers” and described having had various sexual partners, including his best male friend.

Now to Obama’s relationship with the terrorist. Obama’s spokesman has confirmed their friendship saying "Yes, they're friendly. They know each other."

Beginning in 1999, Mr. Ayers and the Senator served together for three years on the board of the Woods Fund. The Chicago-based nonprofit’s mission is to help increase opportunities for the disadvantaged. According to tax filings, Obama received compensation of $6,000 per year for his service. Would you want to work with an admitted terrorist?

In 2001, after serving together on the board, Obama accepted a $200 campaign contribution from Ayres. Would you take money from a terrorist?

Then in 2002, The Center for Public Intellectuals, an organization whose mission is to “create a more engaged civil society, hosted a panel called “Intellectuals in Times of Crisis”. Ayres and Obama spoke on the panel together. Would you speak on a panel about intellectualism, for a center promoting civility, with a terrorist?

Again in 2005, the two met to give testimonials at the farewell dinner for Rashid Khalidi, who worked on behalf of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, a State Department declared terror group. Would you give a positive testimonial for a terrorist alongside another terrorist?

While we are in the midst of the global of war on terror, Barack Obama is friends with the enemy. Could our commander in chief be friends with the enemy and also defeat them?

Posted by Alex Cortes at 1:56 PM