SARS-CoV-2 is Synthesized Virus and Pangolin Has Nothing to Do W

来源: 马可安 2020-02-21 02:04:37 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (6627 bytes)

The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus which is spreading around the world and killed thousands of people so far, is not a natural virus. It is highly suspected to be a synthesized virus made in the Wuhan Vorology Institute, and leaked out.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus has a NCBI accession number MN908947:

The closest virus found so far is BaTG13, with accession number MN996532:

BaTg13 was allegedly subtracted from Yunan Bat feces collected on July 24, 2013 and the gene sequence was only submitted on Jan. 27, 2020, after allegations of man-made virus were raised. The timing of data submission, as well as the data's authenticity is questioned. Coronaviruses cannot survive in a fece sample for 7 years. If they sequenced the virus gene in 2013 why they did not submit till now?

The S proteins between two viruses compared shows a highly concentrated mutation which could not occur naturally, as natural mutations occur at random.

Note the "PRRA" insertion at position 681-684. Scientists could not find it in any natural corunaviruses. Researchers from Nankai University believe this is an (artificial) Furin cleavage site which increases infection efficiency by 100 to 1000 folds:

Besides the "PRRA" insertion, there are 29 mutations, 18 of them concentrated within the region 439-519, known as ACE2 RBD bounding region, critically important in how the virus bounds to human cells and penetrate them. It just so happens that the 18 mutations in this region all help to boost the virus's ability to penetrate human cells, making it a super-contageous virus. Since natural mutation tend to occur randomly at random positions, there is less than one out of a quadrillion (1/1000000000000000) chance that such highly centrated mutations can occur natually, which strongly suggest that the "mutations" are likely gene editing in labs, for the purpose of creating a highly infectious virus.

Another surprise fact that strongly suggests synthecized virus, is the fact that on the right side to the ACE RBD region, there is a long stretch of protein sequence in which except for the "PRRA" insertion, the sequence is exactly identical. However if you look at the original RNA sequence, these section is not identical at all. There is only a 94% similarity between the two. In the natural world, protein sequence is always translated from the RNA sequence in a deterministic way. When the RNA sequence mutates, it likely results in different protein sequence as well. It is highly unlikely that a mutated RNA sequence still translates into exactly the same protein sequence, by random chance. However in a bio lab, people routinely inverse translate a protein sequence into a RNA sequence, a process that never occurs in the natural world. In doing so, the translation from the same protein sequence could result in a different looking RNA sequence, as the mapping from protein amino acid to RNA is not one-to-one.

One of the biggest question people should ask is why Wuhan Virology Institute remain silent so far amid all the allegations. They should known all the viruses in their hands and can confidently rule out accidental lab leakage, if they know none of their viruses match the circulating SARS-CoV-2, and they shoud be able to make a public announcement of such a fact, if it is a fact. Their silence probably implies that they knew they had a synthecized virus that looks exactly like that!

In a desperate effort to find a natural source of the virus and exonerate themselves, the Chinese researchers announced that they think the virus was carried from bats to pangolins before jumping to human beings. The alleged evidence is that the protein sequence from corona virus from dead pangolins matches almost perfectly to the new coronavirus in the ACE2 RBD region, except for just one mutation.

However the pangolin story could not stand scrutinies. They do not have the full gene sequence of the pangolin coronavirus. They only have meta gene data, i.e., bits and pieces of the virus gene. They then try to "assemble" a protein sequence, using the new coronavirus as a template. It's like when you have a full baskets of 26 English letters, you could use them to assemble a Shakespear master piece. The pangolin story falls apart when you look at the RNA sequence instead. Out of 591 nucleid acid 81 does not match. The similarity of the ACE2 RBD section is thus only 86%. Thus the similarity is too low for the ACE2 RBD mutations to have come from a pangolin.

The pangolin story does not make sense also because due to high market price of pangolin meat and scale, the smuggling of the animal is rampant. There is a whole industry of people engaged in catching pangolins from Malaysia, smuggle them into China, distribute them, slaughter them and sell the meat to customers all over China. Some how none of these people engaged in the pangolin smuggling chain caught the virus, an only an end customer who bought the pangolin meat and cooked it (thus killed the virus by heat) some how got sick? And only a customer in Wuhan got sick from the animal, not someone from Guangdong or else where in China? It makes no sense.

