德国:SPD 最新的议案,每个孩子每月付250欧元

来源: 嘴大吃八方 2019-12-07 10:36:16 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1826 bytes)
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SPD (社民党)要求对福利国家进行深远的重组。 代表大会决定,住房市场紧张的城市的租金应被冻结五年。 此外,社会民主党人希望促进建造150万套经济适用房。 巴伐利亚社会民主党主席科宁说,住房是一项基本权利。

每个孩子每月基本要支付250欧元,并计划向低收入家庭支付附加费。 内政大臣吉菲(Giffey)表示,每个孩子都有相同的价值

德国刚刚通过:2021 一月起,实行basic pension, 年收入 低于 12 * $1377, tax free。

What is the basic pension?

The German government has agreed to introduce a "basic pension" so that people do not become welfare cases after a long and sometimes difficult working life earning low wages. The plan would also benefit low-earners who brought up children or looked after relatives.

The basic pension constitutes an additional payment that would come on top of a retiree's pension payment — ensuring that they receive enough money to cover more than just the basic costs of living.

Applicants must undergo an income review in order to be eligible. 

The plan also set a tax-free income cap at €1,250 ($1,377) per month for singles and at €1,950 per month for couples.

The plan is due to take effect in January 2021.


解闷妮不是极右就是极左 -bridge008- 给 bridge008 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/07/2019 postreply 10:57:56

中国推行计划生育那么多年, -弓长张- 给 弓长张 发送悄悄话 (320 bytes) () 12/07/2019 postreply 15:55:29



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