I think foreigners in Beijing got HIV test too. I worked for

来源: LoveGermany 2007-12-06 09:38:25 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (682 bytes)
a French company and my bosses went a whole package of medical check including HIV.

i do not think it is only Money issue. Please check with the relative government department for more information about this new policy.

Several years living in U.S. I beome wiser. We'd better get to know truth first before shouting around: complaining about China or whatever county you live.As a Chinese, please do not always complain China in front of foreigners. They won't repect your country so they won't repect you. Just give you pitty> There is not heaven in this world.

I love my country, no matter how many problems they have. I just try to find a way to help it.


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