
来源: 2019-09-26 21:13:23 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

(T)he Republican Party has become more exclusively white and Christian, Republicans have begun to think of themselves as the only genuinely legitimate actors in the polity. This is why,

Republicans draw districts that hand them more offices even when they fail to win a majority of the votes; it is why

Republican legislatures strip Democratic executives of their powers when the electorate foils their efforts to rig elections in their favor; it is why

the Trump administration attempted a fraudulent scheme to use the census to diminish the influence of minority voters relative to white voters; it is why

Republicans seek to pass laws intended to suppress minority votes; it is why

every night on Fox News, viewers hear one host after another outline deranged conspiracies about how Democrats want to steal America from its rightful white owners through demographic change.

