
来源: 2007-08-01 17:30:19 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:



Poodle 是一种卷毛狗,可能源于德国,是法国国狗。最近新闻出现这一词,用法与中国说的“走狗”差不多。英国媒体称布莱尔是美国的走狗(poodle)。媒体评论新任总理布朗访美在希望发布会上使用外交辞令,示意不愿做美国的走狗(poodle)。


--------- Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source ---------------

one of a breed of very active dogs, probably originating in Germany but regarded as the national dog of France, having long, thick, frizzy or curly hair usually trimmed in standard patterns, occurring in three varieties (standard, miniature, and toy) differing only in size, and originally used as a water retriever.




Brown gives a signal that he's no poodle
Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom - 2 hours ago
"Bush famously patted Blair on the back on the way into Downing Street in an almost paternal way that led to the term 'Bush's Poodle', but there was none of ...
Bush's New Poodle? Washington Post
Challenge for Brown in US talks Melbourne Herald Sun
Brown hails bonds with US as he meets Bush Reuters India
Washington Post - Channel 4 News
all 2,408 news articles »


From Blair the poodle to President Bush's puppy-like friendliness
Scotsman, United Kingdom - 3 hours ago
IF Gordon Brown wanted to dispel the notion that Britain would in any way be poodle to the United States, he could not have been clearer. ...


UK Express, UK - 29 Jul 2007
... Political Correspondent GORDON Brown will use a speech to the United Nations this week to subtly distance himself from Tony Blair’s “poodle” approach to ...
You want a Love Actually moment? Do get real Times Online
all 2 news articles »




Gordon Brown in US on first official visit
Euronews.net, France - 20 hours ago
Brown is eager to distance himself from the label of "America's poodle" that the British press gave to Tony Blair, whose closeness with the US President was ...


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