
来源: 互联网 2018-06-13 04:39:01 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2532 bytes)
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Lindsay Burrell: And Shakespeare allowed Dowries to be used to sell women as chattel: disgusting... His view was reflective of the world in which he lived: the times he lived in. Stop supplanting original conext with 21st Century sensibilities in an attempt to generate a reaction. 791 Likes


Linda Gafkowski: People need to stop comparing historical figures from today's perspective. 394 Likes


Keith Stoddart Keith Stoddart: Don't know about other races but global Chinese rule would be a pity for dogs and animal welfare in general. 132 Likes 


Kenneth McKlinski: View it from today’s lens - there are billions of Chinese people compared to the rest of the worlds population. Should one race spread around the world to supplant the others? Colonialism by numbers, something the world will have to be mindful of in a future with an uncertain climate and dwindling resources. 49 Likes


Conor Duggan: I think that if any of us visited China at that time we may have felt the same way. Things were pretty rotten in many countries back then and worse in the 30s.



他那时候确实是种族主义者,不过只是偷偷想想而已 -千里一盏灯- 给 千里一盏灯 发送悄悄话 千里一盏灯 的博客首页 (267 bytes) () 06/13/2018 postreply 05:13:16

+1 -ily- 给 ily 发送悄悄话 ily 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/13/2018 postreply 07:29:51

聽說他晚年差點被楊振寧和李政道氣死了。 -ILHP- 给 ILHP 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/13/2018 postreply 08:49:05

这厮是个学术大牛,也是个著名的渣男。丫肯定不知道不是很久以前日本贵族女人流行的去中国借种的事吧 -bridge008- 给 bridge008 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/13/2018 postreply 05:19:44

说中国人的不管左右就是渣,同样的话说黑人的就不渣。这样理解你,对吗? -互联网- 给 互联网 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/13/2018 postreply 05:38:25

其实他只是路过中国,总共在上海也就呆过两三天,期间 -千里一盏灯- 给 千里一盏灯 发送悄悄话 千里一盏灯 的博客首页 (212 bytes) () 06/13/2018 postreply 05:43:56

我可能记得不准,当时好像还是民国高知接待的。可能现实就是那样的,私人日记记录的是个人印象 -互联网- 给 互联网 发送悄悄话 (269 bytes) () 06/13/2018 postreply 05:53:16

她对中国的描述太美好,不符合社会公知的口味。 -千里一盏灯- 给 千里一盏灯 发送悄悄话 千里一盏灯 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/13/2018 postreply 06:06:21

只能说他歧视穷人. 那时候中国人民穷呀,赔了包括日本在内的列强那么多钱,能优雅得起来吗 -得瑟一下- 给 得瑟一下 发送悄悄话 (125 bytes) () 06/13/2018 postreply 06:00:24

哈哈,你也看不惯这个习惯,我是最不喜欢洋人的这个习惯的 -547788- 给 547788 发送悄悄话 547788 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/13/2018 postreply 08:30:14

犹太人的楷模! :-( -pacsqc- 给 pacsqc 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/13/2018 postreply 07:26:04
