
来源: nyg 2018-04-16 18:37:06 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (294939 bytes)
26 minutes ago
It was the reporting of Robert Fisk during the build up for the Iraq war that I will never forget.   His was a voice in the wilderness of war hysteria.
35 minutes ago
Finally someone with the truth. Al Nusra white helmets and their Jihadi buddies should never be trusted.
Richard Crawford
35 minutes ago
I remember meeting a Richard Dreyfuss look-a-like, a spook given his intimate knowledge of gymkhanas in the Shouf, on a ferry in Bostanc? He was off to do something discredtable in the South East and was amusing company for half an hour, as we traded anecdotes about  Nabih Berry and George Habash .  

He really hated Fisk and it is easy to see why.  Professional liars lke him don't want REAL journalists discovering the truth and muddying the water with inconvenient facts.  A truly brilliant article!!  
1 hour ago
Robert Fisk.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing the risky job of actually going to the place to find out for yourself. 
I have been convinced for some time that our government has been hoodwinking us with tales of certainty and proof.  Whether the gas attack is real or faked we can be sure that there is no certainty and no proof.... and our government irresponsibly ratcheted up the tension with a superpower. 
This is WMD all over again.
I am ashamed to be British!  I am ashamed of my fellow Brits who will not ask questions but instead bay and mock those who do!  I am ashamed of the morally bereft shower that we call a government!
1 hour ago
Trump wanted something to deflect and he got it from his generals again.
1 hour ago
Oh dear, the narrative seems to be turning against the British government.

Thanks, Fisk. You have guts to go against the current and hysteria.
1 hour ago
Nothing concerning the Gas attack seems cut and dried 
Too many uncertainties surround the whole affair
This and the Nerve Agent used in Salisbury seem to have happened without any evidence to show or prove they did happen or who is the culprit
It all lacks Facts and concrete evidence
1 hour ago
The Independent: Aren't you ashamed of yourself by publishing this fake? Anyone close to real military business knows: the real chemical weapon would kill people instantly, without recovering, and no water shower, neither "Skripal recovery" is possible. 
STOP the fake! 
1 hour ago
And you are expert I guess - absolute nonsense.
43 minutes ago
you must not have read the same thing i did because i got it wasn't a gas attack but lack of oxygen due to dust and rubbish being kicked up because of shelling and that was coming from a doctor,, A white helmet bloke panicked and mistakenly started to shout gas attack
17 minutes ago
Not sure if 'panicked' is correct, since he and his
pals and their 'victims' came prepared to film the 
whole thing. A certain amount of planning might have been necessary.
1 hour ago
Excellent reporting by Robert Fisk.... so could be May bombed away under false pretences. And she just couldn't wait, could she. Trump's poodle.
1 hour ago
It is an odd creeping feeling to have come to realise in the last five years or so that the government that governs us, and have done for decades and decades, are amongst the most dangerous and cold-hearted terrorists on the planet. And that the whole paradigm of international relations they exist upon is nothing but festering lies. And yes, I am talking about the UK before some wag says "it must be awful to live in Russia". This is not the kind of thing one should joke about. It is time we all woke up to the truth of this and took responsibility. We vote them in. 
1 hour ago
I didn't.
2 hours ago
Question 1: Why would the Syrian government use chemical agents when its army had virtually won the battle?
Question 2: If the targets of the aerial attack initiated by Trump/May/Macron housed deadly chemicals, why were there no casualties from the fallout?
Vanessa Deagan
2 hours ago
There must be so many readers suffering from cognitive dissonance right now. I can almost hear the "But... no... how?... What....?"

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: the problem with lying (and for liars) is that the truth has a funny way of surfacing - sooner or later.

Hats off to you, Robert Fisk.

BTW - similar findings by One American News, also on the ground in Douma:


53 minutes ago
They've rushed out Russian cyberattack threats to 
distract us from any unhelpful new info on the Syria front.
Got to keep the hate and fear well nourished.
2 hours ago
Notice the absence of anti-intellectuals calling people "Russian trolls"
Truth hurts..
2 hours ago
Unfortunately the lies might be too big to fail.
9 minutes ago
The anti-intellectuals, bojobots and the like, are not awake yet. This report came out around midnight, so there will be a lot of activity in a few hours time 
2 hours ago
There was no chemical attack. Hear Pearson Sharp of One American News on the ground in Douma.
Charles W
2 hours ago
Are we being lied to yet again with Syria, as with Blair's ficticious WMD's that got us into Iraq? And why was our democratically-elected Parliament not not consulted, or even informed?
2 hours ago
There you have it then, the UK, US and France plus ALL of the other countries who approved a .. wait for it... 'a precision attack on key chemical manufacturing and research facilities' are now faced with the prospect of knowing (lest not forget the backlash this will cause) that the so-called 'chemical attack' was due to heavy shelling and windy conditions creating asphyxiating clouds of dust from missile impacts and the collapse of buildings. 
Oh deary me... This is quite the predicament, what with Trump putting a halt to his 'fresh' sanctions towards Russia and Mrs May publicly stating it was the "Right thing to do for security of the nation", all based off a lie (which hundreds of thousands of people already knew), the back peddling from this catastrophic mess will be legendary.
No wonder the strike was done early, that type of 'evidence' provided to the parliament would have gone down a right old storm...
And it is these people running the country????? Wow... 
2 hours ago
Trump, May and Macron should resign immediately. They are guilty of the crime of aggression, the most serious offence under international law and should be prosecuted in the Hague. I notice there is not one comment from the usual throng of warmongers and armchair warriors.
Margo Channing
2 hours ago

We all recognise this as an honest  and  fearless piece of  reporting (  born of journalistic integrity  ) 


Spare a thought for those other  'journalists'  tonight  -   the ones   who unquestioningly follow the agenda set  rules.   They're reading this too,  and seeing the same REAL  journalism we are seeing  ....  as they  die a little inside  

Luke Skywalker
2 hours ago
Great comment. I wonder how these alleged journalist cope with reading what a REAL journalist writes. The British Vanessa Beeley and Eva Barlett who each have long experience in Syria are also to be praised for their reporting of this fraudulent chemical attack.
2 hours ago
And completely derided in the Grauniad.
Luke Skywalker
2 hours ago
May and her Cabinet need to be put on trial for war crimes.
Charles W
2 hours ago
May and her cabinet need to be replaced, at the very least.
2 hours ago
We will see, there is a lot of spin on this yet, but the Labour Blairites who accept this propaganda as a matter of course need to be held up to the same degree
The Attourney General who advised that this was legal may be very worried indeed
2 hours ago
Thank you Mr Fisk. Share this piece of proper journalism far and wide.
2 hours ago
The internet scares those in PowerShot much, most people are naturally cynical, they cannot alter that


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