
来源: 2018-04-16 10:55:56 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


【抹杀真相】- 大数据研究报告-俄罗斯是如何散播阴谋论欲盖弥彰


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这份报告是大数据公司graphika的一份研究报告,用诬陷 “白盔”组织,侮辱人道救援行为做典型例子,揭露俄罗斯大外宣在公众媒体散播其阴谋论,消灭真相,迷惑公众的典型研究示例。Graghiha 大数据分析公司最近出了一份研究报告,专门列举了俄罗斯如何利用tweet, youtube, google, WIKI, facebook, 和机器人账户传播污蔑白盔人道组织的假消息,假白盔录像,假白盔图片以混淆是非真相的。这份报告大家可以阅读 

这份报告提出了俄罗斯误导公众,破坏世界各地的民主体制的新证据。它揭示俄罗斯政府如何进行主要多方面的宣传有关叙利亚人道主义工作者的虚假消息努力掩盖其在我们这个时代最令人发指的战争罪行中的行径。新的研究表明,在2016年和2017年的十个关键时刻,与俄罗斯有关的机器人和巨魔已经达到了估计有5600万人用微博攻击叙利亚的搜救行动叙利亚民防组织 - 白盔 。关于2017年4月在Khan Sheikhoun发生的沙林化学袭击,联合国调查人员的结论是由俄罗斯的盟友叙利亚人进行的巴沙尔阿萨德政府所为。本报告审查了俄罗斯如何进行协调一致的虚假宣传活动欲盖弥彰,当神经介质掉落在平民区时,俄罗斯牵强附会声称被广泛分享,以至成为Twitter最热门的话题。


British Prime Minister May: Syria, supported by Russians, trying to conceal facts of Douma chemical attack. 



The U.S. and France say they have evidence that poison gas was used in Douma, killing dozens of people, and that President Bashar Assad’s military was behind it.


Chemical weapons team kept from alleged attack site in Syria


April 16, 2018

The Associated Press


BEIRUT (AP) — Independent investigators were prevented by Syrian and Russian authorities Monday from reaching the scene of an alleged chemical attack near the Syrian capital, an official said, days after the U.S., France and Britain bombarded sites they said were linked to Syria's chemical weapons program.


The lack of access to the town of Douma by inspectors from the watchdog group, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, has left questions about the April 7 attack unanswered.


OPCW Director-General Ahmet Uzumcu said Syrian and Russian officials cited "pending security issues" in keeping its inspectors from reaching Douma.


"The team has not yet deployed to Douma," two days after arriving in Syria, Uzumcu told an executive council of the OPCW in The Hague.

