This story only suitable in China because chinese do not know ot

来源: 2006-01-01 23:19:52 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
Groundless. What legislature or laws do you refer to ?
In American constitution, the farmous 1st Amendment that free speech has been dragged into US courts many times. It has been proved unsummountable. The famous case involed 1st amendment is that the owner of porno magzines win in 1990's. In US, there are a few left press and publications by American Communist Party and similar leftist organizations. They are free to subion by anyone. Anyone can join their party and read their story and articles. The fact that you did not hear or see it on media is because that kind of stuff did not have much audience that warrants valuable air time.

"第二是白宫新闻局的约束。白宫新闻局每天照例会就当天的新闻发布一个指导纲要,对哪些应该播哪些不应该播列出 "指导"。"
The guidelines are not order. A lot of jornalists go off guideline to report. In fact that is way to get your name on the front page and get your career take off. The example of it is those 2 jornalists from Washington Post that revealed Watergate and resulted in Nixon resign. Besides, the White House guideline nerve tell or hint for jornalists to lie or twist the fact in certain way to mislead public. White House no authority over jornalists and their reporting. If they do not follow the guideline, they are not fired by anyone. Not even by their own news company.

"第三是更主要,也是最致命的,那就是西方国家的新闻业和娱乐业一样,是一种商业行为,受商业利润的牵制。美国广播公司 (ABC) 就是迪斯尼娱乐公司旗下的一支。新闻传媒公司要生存就一定要拥有读者,听众和观众群"
Yes, news and press are part of commercial business. Americans have long concluded that to succeed in news business, reporting news as it is is critical instead of making news. The same event could be reported differently from several TV stations. But there are no dispute on the factual aspect of the story. The comments might be different. It is their judgement call to report the story that concerns public the most. Sometimes the call is obvious and sometime it is not so. You might say that TV or news organizations report what audience want to hear and read. But that does not mean that in America, what public does not hear or read is illegal and prohibited to report. It is just that reporting such unpopular news that interests so few people is not wise business decision. Also reporting what people want to hear does not mean you lie or fake the news.

"写到这里,笔者想起一件往事。1986年里根总统访问前苏联在莫斯科大学发表演讲,笔者当年实况 "聆听" 过他的演讲。当时里根信誓旦旦的说,"这个世界上有很多国家的人民害怕他们的政府,而我们美国政府却是不同的。我们的政府害怕我们的人民!" 多么响当当的话啊,真是脸不红,心不跳!就在里根说这番话的同时,里根的幕僚们在里根的指使下,违反国会 (美国的民意机构) 的决议向伊朗出售导弹,再用出售导弹的钱去支助尼加拉的反桑地诺政府的游击队。这就是著名的"伊朗门事件",此事件足足使里根总统的最后两年成了名副其实的 "瘸脚" 总统,而里根幕僚们也因为违法最后招致劳役之灾。但在当时里根却信誓旦旦的向前苏联民众宣称美国政府是害怕美国人民的,简直就是一个骗局,目的是为了煽动。"

About Iran scandal, it has been cleared by US congress hearing in public that President Reagan did not intentionally do that. In spite of that, President Reagan fired several key peoples involved and some of them deemed to break the law went to jail. President Reagan himself went to TV at 7pm news hour and made apology to American people. If American government is not afraid of American people, why bother all of these? If American government is not afraid of American people, why upon being subpenaed by the highest people elected US institution called US congress to attend hearing, White House wasted no time sending out whovever asked? By the way, the US congress did put impeach bill through and did not pass. This whole Iran whole was played on TV daytime, in realtime before public from start to the end. I wonder what White House news guideline said about it.

You can tweak however pleases you US press and news reporting. The credibility between CCTV and American TVs is so wide that I do not believe you can tweak that fact