
来源: 希影 2017-04-24 06:41:03 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (14859 bytes)

近日,世界著名学术出版商斯普林格(Springer)发布消息,宣布撤回旗下期刊《肿瘤生物学(TumorBiology)》发表于2012年至2016年的107篇论文,原因是同行评议造假。107篇论文全部来自中国,创下了正规学术期刊单次撤稿数量的纪录...丢人还还还...破纪录 了(名单附后)。


A new record: Major publisher retracting more than 100 studies from cancer journal over fake peer reviews




Springer is retracting 107 papers from one journal after discovering they had been accepted with fake peer reviews[1]. Yes, 107.

[1]peer review:the process of someone reading, checking, and giving his or her opinion about something that has been written by another scientist or expert working in the same subject area, or a piece of work in which this is done 同行评审/评议;同级评审

All these papers have been published after being subjected to peer review.

To submit a fake review, someone (often the author of a paper) either makes up an outside expert to review the paper, or suggests a real researcher - and in both cases, provides a fake email address that comes back to someone who will invariably give the paper a glowing review. In this case, Springer, the publisher of Tumor Biology through 2016, told us that an investigation produced “clear evidence” the reviews were submitted under the names of real researchers with faked emails. Some of the authors may have used a third-party editing service, which may have supplied the reviews. The journal is now published by SAGE.

为了提交假的评审意见,某人(通常是论文作者)在推荐审稿人时,或者杜撰一个外部专家,或者推荐一名真的研究者——但两种情况下,都会提供一个假的邮箱地址,这些邮箱会指向一个必然会高度赞许那篇论文的人。 在本次事件中,《肿瘤生物学》(Tumor Biology)2016年的出版商施普林格告诉我们,调查报告给出了“明显证据”证明这些评审意见是以真实研究者的名义,通过虚假的邮箱提交的。有些作者可能使用了第三方编辑服务,评审意见可能来自这些服务商。 目前,《肿瘤生物学》期刊的出版商已经改为赛吉(SAGE)出版公司。

The retractions follow another sweep by the publisher last year, when Tumor Biology retracted 25 papers forcompromised review and other issues, mostly authored by researchers based in Iran. With the latest bunch of retractions, the journal has now retracted the most papers of any other journal indexed by Clarivate Analytics' Web of Science, formerly part of Thomson Reuters. In 2015, its impact factor[影响因子] - 2.9 - ranked it 104th out of 213 oncology journals[肿瘤学期刊/杂志].

该出版社去年已经有过一次"清扫行动"了,当时《肿瘤生物学》因为评审意见不合标准及其他原因撤回了25篇论文,大部分是由来自伊朗的研究人员撰写的。加上这最新一轮的撤稿,所有收录在科睿唯安Web of Science数据库(原为汤森路透业务)的期刊当中,《肿瘤生物学》是至今撤过论文数最多的期刊了。2015年,这一期刊的影响因子为2.9,在213家肿瘤学期刊中排名第104位。

Here's more from Springer's official statement, out today:

After the retractions as a result of fake peer review (amongst others) in 2015 and 2016 that involved Tumor Biology, the decision was made to screen[审查,调查;筛选] new papers before they are released to production. Based on this extra screening, new names of fake reviewers were detected and in order to clean up our scientific records, we will now start retracting these affected articles.


The current retractions are not a new case of integrity breach but are the result of a deeper manual investigation which became necessary after our previous retractions from Tumor Biology in 2016. The extent of the current retractions was not obvious from the earlier investigations in 2015. We are retracting these published papers because the peer-review process required for publication in our journals had been deliberately compromised by fabricated[伪造的;捏造的] peer reviewer reports.













这只不过是丢脸丢到国际上罢了。君不见,由于有小习等高层领导树的榜样,中国官场的假博士、假硕士早已泛滥成灾。。。 -老看客- 给 老看客 发送悄悄话 老看客 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/24/2017 postreply 06:49:38

美国三篇,日本一篇. -零不是数- 给 零不是数 发送悄悄话 零不是数 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/24/2017 postreply 07:01:08

系统性的丢脸还不能说明是制度问题吗? -Toploader11- 给 Toploader11 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/24/2017 postreply 08:20:09



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