Trump is serious about cutting government waste.

Another boost of morale to the general public after the announcement of the Carrier deal came as Trump calls for the cancellation of the $4 billion order of two new airforce ones from Boeing.  Based on the cost of the airforce ones currently in service and after adjusting of inflation the new ones should cost no more than $2 billion.  A new contract with Boeing will be a legitimized move that will not only cut the cost of tax payers in half but also demonstrate the resolve of the new administration in eliminating the horrendous waste of government spending.

I was talking to a few friends the other day about Trump's trillion dollar project on infrastructure.  Everyone agreed that Trump is the only President who can ensure that every single dollar is spent wisely.  "Ahead of schedule and under budget" is not merely a campaign slogan but a goal surely achievable under the reign of the new sheriff in town.  As an accomplished builder himself Trump has a thorough understanding of the cost associated with any major contstruction project and will not be conned easily like regular bureaucrats.  And the mere fact that he is not indebted to any deep pocket donnors takes special interest groups out of the picture.  What more do you need to "make America great again" than a more efficient federal government coupled with a desire at the very top to put job creation as the number one priority?

