
来源: 文革传人 2024-02-29 00:17:49 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3882 bytes)


Paul Krugman 在纽时上发了一篇对川普同学请求法院宽松对他判罚赔款的“感想”,区区178个字。题目是“A Moment of Trumpenfreude”。

这个 T 打头的字明显是“拼词”,因为前面有“川普”前缀。经过古纸兄的多年训练,对多元字源的“纠根”有了一点小学生能力,这个字,源自德字“Schadenfreude”。其意思是对别人遭难感应出的喜悦,用英语说是“Joy out of harm to another”,freude 是英语 joy 的意思。老K 应该比本老汉坏很多,他率先在川普同学的痛苦中觅得喜悦,^_^。


A Moment of Trumpenfreude

OK, I have to admit it: I’m enjoying the spectacle of Donald Trump begging for a delay in the $454 million fine he’s required to pay for fraudulently inflating his net worth, for two reasons.

First, his inability to come up with the cash basically confirms the charges: He isn’t as rich as he claims to be. Second, his evident inability to get anyone to lend him the money is poetic justice for a man who has a history of bilking gullible investors.

One small addition to the Trumpenfreude: A GoFundMe set up to help Trump pay his bills has so far managed to raise about a third of 1 percent of the amount he owes.

You do have to wonder about how this will affect his psychological state. Trump’s speeches have become increasingly incoherent lately — a trend that has attracted sufficient attention that a few days ago he felt compelled to respond, telling an audience: “There’s no cognitive problem. If there was, I’d know about it.”

I think I’ll just leave that there.


Opinion | Conversations and insights about the moment. - The New York Times (nytimes.com)



好吧,我必须承认:我很享受唐纳德·特朗普乞求推迟支付他因欺诈性夸大其净资产而被要求支付的 4.54 亿美元罚款的场面,原因有两个。


幸川乐祸的一个小补充是:为帮助特朗普支付账单而设立的 GoFundMe 基金迄今为止已成功筹集到他所欠金额 1% 的三分之一左右。





哈哈哈,传人兄的“幸川乐祸”既有李健吾“屈打成医”的巧妙,又有鱼王兄“麻麻慕习”的诙谐,绝对又一个即刻经典:-) 。另外 -papyrus- 给 papyrus 发送悄悄话 (619 bytes) () 02/29/2024 postreply 07:55:02

“0.01 Lady”,*_* ? The official exchange rate of ----------- -文革传人- 给 文革传人 发送悄悄话 文革传人 的博客首页 (286 bytes) () 03/01/2024 postreply 00:10:03
