
来源: 2022-09-20 16:46:06 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


尤其这个:The entire Bible points to Jesus, and this is especially true of Genesis 22. This passage is like a lock and Jesus is the key. Think about the parallels between this story and the story of Jesus.

Both Isaac and Jesus are long-awaited “beloved sons” who are born in miraculous circumstances (Gen.22:1, Matt.3:17). Both sons carry the wood that is to be the instrument of their deaths on their backs (Gen. 22:6, John 19:17). In both stories, the father leads the son up a mountain, and the son follows obediently toward his own death (Gen. 22:3, Matt.26:39). And in both scenarios, God provides the sacrificial substitute, which Abraham says will be a ram (a male lamb) and the New Testament authors identify as Jesus, “the lamb of God” (Gen. 22:8, John 1:29).

Jesus Is the True Isaac
What do all these parallels mean? Abraham and Isaac point beyond themselves to the Messiah. This story is a prophetic reenactment of the greater redemption God would someday accomplish through one of their descendants, Jesus.

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以撒和耶稣都是期待已久的“心爱的儿子”,他们出生在奇迹般的环境中(创 22:1,马太 3:17)。两个儿子都背着作为他们死亡工具的木头(创世记 22:6,约翰福音 19:17)。在这两个故事中,父亲带领儿子上山,儿子顺从地跟随自己走向死亡(创世记 22:3,马太福音 26:39)。在这两种情况下,上帝都提供了牺牲的替代品,亚伯拉罕说这将是一只公羊(一只公羊羔),而新约作者将耶稣称为“上帝的羔羊”(创世记 22:8,约翰福音 1:29) .
