
是以色列人 Yuval Noah Harari 的文章,发在 “The Guardian”上:

Why Vladimir Putin has already lost this war | Yuval Noah Harari | The Guardian



“ It won’t be Mikhail Gorbachev’s name written on the death certificate of the Russian empire: it will be Putin’s. Gorbachev left Russians and Ukrainians feeling like siblings; Putin has turned them into enemies, and has ensured that the Ukrainian nation will henceforth define itself in opposition to Russia.

The Russian despot should know this as well as anyone. As a child, he grew up on a diet of stories about German atrocities and Russian bravery in the siege of Leningrad. He is now producing similar stories, but casting himself in the role of Hitler.”


About - Yuval Noah Harari (ynharari.com)

