
来源: 云易 2011-04-06 08:29:15 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (21963 bytes)
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“吕蓓卡”写的是关于一位年轻的女士嫁给了一个富翁的故事。出身贫寒的女主角在一个偶然的机会遇到了闻名的曼德利“”庄园的主人 - 德·温特,并在一见钟情之后戏剧般地结婚 “吕蓓卡”的故事大部分是关于女主角在曼德利的新生活。

“吕蓓卡”是一个悬疑故事。吕蓓卡,是德·温特的前妻,并在故事发生前就神秘地死亡。但虽然她已故去,但她却像幽灵般地在故事中活着她的极端美丽她的“高贵”她的娴熟的社交能力,和她对他人的巨大影响力 - 从仆人到上流社会的社交圈,无一不使她在各方面影响着生者的生活,更这对年轻出生贫寒的女主人产生不可言喻的巨大挑战

许多人认为这本书其实是在写吕贝卡 - 一个死去了的却影响着生者的幽灵但我不苟同我认为“吕蓓卡”一书是在写年轻女主人她自己 - 写她是如何从一个天真的学生,一个“灰姑娘“一样可怜的女孩,在爱情的力量鼓励下终于变成为一个成熟,自信和富于勇气的“曼德勒”庄园的女主人。



If there is a book that I could read again and again, it is Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier. I was obsessed with this book over 20 years ago, always wanted to write a review, but never get a chance. Now it's the time.

Rebecca is a story about a young lady who by chance married a wealthy man, Maxim de Winter, the owner of a stately estate known as "Manderley". "Rebecca" is the name of ex-wife of Mr. de Winter, who died mysteriously prior to story starts. Most of story is about happenings takes place during the young lady's new life in Manderly.

Rebecca is a mystery, for the mysterious death of Rebecca. Rebecca is died, yet is still "alive" among people who know her. Her extreme beauty, aristocratic manner, sophisticate social skill, and her tremendous influence to people - from servants to high class circles, inflicts (spoil?) new mistress' daily life. The young lady faces incredible challenge, both from the hostility of household - who still holds loyalty toward the ex-mistress, and her lack of confidence about her poor family background.

Many people believe that this book is all about Rebecca - a ghostly figure who affects lives, but I totally disagree. Rebecca is all about the young lady (narrator) herself - how she from a naive student, a "Cinderella" like poor girl, becomes a mature, confidence and courageous Mrs. de Winter.
The story was told by narrator, occasionally jumps between past and present. The depiction is extremely beautiful and contemplative, naturally draws you into the nightmarish past, sharing the narrator's amazing psychological adventure - how she eventually gains confidence, conquers her inner fear by strength of love.

Yes, Rebecca is a mystery, but not mystery of death, nor of a murder, it's a mystery of life, a life of reborn. For me, it is an immortal masterpiece of mystery ever created.

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    电影看了好几遍…… -x潇潇- 给 x潇潇 发送悄悄话 x潇潇 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/07/2011 postreply 09:59:59

    电影(by希区柯克)是很经典,可小说却更好了很多倍。无法代替的。 -云易- 给 云易 发送悄悄话 云易 的博客首页 (57 bytes) () 04/07/2011 postreply 10:49:54

    电影和小说都很喜欢。 小说更迷人。其实和“简爱” 很像。在一个图书馆找到一排她的书。 -木叶- 给 木叶 发送悄悄话 木叶 的博客首页 (27 bytes) () 04/07/2011 postreply 21:21:43

    读过几本她的其它小说,均没有“吕蓓卡”那样的吸引人。不知道你还有没有其它的同作者的好作品推荐? -云易- 给 云易 发送悄悄话 云易 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/10/2011 postreply 10:00:51



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