
什么是“神的样子" (as in 活出 神的样子)?

As a believer in Christ, the perfect example of 神的样子 is Jesus, the Christ. 耶稣生平,马太福音, 马可福音,路加福音, 约翰福音有详细记录,

Another example, as almost everybody knows, is Mother teresa.

什么是“true 神”?又为什么是个Axiom?

I was talking about a person's belief system (or paradigm in the sense of Kohn, because our old paradigm might revolve into new paradigm). A person's belief system has to be coherent, or consistent. For example, if you say, you believe God, and in the same time, you believe many gods. That to me is not a coherent belief: how different gods divide their power? which god(s) you are going to listen to? What is the relationship between you and that many Gods? Eventually, you have to admit, you don't believe a true God.

To prevent this type of in-coherent, I said the Axiom of a belief system of God has to be: There is just one true God.


The true God of 古希腊 is "Fate", not that little gods. -QualityWithoutName- 给 QualityWithoutName 发送悄悄话 QualityWithoutName 的博客首页 (391 bytes) () 05/18/2009 postreply 21:00:32
