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Basel has a reputation as one of the most important cultural cities in Europe. In 1997, it contended to become the "European Capital of Culture".

Basel is also host to an array of buildings by internationally renowned architects, such as the Beyeler Foundation by Renzo Piano, or the Vitra complex in nearby Weil am Rhein, composed of buildings by architects such as Zaha Hadid (fire station), Frank Gehry (design museum), Alvaro Siza Vieira (factory building) and Tadao Ando (conference centre). Basel also features buildings by Mario Botta (Jean Tinguely Museum and Bank of International settlements) and Herzog & de Meuron (whose architectural practice is in Basel, and who are best known as the architects of Tate Modern in London). The city received the Wakker Prize in 1996.

he Basel museums cover a broad and diverse spectrum of collections with a marked concentration in the fine arts. They house numerous holdings of international significance. The over three dozen institutions yield an extraordinarily high density of museums compared to other cities of similar size and draw over one million visitors annually.

Constituting an essential component of Basel culture and cultural policy, the museums are the result of closely interwoven private and public collecting activities and promotion of arts and culture going back to the 16th century. The public museum collection was first created back in 1661 and represents the oldest public collection in continuous existence. Since the late 1980s, various private collections have been made accessible to the public in new purpose-built structures that have been recognized as acclaimed examples of avant-garde museum architecture.

* Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig Ancient cultures of the mediterranean museum[20]
* Augusta Raurica Roman open-air museum[21]
* Basel Paper Mill (German: Basler Papiermühle)[22]
* Beyeler Foundation (Fondation Beyeler) Beyeler Museum (Fondation Beyeler)
* Botanical Garden Basel One of the oldest botanical gardens in the world
* Caricature & Cartoon Museum Basel (German: Karikatur & Cartoon Museum Basel)[23]
* Dollhouse Museum (German: Puppenhausmuseum)[24]
* Historical Museum Basel (German: Historisches Museum Basel)[25]
* Kunsthalle Basel Modern and contemporary art museum[26]
* Kunstmuseum Basel Upper Rhenish and Flemish paintings, drawings from 1400 to 1600 and 19th- to 21st-century art[27]
* Monteverdi Automuseum[28]
* Museum of Cultures Basel (German: Museum der Kulturen Basel) Large collections on European and non-Europeancultural life[29]
* Museum of Contemporary Art Art from the 1960s up to the present[30]
* Music Museum (German: Musikmuseum) of the Basel Historic Museum
* Natural History Museum of Basel (German: Naturhistorisches Museum Basel)[31]
* Pharmazie-Historisches Museum der Universität Basel[32]
* Schaulager Modern and contemporary art museum[33]
* Swiss Architecture Museum (German: Schweizerisches Architekturmuseum)[34]
* Tinguely Museum Life and work of the major Swiss iron sculptor Jean Tinguely[35]
* Vitra Design Museum Museum in Weil am Rhein near Basel[36]



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