Wait till he's three, mommy

来源: 2015-01-15 19:22:42 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
That's when the real trouble starts. My daughter has turned into a headache to us right before her 3 yr old birthday.
She was fine before my son was born in late November. Then all of a sudden our family life has taken a turn downhill. Hell is broken.
She's a very pretty child and pretty smart, but very stubborn and having clothing issues like all the other lil 3 yr old.
Boys or girls, when they reach this troubled age they're simply terribly difficult. They're true rebels.
Just imagine the fight we have had daily over picking jackets, socks, shoes, hats, etc, etc...
We fight for everything when she wants to throw a tantrum, feeling tired or cranky.
May God bless your family, and look forward to a great year of 2015.
Enjoy the two year old, as you still can.