
来源: 2014-12-01 23:27:03 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Gougeres with mushroom mousse inside - 乳酪咸泡芙,塞上蘑菇慕斯。

Pumpkin soup with caramelized apples and chorizo sausage - 南瓜浓汤,配略炒过的苹果和墨西哥式香肠。

Roast root vegetable salad (parsnips, carrots, radishes, onions, pickled beets), drizzled with reduced balsamic vinegar and parsley oil - 沙拉(胡萝卜、防风草根、小红萝卜、洋葱、腌甜菜根),浇上浓缩过的意大利香醋和欧芹油。

Green bean amandine casserole with "cream of florentine" and French-fried shallots - 四季豆炒杏仁,配上菠菜/蘑菇浓汤,以炸过的红葱头作点缀。

Roasted Brussel sprouts with bacon, hazelnuts, and maple syrup - 烤甘蓝菜,配煎咸肉、榛子、枫蜜。

Deep fried mashed potato balls with gravy inside - 油炸土豆泥球,塞上火鸡肉汁。

Turkey roulade, cooked sous-vide, stuffed with mushroom, spinach, and asparagus, served with stuffing and cauliflower puree, drizzled with parsley oil - 火鸡肉卷,里面塞的是蘑菇、菠菜、芦笋,配上stuffing和花菜泥,浇上几滴欧芹油。

Phyllo cups with Brie, cranberry sauce, and walnuts - 酥皮盅,里面是Brie奶酪、红莓酱、核桃仁。

Deep fried apple pies with powdered sugar - 油炸苹果派,撒上细白糖。

Sweet potato-cocoa mousse with macerated oranges, whipped cream, and a chocolate lace - 红薯可可慕斯, 配桔子、奶油、巧克力。