【Lucy学厨】Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread

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肉桂手风琴面包Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread/Lucy学厨@lucyzk.blog.163.com


Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread


肉桂手风琴面包Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread/Lucy学厨@lucyzk.blog.163.com










肉桂手风琴面包Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread/Lucy学厨@lucyzk.blog.163.com

       我们一家都很喜欢用肉桂做的面包,我也尝试着做过一种配方两种花型:玫瑰花肉桂面包卷Rose Cinnamon Buns肉桂面包卷—Cinnamon Buns,每次烤都满屋子飘香,很喜欢。这款面包方子和原来那个有些不一样,是我在foodgawker上看到很多人都做过,大家一致反映很好吃,所以我就收藏起来了。昨天刚好有空就想做来尝尝,这次不一样,配方中用了褐色黄油使面包更滋润更香,我还没有用完所有的黄油和肉桂糖都很好吃,晚饭过后,这个就成了我们的甜点,干掉了一半,哈哈!!



Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread


  • 中筋面粉 2又3/4 杯 加2 大匙
  • 白糖 1/4 杯 (50克)
  • 酵母 2又1/4 茶匙 (8克)
  • 盐 1/2 茶匙
  • 黄油 4 大匙 (60克)
  • 全脂牛奶 1/3 杯 (80毫升)
  • 水 1/4 杯  (60毫升)
  • 鸡蛋 2 个 室温
  • 香草香精 1 茶匙


  • 白糖 1 杯
  • 肉桂粉 2 茶匙
  • 豆蔻粉 1/2 茶匙(可选)
  • 黄油 4 大匙 (60克)


  1. 在一个盆里混合2杯面粉,白糖,酵母,盐,备用。
  2. 在一个碗里将鸡蛋打散备用。
  3. 在一个小奶锅里加入牛奶和黄油,用小火慢慢加热至黄油完全融化,离火加入水和香草香精,稍微冷却一下约1分钟左右至溶液温度降低至45度左右,将这个溶液倒入干料混合物(做法1)里,搅拌,然后加入打散的鸡蛋,看上去有些稀没有关系,继续搅拌。然后加入3/4杯的面粉,面团仍然稀而且粘,原方只用橡皮刮刀搅拌了2分钟,我用的KA2挡搅拌了几分钟,不用搅拌出膜,很粘很稀是对的。
  4. 然后将面团倒入一个涂抹了油的大容器里,盖上保鲜膜和毛巾放到温暖的地方发酵至两倍大约1个小时左右。如果不是马上制作,可以放冰箱冷藏过夜,第二天取出来放室温半个小时后再做下面的程序。
  5. 面团发酵的时候准备馅料。将白糖,肉桂粉和豆蔻粉(可选)混合备用。将黄油放入一个小锅里,小火慢慢加热至颜色变成褐色。需要有耐心,一定要小火,小心加热过头熬糊了,冷却备用。准备9*5*3的面包烤模,涂抹上油再撒上一层面粉备用。也可以用玛芬烤盘。
  6. 发酵好的面团加入2大匙面粉揉匀,用布盖上,松弛5分钟。
  7. 桌面洒上一层面粉,将松弛好的面团用擀面杖擀成约12*20英寸/30*50厘米的面皮。不用擀那么大都可以的,只要擀成一个长方形就可以了。
  8. 面皮上涂抹上褐色黄油,然后洒上肉桂糖混合物。原方说不怕可以全部撒上去。我觉得油和肉桂糖都有些多,只用了大半,后来做好后还是后悔没有全部用上。
  9. 然后将面皮沿短边切成均匀的六个长条。将这六个长条重叠在一起,再均匀切成六份。
  10. 将切好的面块放到烤盘里,像书页一样。
  11. 烤箱预热350F/180C,烤30-35分钟表面金黄就可以了。这个方子不用刷蛋液在表面,如果自己喜欢还是可以刷一些,这样面包角就不会烤糊,如果看到面包边缘开始变色太深,可以用锡箔纸盖一下。
  12. 烤好的面包冷却20-30分钟后,用涂抹了黄油的刀松一下边缘,将面包倒出来再翻过来就可以了,趁热吃很好吃,如果一次吃不完,用保鲜袋装上室温可以保持2天以上。Enjoy!!

Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread

Makes: one 9x5x3-inch loaf

Recipe adapted from HungryGirlPorVida, joythebaker

For the Dough: 

2 3/4 cups plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

1/4 cup granulated sugar

2 1/4 teaspoons (1 envelope) active dry yeast

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 ounces unsalted butter

1/3 cup whole milk

1/4 cup water

2 large eggs, at room temperature

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

For the Filling:

1 cup granulated sugar

2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon fresh ground nutmeg

2 ounces unsalted butter, melted until browned

In a large mixing bowl (I used just the bowl of my stand mixer) whisk together 2 cups flour, sugar, yeast, and salt.  Set aside.

Whisk together eggs and set aside.

In a small saucepan, melt together milk and butter until butter has just melted.  Remove from the heat and add water and vanilla extract.  Let mixture stand for a minute or two, or until the mixture registers 115 to 125 degrees F.

Pour the milk mixture into the dry ingredients and mix with a spatula.  Add the eggs and stir the mixture until the eggs are incorporated into the batter.  The eggs will feel soupy and it’ll seem like the dough and the eggs are never going to come together.  Keep stirring.  Add the remaining 3/4 cup of flour and stir with the spatula for about 2 minutes.  The mixture will be sticky.  That’s just right.

Place the dough is a large,  greased bowl.  Cover with plastic wrap and a clean kitchen towel.  Place in a warm space and allow to rest until doubled in size, about 1 hour.  *The dough can be risen until doubled in size, then refrigerated overnight for use in the morning.  If you’re using this method, just let the dough rest on the counter for 30 minutes before following the roll-out directions below.

While the dough rises, whisk together the sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg for the filling.  Set aside.  Melt 2 ounces of butter until browned.  Set aside.  Grease and flour a 9x5x3-inch  loaf pan.  Set that aside too.

Deflate the risen dough and knead about 2 tablespoons of flour into the dough.  Cover with a clean kitchen towel and let rest for 5 minutes.  On a lightly floured work surface, use a rolling pin to roll the dough out.  The dough should be 12-inches tall and about 20-inches long.  If you can’t get the dough to 20-inches long… that’s okay.  Just roll it as large as the dough will go.  Use a pastry brush to spread melted butter across all of the dough.  Sprinkle with all of the sugar and cinnamon mixture.  It might seem like a lot of sugar.  Seriously?  Just go for it.

Slice the dough vertically, into six equal-sized strips.  Stack the strips on top of one another and slice the stack into six equal slices once again.  You’ll have six stacks of six squares.  Layer the dough squares in the loaf pan like a flip-book. (The dough was too much put into one loaf pan, so I cut last square to half put into a muffin pan, look was great in there too.) Place a kitchen towel over the loaf pan and allow in a warm place for 30 to 45 minutes or until almost doubled in size.

Place a rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 350 degrees F.  Place loaf in the oven and bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until the top is very golden brown.  The top may be lightly browned, but the center may still be raw.  A nice, dark, golden brown will ensure that the center is cooked as well.

Remove from the oven and allow to rest for 20 to 30 minutes.   Run a butter knife around the edges of the pan to loosen the bread and invert onto  a clean board.  Place a cake stand or cake plate on top of the  upside down loaf, and carefully invert so it’s right side up.  Serve warm with coffee or tea.

I think this bread is best served the day it’s made, but it can also we wrapped and kept at room temperature for up to 2 days.




甜品类 肉类 蛋糕类s 饼干