Touchpro2 for sprint how to
hi, pardon me for asking this question which may have already been asked; i searched this forum but just couldn't find the answers...
i have spent considerable amount of time surfing through howardforums recommended by fitwxc, searching for how to use touch pro 2 running on sprint 3g network while remain in boost account; so far no luck yet. i knew some people are doing it and there must be some articles out there. the other day a person sent me an email, the signature said "sent from smartphone via boost mobile". clearly it's been done and doable.
can some of gurus give links to the relavant articles, or specific discussions on howardforums getting me a starting point? just saying something like "read xxxx forum" doesn't work for idiots like me as it's like trying to pick up a needle from bottom of an ocean:)
don't argue with me please. remember - when you argue with idiots, the problem is you will be dragged down to their level and beaten up by their experience. lol