慢慢来,别着急!有什么不适,多跟手术医生沟通.不知道你何时得follow-up with your MD.

来源: 2012-02-25 12:11:31 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

不知道你做的Gastrectomy是哪一种?但不管是哪一种手术,术后饮食都是先从少量的液体(几勺到半杯)到软的食物直到固体食物(from liquids to soft food and then more solid foods.).如果是Total Gastrectomy,那么更应该注意,更容易感觉Heartburn and/or cramping和严重的 Dumping syndrome---Because all of the stomach has been removed, food and liquids pass into the small intestine too fast. This may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramping and a feeling of dizziness.医生应该要给你一些止吐药和建议营养师来指导饮食---少糖高蛋白食物(to prevent the carbohydrate component draws water into the intestinal lumen causing sudden fluid shifts in the early dumping)-少量多餐/哪些食物容易产气需要注意等...你看过(follow-up)医生了没?跟他们说了你的不适了没?应该多跟医生沟通,尤其是刚做完手术不久(2个星期),让他们对症帮助你.假如一切都算正常,你可以听听网上的交流.Good Luck,祝你一切都好起来!

Figure 4A - Incision for removal of the stomach.© N.Gordon Figure 4B - Distal Partial Gastrectomy. The lower end of the stomach is removed. The end of the duodenum is closed. The jejunum is brought up and sutured to the cut end of the stomach in an end-to-side anastomosis. © N.Gordon
Figure 4C - Proximal Partial Gastrectom. The upper end of the stomach is removes. The lower stomach is freed up and brought up and sutured to the esophagus. © N.Gordon Figure 4D - Total Gastrectomy. The entire stomach is removed. The end of the duodenum is closed. The jejunum is cut and the distal end brought up to the esophagus and sutured. The other end is attached lower down on the jejunum by an end-to-side anastomosis. © N.Gordon