
来源: 2014-12-31 16:54:40 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

这是江湖规矩的问题! -- It's about who is the BIG gun, it's about who is the GUN that shoots!

坏了这次规矩,江湖上都知道这是一把哑火的枪! -- RUBBER gun, something that looks like gun, it just does NOT shoot!

RUBBER gun,在江湖上还想玩吗?

至于说大老板啥的,不扯那个鬼蛋! -- 既然在这开钱,那就是这的规矩!看过电影陆站排吗?那小排长是怎么对上司说的?(上司直接给他的下属下指令) -- Sir! I think it's me who's got give command to my soldrier!

这是极为敏感的问题 -- and it's a sure test whether somebody is real REAL gun or a RUBBER gun!