
来源: 2014-09-18 11:48:57 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

甲。Leadership,俺只看见一小打工仔的心态 -- 哪怕自己都建起了一摊事了。坦率地说,这个瓶颈不解决,您不堪大用,因此,也不可能获得大的利益。


丙。不大气,您小心眼很重 -- 这个对所有人都有害,对有一定资历的人的害处更大,因为期望不一样。上海人吧?(别人压不压我,我压不压别人的那些鸡零狗碎。。。)

To me, it is quite clear: you have maximized your interest with this employer -- if you want to change the scenario, you have to change you profile and status quo SUBSTANTIALLY! Which WOULDN'T be easy! There is much better way to achieve better interest:

Use your spare time to develop business!