
来源: 2011-07-20 12:45:11 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


-- Nice, you have the degree! Many of my studets even do not have this kind of degree. So you know you are betetr than many of us!

一 直因为生娃照顾家没有机会上班.等孩子大了,准备找工作,却发现非常难.

-- You felt difficulty because you (same as many of us) don't know how to find a job and don't know which field to target a job.

为了准备,做过volunteer,考过CFA,然后参加各种 professional的活动,其中认识了很多人,也有7,8 次被推荐,但真正意义上的interview只有一次.其中一个最有力的推荐者,是一个VP, 他和管financial analyst的主管极力推荐我,并拿着我的resume一起分析.结果是主管也承认我的背景不错,但她的一句话打败了我,她说她更愿意雇刚毕业的学 生,compare to我这种毕业很多年又没有经验的人.

-- You failed becasue you do not have the skill they need.

-- Skill can be build up if you follow the nice way. (The way I tell you what to do).


-- How lucky you are!

-- Not every hu*****and like him. He is great!


-- How lucky he is!

-- Not every wife like you. You are great too!

虽然很享受和孩子在一起的时光,但这样的日子,还是寂寞和不甘的.每次去 downtown, 看到那些白领,都无比羡慕.昨晚在梦里哭了,问一个朋友:为什么我想要重回职场会这么难?其实这样的梦不止一次了,上班成了我一个解不开的心结.

-- No work today doesn't mean no work after three months.

-- Totally depends on what will you do in there three months.


-- Actually Why not?

-- You already have the degree which many of us didn't have. (But, Susan, 爱饿苏三, (You knew her, don't you?) has Finance Analysis Degree too!)
-- After pick up marketable Database skills, plus your Finance degree, you will be in a good shape.
-- If somebody offer you a job in a big Bank or whatever big company do Finance Analysis, Why you say NO?

下一步,也想学Data analysis. 老土老师,真心希望得到您的帮助!

-- I can tell everybody at here that I am willing to use you as an example, let's make the change of your life.

-- 老土助你圆梦,一切皆有可能。 别人中, 咱也中。