My farewell lunch will be combined with Senior Vice President

来源: 2010-03-31 21:22:25 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

After I gave notice to resign, our Senior VP also resigned. Hence, my company will combine our farewell lunches. I am promoted to the same level as SVP on my last day in this company. I am really 乐哈哈.


来源: (乐哈哈) 于 10-03-23 23:38:38

I took a long vacation last summer but the company retaliated me with my weekly commuting between north and south California. I found a job in a new company that is only 30 mile from my home. So, I gave a notice to resign, citing the recent airfare hiking as the sole cause.

Job market is improving, just try and never give up.

Good luck to everyone.