Do some golf, start small and cheap

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No need for expensive clubs to start.

Go to a driving range that has a pro shop.  They may sell used clubs for $10.  Pick all the #6 or #7s.  Buy a bucket of balls.  Try out the clubs.  Pick one that he likes.

For a beginner, the correct way of swinging means much more than the kind of club, i.e., if he can swing one club correctly, there is little difference from one club to another.  If he cannot swing one correctly, no amount of clubs will help, no matter how fancy or expensive they are.

As to the swing, 用的是腰劲儿.

You may need to buy him a new putter, which is very individualized.  Dick's Sporting Goods?

A book on golf, the comprehensive ones, with a lot pictures.

If he is into it, you can then spend the dough on clubs and a bag, or pay for instructions.

Hope for warm weather.

