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小川普横扫双标的View女主持们 2019-11-07
by 有问求解

今天,小川普为推广自己的新书,上View节目,舌战女主持们,痛快淋漓。 第一条,小川普直接将乌克兰门告密者姓名爆出,立刻遭到狂轰。这是他的回应:


"ABC is right now chasing down a whistleblower about all of the Epstein stuff because those stories were killed. So, if we're going to have the conversation about the outrage about whistleblowers, you work with CBS." 这里的梗:前日爆出ABC女主持人未播出的片段,抱怨ABC三年前将她对Epstein 调查结果强压下来。所有我们认知的都有证据。爆料后,ABC追查泄露视频的员工,得知他刚刚转到CBS,急忙通知CBS,结果导致泄露视频的前员工被CBS开除。 这位泄露者的遭遇,完全与乌克兰门的告密者不同的遭遇,赤裸裸暴露了左媒们的极端双标。 其实,ABC压住Epstein 调查结果更是将他们Enemy of People 的本色大白于天下,邪恶! 

BREAKING: @abcnews anchor @arobach caught on 'hot mic' in August disgustedly exposing networks decision to strategically spike bombshell investigation into Jefferey Esptein over THREE YEARS AGO. Says what she had was "unbelievable"



DonaldJTrumpJr: "We've all done things that we regret. I mean, if we're talking about bringing the discourse down. Joy, you've worn blackface. Whoopi, you said of Roman Polanski, 'it wasn't rape rape,' when he raped a child." 这里的梗:Joy年轻时在Halloween 上涂黑扮演黑人;Whoopi曾为波兰斯基(多次性侵儿童的好莱坞导演)辩称不是强奸。 这是Joy涂黑的视频: 



小川普的女友 Guilfoyle: “The first day after the election you said, ‘and now let’s start with impeachment’ … it was on this show on November 9th.” Goldberg: “No, actually it wasn’t” Here's the clip on Nov 9: Goldberg: ”We can kick his ass out ... here is such a thing called impeachment” 






Bro&Sis for MAGA:http://groups.wenxuecity.com/groups/index.php?act=groupview&gid=2839



题目说明了一切, "横扫”,呵呵 -PasserbyY- 给 PasserbyY 发送悄悄话 PasserbyY 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/08/2019 postreply 09:20:21

创普的两个儿子都是伶牙利齿。 -西风-西风- 给 西风-西风 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/08/2019 postreply 10:11:21

痛快!这些两面派就需要有人撕开他们的面具。 -qing_us- 给 qing_us 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/08/2019 postreply 10:58:00

LOL -Halo333- 给 Halo333 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/08/2019 postreply 11:50:35

昨天看了,小川很有胆量和风度,四两拨千斤,让这几个自以为是的女人疯狂到口不择言了。LOL! -怕犯错误- 给 怕犯错误 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/08/2019 postreply 12:14:00

呵呵,舌战群雌。 -吃素的狼- 给 吃素的狼 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/08/2019 postreply 13:37:52



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