推荐好文:SPYGATE III: 谁动了我的奶酪 (Who moved my Cheese)?

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SPYGATE III: 谁动了我的奶酪Who moved my Cheese)?


作者:ME_Professor (2019-05-26)




I. 奶酪(cheese)

是一种比喻,它可以是人们生命中最需要的东西,也可以是使人们在生命的某个时期最想得到的东西。对于一个国家和政治党派而言, Cheese = Power。对于DEMOCRAT,power可是民主党命根.

“哈哈,命根?教授,你有没有搞错啊?”. “没有搞错”。“可是,可是,这又是为啥呢?”

II. 聪明的你想想看, 有了POWER您可以有何作为?

  1. 可以致富 (e.g., Obama net worth: 做总统前 1M in 2005; 离职时 20M in 2017, 如今$40M in 2019).
  2. 可以above the law (e.g., 演员Smollett 因为自导仇恨罪而被捕staging a phony hate crime against himself and arrested; 但是, 这些charges 神秘地 dropped).
  3. 可以abuse the power:
  • IRS查你吖conservative groups的税, targeting action began 2010,让你日日不得安宁.
  • Freedom of press, 做你的大头梦,just ask real journalists Sharyl Attkisson 和James  Rosen。 OBAMA 当政期间, reporters WERE simply prosecuted and spied。现在90% FAKE NEWS.
  • 可以Smear – – 这个可是DEMOCRAT 拿手戏。Smear 就是shit 盆子扣到你头上,让后要求你必须清白你自己,并解释你为何stink(e.g, Kavanaugh smear of 2018, 最近的smear of 2019 on Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann)。造谣一张嘴,辟谣跑断腿. 俺个人希望造谣毁掉别人的人下地狱。
  • 可以Play dirty 欺骗,耍猫腻,耍花招— to dirty up a political campaign — but not do it through campaign tactics, but do it by corrupting the FBI and the DOJ (e.g. Obama 政府spying on TRUMP, cover-up, try to oust president).
  • 可以corrupt court system (e.g., Trump 行政2年多,federal district courts 发了 37 nationwide injunctions, 比较Obama 的first 2 year, 只有两个injunctions,后来还都dismissed).

     III. 到底谁动了DEMOCRAT的奶酪 ?

是Trump,还有,有着common sense的你和我  

(Including liberal conservative, progressive, libertarian) 

  1. Trump被选为总统, 这让DEMOCRAT 失去executive power, 自然动了其奶酪, 故天天被smear。
  2. 你我吃瓜群众如何会动了民主党的奶酪?因为我们有选票。如果AMERICAN CITIZENS看到,听到,并且明白真相,就会reelect TRUMP in 2020.这一真相(TRUTH)会reveal民主党的丑闻,恶行,和crimes。所以,吃瓜群众也会被smeared, 如被称为depolorable, "white supremacist"等等
  3. This is what democrats fear the most: 吃瓜群众的觉醒,会让他们失去选票,故而失去POWER。

IV. 重磅shockwaves, 华盛顿DC in panic!

  1. 4/10/2019, AG Barr的第一个炸弹: “I think spying did occur,” “I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal”。Barr told a Senate subcommittee in Washington。
  2. 5/14/2019, 媒体自爆了第二个炸弹(Washington Post and New York Times):AG Barr 指定 John H. Durham, the U.S. attorney,要对 “通俄门”调查案的缘起查个水落石出(probe into the origins of the Russia investigation). 和IG 不同的是, MR. DURHAM 有着MUELLER 一样的POWER:可以审问任何人(在职或离职的),还可以送人去牢房。谁会有牢狱?
  3. 5/23/2019, 一叔已经完美报告第三个炸弹:TRUMP授权 AG Barr全面解密2016年大选期间发生了什么.俺补充一点:Trump directed the intelligence community to quickly and fully cooperate with the Attorney General’s investigation, 这对解密非常重要, 不然,Director of National Intelligence COATS, FBI Director WRAY 貌似SWAMP 或过于保护INSTITUTION而 wall stalling 解密文件。


V. 真相就要闪亮登场了  

  1. Obama administration colluded with the Hillary Clinton campaign to ensure Trump’s defeat in the 2016 election.
  2. Obama administration tried to cover up surveillance on Americans.  If Trump won in 2016, a plot, and actions were operated to oust duly elected President Trump。Spying 是丑闻, illegal spying 是犯罪, trying to oust elected president 是 TREASON.

所有DEMOCRATS, 他们的领导Nancy Pelosi; 流泪叔 Schumer, 为自己的PARTY的丑闻EXPOSURE 担心:



Great: "真相就要闪亮登场了"! -LakeTree- 给 LakeTree 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/27/2019 postreply 21:19:51

还应该加上Loretta Lynch -因为Trump- 给 因为Trump 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/27/2019 postreply 22:04:04

不知真假:据说意大利前总理是奥巴哥们,奥通过他和Brennan在意大利布置陷阱,意大利已换总理,前几天四位间谍头子辞职了 -金笔- 给 金笔 发送悄悄话 金笔 的博客首页 (29 bytes) () 05/27/2019 postreply 22:49:03



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