

I was just in Xinjiang, Gansu and Qinghai 2 weeks ago on a Silk Road tour (Kashgar, Urumqi, Turpan, Jiayuguan, Dunhuang, Xining, Lanzhou) and saw this for my very own eyes! All during our trip, which included hundreds of mile on buses and high-speed rails, we saw endless miles of re-forestation of the deserts and mountain foothills -- the Tianshan, Kunlun and Qillian mountain ranges as well as flat gobi deserts. The scale of the work is simply staggering, just rows and rows of recently planted trees and verdant new forests as far as the eyes can see. Not only this, the mega infrastructure projects China did are just amazing: wide and smooth super highways, high-speed (130 mph+) railroads, 30+ mile tunnels through entire mountain ranges, hydro-electric dams and reservoirs, the list goes on and on. Even Xining, a modest sized ancient city on the Tibetan plateau is now a glistering modern city with spotless boulevards, art and cultural/historical museums, a huge city plaza, vibrant economy, clean air and modern-skyline that rivals any city that I have seen. In Lanzhou, which once had one of the worst air-pollution in the world now has clean air and blue skies -- because the Chinese REMOVED an entire obstructing mountain on the east side to allow the fresh air to come through! We were all so impressed. The Chinese don't believe in doing anything small. Great job, China!!!?



I took the train from Beijing to Tibet few years ago and stayed in Tibet for a week. Spoken to many Tibetans and the fact is most Tibetans are happy to be part of China. China has brought wealth and developments to Tibet as they'll never able to achieve without China. It is the Western countries and India that stirring up trouble in Tibet making and reporting fake news and accusing China mistreated the Tibetans. Most Tibetans are proud to be part of China.
