
来源: 牧辛 2018-06-08 11:30:01 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (38813 bytes)


中國海警強索菲漁民漁獲 菲電視台錄到

發稿時間:2018/06/08 20:50

最新更新:2018/06/08 20:50










菲律賓大學海洋事務暨海洋法研究所所長巴童巴卡(Jay Batongbacal)說,中方人員等同是在菲國專屬經濟海域上執法,而且中國海警盤踞在黃岩島不走,等同佔領。

南海仲裁案菲國法律團隊成員之一、最高法院代理院長卡皮奧(Antonio Carpio)指出,中方騷擾在黃岩島捕魚的菲國漁民,明顯違反裁決,因此馬尼拉可以再次提告,甚至索賠。

菲律賓外交部未對此作出回應,但馬拉坎南宮發言人羅奎(Harry Roque)說,電視台拍到的影片沒有絕對的說服力,但可作為提出外交抗議的根據。(編輯:高照芬)1070608





2018年06月08日 03:13 稿件来源:菲律賓商報   【字体:↑大 ↓小












Video captures China Coast Guard taking PH fishermen's catch

The video shows China's effective control and occupation of Scarborough Shoal, says Filipino maritime law expert Jay Batongbacal

EFFECTIVE CONTROL? A video obtained by GMA News shows a male Chinese taking the catch of Filipino fishermen in Scarborough Shoal. Screenshot of a report on 24 Oras

EFFECTIVE CONTROL? A video obtained by GMA News shows a male Chinese taking the catch of Filipino fishermen in Scarborough Shoal. Screenshot of a report on 24 Oras


MANILA, Philippines – The China Coast Guard has been habitually taking the catch of Filipino fishermen in Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal off the coast of Zambales province, videos show.

GMA News obtained a mobile phone video of men in a China Coast Guard speed boat boarding a Filipino vessel to take some of their catch. A news report aired on June 7 showed a male Chinese digging through their fish.

In another instance, a GMA News team that joined Filipino fishermen to the shoal also came face to face with Chinese who approached their boat for fish. The foreigners left empty-handed, however, because the fishermen told them they still had no catch at the time.

The encounter was caught by cameras the team hid from the Chinese.

"Basta hinahalungkat nila, sir, kunin nila ang gusto nila. Ilagay nila sa plastic. 'Yung magaganda pa ang kunin nila (They just dig through our catch and get what they want. They put it in plastic. They really choose the best ones)," said a fisherman interviewed for the report.

The incident comes as the Philippine military is trying to persuade fishermen who used to frequent the shoal to go back there.

China's effective control

Filipino fishermen were able to return to their traditional fishing grounds in the waters of Panatag Shoal. It's the site of a 2012 tense standoff between the Philippine Navy and the Chinese Coast Guard, which resulted in Beijing's practical occupation of the shoal.

President Rodrigo Duterte credited warmer ties with Beijing for the return of Filipino fishermen there. But the video showed China's effective control and occupation of Scarborough Shoal, said Filipino maritime law expert Jay Batongbacal.

The Chinese appear to be regularly inspecting and constantly occupying the shoal, he said.

An international court ruling said Scarborough Shoal is a common fishing ground for Filipino, Chinese, and neighboring fishermendespite being located inside the Philippines' Exclusive Economic Zone.

Presidential spokesman Harry Roque said the Philippines will lodge a complaint with China over the incident.

The report follows another incident of Chinese harassment in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea). The Philippines has filed a diplomatic protest over a Chinese chopper's actions in Ayungin (Second Thomas) Shoal, where it hovered over a rubber boat deployed for a resupply mission of the Philippine military.

Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said the Ayungin incident was supposed to be an isolated case. – Rappler.com









人民日报:苏修渔霸作恶多端 1976-12-16 第6版 -爱学习的熊猫- 给 爱学习的熊猫 发送悄悄话 (1002 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 11:33:15

真不容易啊,你们机构资料真全。 -Santaiyang- 给 Santaiyang 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 11:38:43

我们的机构叫谷歌,知道为什么要封杀了吧 -爱学习的熊猫- 给 爱学习的熊猫 发送悄悄话 (169 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 11:42:06

那也得业务熟练才能反应快。 -Santaiyang- 给 Santaiyang 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 11:54:04

是打着不做恶的旗号做恶的那一家吗? -stonebench- 给 stonebench 发送悄悄话 stonebench 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 11:59:57

人家有错会反省改正。而共媒则是想方设法专门作恶,不但不反省还拉扯各种借口来掩护作恶。 -牧辛- 给 牧辛 发送悄悄话 牧辛 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 12:16:49

拉出比你更差的并不能证明你不差。共媒之差差在蠢,欲歌之差则差在奸。 -stonebench- 给 stonebench 发送悄悄话 stonebench 的博客首页 (406 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 13:24:04

共媒之差差在卑怯。敢作恶而不敢担责。 -牧辛- 给 牧辛 发送悄悄话 牧辛 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 13:33:23

你说的那一家势头正旺,家里墙太多,啥都藏起来。 -好望角骆驼- 给 好望角骆驼 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 13:05:00

美舰访港时官兵可以登岸寻欢作乐。而解放军驻港部队官兵被禁上街形同坐牢。重要原因之一就是当局对官兵纪律素质不放心。 -牧辛- 给 牧辛 发送悄悄话 牧辛 的博客首页 (560 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 11:47:02

这个有点牵强了,我觉得主要是两国情况不同。美国到香港来就是个客人,个别军人做出点事也不会被人多想。但是大陆军队来香港,万一出事, -爱学习的熊猫- 给 爱学习的熊猫 发送悄悄话 (26 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 11:50:46

中国军队在中国领土上凭啥比外国军队更受限制?再说如果军纪严明的话,又何惧在港民面前充分展示高素质? -牧辛- 给 牧辛 发送悄悄话 牧辛 的博客首页 (389 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 11:55:02

和中国其它地方已经被中央政府管理很久的地盘不一样,刚收回来的领土上的民众对中央政府可能会疑虑,所以领导谨慎一些可以理解, -爱学习的熊猫- 给 爱学习的熊猫 发送悄悄话 (101 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 12:01:39

各军都有军人违法案件。公众会判断。纪律良好之军到哪里都不怕曝光。例如美军。 -牧辛- 给 牧辛 发送悄悄话 牧辛 的博客首页 (80 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 12:10:35

说不定有人认为“散漫”=“良好”呢。。。自由万岁么。。。 -davidhu1999- 给 davidhu1999 发送悄悄话 davidhu1999 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 12:54:22

中国当兵的都是雷锋,军委副主席都是罪犯。 -cowpi- 给 cowpi 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 14:35:04

这个流氓当得确实不到位。应该以大米为榜样定个名目把渔船公司罚个倾家当产。 -stonebench- 给 stonebench 发送悄悄话 stonebench 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 12:02:41

假的?没穿制服没有国旗 -huntridge- 给 huntridge 发送悄悄话 huntridge 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 12:17:42

那小艇这些年来常在菲国电视上出现。而穿便服打劫,更证明他们清楚自己在干坏事。 -牧辛- 给 牧辛 发送悄悄话 牧辛 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 12:24:25

牧辛同学认为是。。。 -davidhu1999- 给 davidhu1999 发送悄悄话 davidhu1999 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 12:42:33

我如果是中宣部的,就雇牧辛同学这样的来宣传阵地。对中间派人士应该有极大的推动作用。 -davidhu1999- 给 davidhu1999 发送悄悄话 davidhu1999 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 12:53:26

看来被人称为共匪也不冤枉。 -TruthHurt- 给 TruthHurt 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2018 postreply 13:35:49



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