


The report, based on technical analyses of witness accounts, photos and videos that appeared around the same time as a Syrian government offensive in Douma, was provided by the French embassy in Washington.

"After examining the videos and images of victims published online, (French intelligence services) were able to conclude with a high degree of confidence that the vast majority are recent and not fabricated," the report said.

The analysis was released hours after U.S., France and Britain fired 105 missiles at three chemical weapons facilities in Syria — and about an hour before the convening of an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council called for by Russia, a Syrian ally that disputes chemical weapons were used.


Their findings were based on first-hand accounts of military helicopters releasing barrel bombs, evidence of features and markings of the bombs consistent with those Syrian forces used in previous attacks, and photos and videos of victims exhibiting the effects of chemical exposure such as foaming at the mouth, said the officials who requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

