Strings 诗四首

来源: 颤音 2017-05-29 13:56:51 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (16485 bytes)

贴了 Cello and his shadow 和 Harp and her reflection 后, 有一位网友写了如下的评论

What has the strings department done to you? Violin and viola just called and said they didn't want to be your next victims...

说得有道理, 我不能放过 violin 和 viola, 就又写了两首短诗。 现在把四首一起贴出来。 能告诉我那种乐器被伤得最深吗? 希望你读了还会继续听 string instruments。 


Viola or Venice



dreams in the moon. 


Hides in the haze.


bows the viola.




Nocturne Violin


I play nightly nocturnes,

Tell you how my love burns.

My fingers master vibrato trill,

As my heart trembles in thrill.

Your heart is a riddle,

Were it solved by my Fiddle.





Harp and her reflection


I erect a harp by the mirror lake.

In the mirror I gaze at her grace,

And beauty that ain’t empty or fake. 

When autumn breeze wrinkles her face,

I hear fallen leaves pluck her string.  

And see tender green decorate her reflection. 

Harp sings a song of mesmerizing spring,

Till I tie autumn with affection. 




Cello and his shadow


In sunset stands a lonely cello, 

Talks to no one but his shadow.

His words are buzzing bees, 

His songs are sighing seas.

In a tune like wavering willow,

In a color like mellowing meadow.

Till the sun flees.

Cello panics and pleas:

Shadow, Shadow, stay with me!

For I will sing you nightly glee.  

And my strings will never pluck sorrow, 

For I need you every tomorrow. 


In sunrise lies a cheerful shadow,

Shed by a humble cello. 

To the Cello Shadow complains:

Why your face full of grains and pains?

Cheer up, cheer up, my fellow, 

I want to hear your blissful allegro. 

Please sing my favorite fairy tale-

Love at first sight never turns pale.

Or a song of a broken heart-

How we meet and part.

So you’ll forget last night’s dream of sorrow,

And I shall be with you every tomorrow. 



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