
来源: Justness 2017-03-29 07:35:45 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (42579 bytes)
Lend-Lease B-25’s, A-20’s and P-39’s on the runway at Ladd Field, Alaska prior to testing by the Soviet Purchasing Commission – September 1942 (Photo Source: National Museum of the U.S. Air Force)
Andrea Hincerockur (Russian pilot), Lt. Thompson Highfill of the 99th Bomb Ground and Corzen Venzopkin (Russian) in front of a Soviet P-39
Andrea Hincerockur (Russian pilot), Lt. Thompson Highfill of the 99th Bomb Ground and Corzen Venzopkin (Russian) in front of a Soviet P-39 (Photo Source: National Museum of the U.S. Air Force)
Alaska-Siberia Lend-Lease Airway Memorial Fairbanks Alaska
Alaska-Siberia Lend Lease Airway
Soviet Lend-Lease Program Douglas A-20 Havoc at Ladd Field, Alaska in WW2 (Photo Source: US Library of Congress)
Soviet Lend-Lease Program Douglas A-20 Havoc at Ladd Field, Alaska in WW2 (Photo Source: US Library of Congress)
6,1942年9月在美国阿拉斯加州Ladd飞机场,跑道上的B-25’s, A-20’s and P-39’飞机,等待苏联检验 7,在P-39’飞机前,Andrea Hincerockur(苏联飞行员),Thompson Highfill(美军the 99th Bomb Ground),Corzen Venzopkin(苏联飞行员) 8,阿拉斯加州-西伯利亚租借法空中航线 9,第二次世界大战中,阿拉斯加州Ladd飞机场,美国提供给苏联的A-20浩劫攻击机 A-20浩劫轰炸机(公司内命名DB-7)是一款二战的美国攻击机、轻型轰炸机和夜间战斗机。服役于同盟国空军,主要是美国陆军航空军(USAAF),苏联空军(VVS),苏联海军航空兵(AVMF)及英国皇家空军(RAF)。苏联部队接收超过三分之一(2,908架)的DB-7.它也被澳洲、南非、法国和荷兰的空军在战争中使用,在战后有巴西使用。 当道格拉斯DB-7系列于终于在1944年9月20日停产时,道格拉斯共建造了7098架,另有波音建造的380架。 In Fairbanks, Alaska is an excellent memorial to the men and women who contributed to the Lend-Lease Program from both the United States and the Soviet Union. The Lend-Lease Memorial created by Alaskan sculptor R.T. Wallen was officially presented to the people of Alaska in 2006 and can be found in the downtown riverfront park of Fairbanks. It depicts both a US Army Air Force and Soviet pilot along with a Bell P-39 Airacobra propeller (the predominate aircraft ferried on the air route). It is also a memorial to the Women Airline Service Pilots (WASP) who participated in the Lend-Lease Program (ferrying aircraft). The aircraft and other supplies were ferried from the lower 48 US states, over Canada to Ladd Field near Fairbanks (now Fort Wainwright) where up to 600 Soviet pilots flew the aircraft on to the to the Soviet Union.
Lend-Lease Memorial in Fairbanks Alaska
Lend-Lease Memorial in Fairbanks, Alaska
Lend-Lease Memorial in Fairbanks Alaska
Lend-Lease Memorial in Fairbanks, Alaska
USAAF pilot Lend Lease Memorial Fairbanks Alaska
USAAF pilot
Soviet pilot Lend Lease Memorial Fairbanks Alaska
Soviet pilot
Women Airline Service Pilots WASP
Women Airline Service Pilots
Soviet Bell P-39 Airacobra                                                 Soviet Bell P-39 Airacobra 10,阿拉斯加州费尔班克斯的租借法纪念馆 11,阿拉斯加州费尔班克斯的租借法纪念馆 12,美军飞行员 13,苏联飞行员 14,女子航空勤务飞行队(women airforce service pilots,WASP) 1941年12月7日的珍珠港事件,引发了美国对空军的强烈需求,那之后飞机被大量制造、但因当时的空军被派遣到海外参战,生产出的飞机没有办法被运送到军事基地。在这一问题的驱使下,女子辅助转场中队(WAFS)于1942年9月10日成立。 1943年8月,原有的WAFS与另外一支WFTD女子飞行训练特遣队合并,被称为WASP女子航空勤务飞行队。WASP的飞行员主要任务就是驾驶各类飞机在美国各个军事基地进行转运。 虽然这份工作也充满了危险,但相比于远赴欧洲或太平洋参战,相对来说危险还是小一些。所以很多不愿参战的男性飞行员开始参与到这项工作中。也正因此,国内“缺少飞行员”的问题解决了,因而1944年12月20日美国国会取消了WASP部队,妇女飞行团宣告解散。 15,苏军使用的美国P-39空中眼镜蛇战斗机 P-39在二次世界大战初期短暂的的作为美国陆军航空军的主力,尤其曾进驻瓜岛的亨德森机场,用于和日军作战,但是很快的就退居二线与担任训练的角色。美国转而将大量出厂的P-39在租借法案下运往苏联,让这种飞机在苏联战场找到另外一片天空。 虽然起初苏联飞行员也和美国的同行一样对本机表现诸多恶评,认为不过可以弥补当时产量不足的Yak-9和La-5战斗机,加上官方媒体刻意压低外援飞机在苏联战场上的表现。 但因为其在寒冷的苏联领空很实用可靠,P-39凭借他的重心稳定运动性能,作为当时战斗机航炮口径之冠的火力,以及当时苏联最缺乏的无线电,实战中获得相当多的好评,也创下优异的击落纪录,成为众多王牌飞行员的座机。 大战结束时P-39总共出厂9529架,扣除损失的部分,有4789架运抵苏联。 ' target='_blank'>https://acesflyinghigh.wordpress.com/2014/11/05/lend-lease-memorial-fairbanks-alaska/ 在美国阿拉斯加州费尔班克斯,租借法案纪念馆

Lend-Lease Memorial – Fairbanks, Alaska

Industrial might lead to victory in WW2
Industrial might lead to victory in WW2
During the early years of World War Two in Europe, both Great Britain and Russia needed a vast amount of military equipment to combat Germany and other Allied nations needed help against Japan. These countries lost a lot of equipment in the early Axis onslaught and their need for replacements far surpassed their own production capability. Luckily the industrial might of the United States of America had the solution to this problem. The Lend-Lease program proposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in early 1941 (following requests from British Prime Minister Winston Churchill “Give us the tools and we will finish the job“) was enacted by the United States Congress on March 11th, 1941 to provide financial and military equipment aid to her allies (formally known as An Act to Further Promote the Defense of the United States). This was 9 months before the United States entered the war and President Roosevelt stated it was a way of “helping to put out the fire in your neighbour`s house before your own house caught fire and burned down.”. Although this program initially still kept the United States out of the war, it was then neutral in pretence only and brought them closer to entering the fighting themselves.
President Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease bill to give aid to Britain and China in 1941
President Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease bill to give aid to Britain and China in 1941 (Photo Source: Associated Press)
1,1941年,罗斯福总统签署租借法案 Under the Lend-Lease program military equipment, supplies and weaponry including tanks, ships and aircraft were provided to 39 Allied countries including Great Britain, the Free French, Nationalist China, the Soviet Union and Brazil between 1941 and August 1945. The type of aid varied depending on the needs of each nation. Initially Great Britain for example needed food, land vehicles, ships and transport aircraft. The Soviet Union predominately needed fighter and attack aircraft and although they mostly made their own tanks they needed great numbers of trains and trucks to transport troops and supplies (around two-thirds of the trucks used by the Red Army at the end of the war were American made). As the war progressed and Great Britain was able to produce more of their own necessities, they also provided equipment and supplies to the Soviets for their war effort.
Allied Leaders Yalta Summit 1945 – Churchill, Roosevelt & Stalin
2,1945年盟国领导人在雅尔塔会议--邱吉尔,罗斯福,斯大林 During World War Two the United States produced a massive amount of weaponry for theirs and the overall Allied war effort including 310,000 aircraft, 100,000 tanks and armoured vehicles, 124,000 ships of all types (with 82,000 landing craft), 7,500 locomotive engines, 41 billions bullets and 2.6 million machine guns! They spent $50.1 billion providing equipment and supplies to foreign nations during this period ($31.4 billion went to Britain, $11.3 billion to the Soviet Union, $3.2 billion to France, $1.6 billion to China, and the remaining $2.6 billion to the other Allies. That’s around $650 billion in today’s money!). The Lend-Lease program helped turn the tide of the war in favour of the Allies (the majority of expenditure was allocated to Great Britain who had been at war the longest – since September 1939).
The 5,000th plane transferred from the United States to Russia in the Lend-Lease Program Bell P-63
USAAF and Soviet officers stand in front of a Bell P-63 Kingcobra to celebrate the 5,000th plane transferred from the United States to the Soviet Union in the Lend-Lease Program (Photo Source: US Army)
3,美国陆军航空军和苏军官员站在P-39 空中眼镜蛇战斗机前,庆祝从美国已送5000架飞机给苏联 Under the Lend-Lease  program there was no expectation for full repayment or return of equipment following the formal end of World War Two in September 1945 as it was regarded as being ultimately used in the defence of the United States (the program enabled the United States to fight an enemy without over extending its own manpower and equipment). Generally a 90% discount was applied to lend-lease items that were retained. The UK paid back the final installment of their Anglo-American Loan of £1.075 in 2006 but it was not expected the USSR would make back a full repayment (following many disputes a partial payment of $722 million linked to grain shipments was finally made). Allied nations did also repay in some kind during the course of the war by providing their own equipment, the use of bases, food and logistical support to the United States ($7.8 billion in reverse Lend-Lease aid with the majority of this coming from Great Britain and other Commonwealth nations. The Soviets also made payments during the war of precious raw materials such as gold and platinum).
USAAF and Soviet pilots at Ladd Field, Alaska in front of a Bell P-63 Kingcobra
USAAF and Soviet pilots at Ladd Field, Alaska in front of a Bell P-63 Kingcobra (Photo Source: US Air Force)
4,在美国阿拉斯加州Ladd飞机场,美国陆军航空军和苏联飞行员站在P-39空中眼镜蛇战斗机前 The vast majority of the equipment and supplies provided under the Lend-Lease Program found its way to the various allied nations by shipping convoys (especially across the treacherous Atlantic Ocean where they faced the U-Boat Wolf Packs) but there was also a unique 9600 km / 6,000 mile air bridge from the lower 48 US states to Alaska and then onto the Soviet Union that was in operation from 1942 to 1945. It was known as the Alaska-Siberia Lend Lease Airway or ALSIB. A large number of aircraft were handed over to the Soviets at Fairbanks, Alaska and then flown by their pilots across this airway to Mother Russia.
WW2 lend lease routes
The many routes taken to provide Lend-Lease equipment and supplies in WW2
5,第二次世界大战中,许多路境运送租借法设备和物资, Some 8,000 aircraft made this journey on the Alaska-Siberia Lend Lease Airway, including about 5,000 Bell P-39 Airacobra and P-63 Kingcobra fighters (4,719 P-39’s were provided to the Soviet Union). This was also treacherous work as the Soviet pilots had virtually no training in the types of aircraft they were about to fly across a vast distance, through sub zero conditions and operating from primitive air fields! Losses were inevitable but given the sheer number of aircraft involved they were not as high as expected (an attest to the pilots): 74 aircraft were lost in the lower 48 of the United States, 58 more in Canada and Alaska and only 42 on the lengthy Siberian leg of the air route.
Lend-Lease B-25's, A-20's and P-39's on the runway at Ladd Field, Alaska prior to testing by the Soviet Purchasing Commission - September 1942
Lend-Lease B-25’s, A-20’s and P-39’s on the runway at Ladd Field, Alaska prior to testing by the Soviet Purchasing Commission – September 1942 (Photo Source: National Museum of the U.S. Air Force)
Andrea Hincerockur (Russian pilot), Lt. Thompson Highfill of the 99th Bomb Ground and Corzen Venzopkin (Russian) in front of a Soviet P-39
Andrea Hincerockur (Russian pilot), Lt. Thompson Highfill of the 99th Bomb Ground and Corzen Venzopkin (Russian) in front of a Soviet P-39 (Photo Source: National Museum of the U.S. Air Force)
Alaska-Siberia Lend-Lease Airway Memorial Fairbanks Alaska
Alaska-Siberia Lend Lease Airway
Soviet Lend-Lease Program Douglas A-20 Havoc at Ladd Field, Alaska in WW2 (Photo Source: US Library of Congress)
Soviet Lend-Lease Program Douglas A-20 Havoc at Ladd Field, Alaska in WW2 (Photo Source: US Library of Congress)
6,1942年9月在美国阿拉斯加州Ladd飞机场,跑道上的B-25’s, A-20’s and P-39’飞机,等待苏联检验 7,在P-39’飞机前,Andrea Hincerockur(苏联飞行员),Thompson Highfill(美军the 99th Bomb Ground),Corzen Venzopkin(苏联飞行员) 8,阿拉斯加州-西伯利亚租借法空中航线 9,第二次世界大战中,阿拉斯加州Ladd飞机场,美国提供给苏联的A-20浩劫攻击机 A-20浩劫轰炸机(公司内命名DB-7)是一款二战的美国攻击机、轻型轰炸机和夜间战斗机。服役于同盟国空军,主要是美国陆军航空军(USAAF),苏联空军(VVS),苏联海军航空兵(AVMF)及英国皇家空军(RAF)。苏联部队接收超过三分之一(2,908架)的DB-7.它也被澳洲、南非、法国和荷兰的空军在战争中使用,在战后有巴西使用。 当道格拉斯DB-7系列于终于在1944年9月20日停产时,道格拉斯共建造了7098架,另有波音建造的380架。 In Fairbanks, Alaska is an excellent memorial to the men and women who contributed to the Lend-Lease Program from both the United States and the Soviet Union. The Lend-Lease Memorial created by Alaskan sculptor R.T. Wallen was officially presented to the people of Alaska in 2006 and can be found in the downtown riverfront park of Fairbanks. It depicts both a US Army Air Force and Soviet pilot along with a Bell P-39 Airacobra propeller (the predominate aircraft ferried on the air route). It is also a memorial to the Women Airline Service Pilots (WASP) who participated in the Lend-Lease Program (ferrying aircraft). The aircraft and other supplies were ferried from the lower 48 US states, over Canada to Ladd Field near Fairbanks (now Fort Wainwright) where up to 600 Soviet pilots flew the aircraft on to the to the Soviet Union.
Lend-Lease Memorial in Fairbanks Alaska
Lend-Lease Memorial in Fairbanks, Alaska
Lend-Lease Memorial in Fairbanks Alaska
Lend-Lease Memorial in Fairbanks, Alaska
USAAF pilot Lend Lease Memorial Fairbanks Alaska
USAAF pilot
Soviet pilot Lend Lease Memorial Fairbanks Alaska
Soviet pilot
Women Airline Service Pilots WASP
Women Airline Service Pilots
Soviet Bell P-39 Airacobra                                                 Soviet Bell P-39 Airacobra 10,阿拉斯加州费尔班克斯的租借法纪念馆 11,阿拉斯加州费尔班克斯的租借法纪念馆 12,美军飞行员 13,苏联飞行员 14,女子航空勤务飞行队(women airforce service pilots,WASP) 1941年12月7日的珍珠港事件,引发了美国对空军的强烈需求,那之后飞机被大量制造、但因当时的空军被派遣到海外参战,生产出的飞机没有办法被运送到军事基地。在这一问题的驱使下,女子辅助转场中队(WAFS)于1942年9月10日成立。 1943年8月,原有的WAFS与另外一支WFTD女子飞行训练特遣队合并,被称为WASP女子航空勤务飞行队。WASP的飞行员主要任务就是驾驶各类飞机在美国各个军事基地进行转运。 虽然这份工作也充满了危险,但相比于远赴欧洲或太平洋参战,相对来说危险还是小一些。所以很多不愿参战的男性飞行员开始参与到这项工作中。也正因此,国内“缺少飞行员”的问题解决了,因而1944年12月20日美国国会取消了WASP部队,妇女飞行团宣告解散。 15,苏军使用的美国P-39空中眼镜蛇战斗机 P-39在二次世界大战初期短暂的的作为美国陆军航空军的主力,尤其曾进驻瓜岛的亨德森机场,用于和日军作战,但是很快的就退居二线与担任训练的角色。美国转而将大量出厂的P-39在租借法案下运往苏联,让这种飞机在苏联战场找到另外一片天空。 虽然起初苏联飞行员也和美国的同行一样对本机表现诸多恶评,认为不过可以弥补当时产量不足的Yak-9和La-5战斗机,加上官方媒体刻意压低外援飞机在苏联战场上的表现。 但因为其在寒冷的苏联领空很实用可靠,P-39凭借他的重心稳定运动性能,作为当时战斗机航炮口径之冠的火力,以及当时苏联最缺乏的无线电,实战中获得相当多的好评,也创下优异的击落纪录,成为众多王牌飞行员的座机。 大战结束时P-39总共出厂9529架,扣除损失的部分,有4789架运抵苏联。


二战,美国提供$501亿(现在$6500亿)的武器和装备给盟国,英国$314亿,苏联$113亿,法国$32亿,中国$16亿; -Justness- 给 Justness 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/29/2017 postreply 07:44:47

因为欧洲优先的原则 -老生常谈12- 给 老生常谈12 发送悄悄话 老生常谈12 的博客首页 (442 bytes) () 03/29/2017 postreply 08:32:32

500亿美元,中国只占1.6%(8.457亿),还不如澳大利亚。美援助蒋打内战将近30亿,达抗日战争租借法案援助中国的3倍半。 -白云蓝天- 给 白云蓝天 发送悄悄话 白云蓝天 的博客首页 (412 bytes) () 03/29/2017 postreply 11:43:45

二战,美国生产31万架飞机,10万辆坦克车,12.4万艘各种船只,7500台铁路机车,410亿发子弹,2千6百万挺机关枪。 -Justness- 给 Justness 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/29/2017 postreply 07:58:54

那时候的中国连这个的1%也造不了。白混了几千年世面了。。。 -borisg- 给 borisg 发送悄悄话 borisg 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/29/2017 postreply 08:22:17

今天中国制造业规模已经超过美德日总和,美德日是不是就白混了? -海边居- 给 海边居 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/29/2017 postreply 12:01:08

1%是3100架飞机,1000辆坦克,1200艘船,75辆机车,4.1亿发子弹, 26万挺机枪。中国只有4.1亿发子弹能做到,其 -老生常谈12- 给 老生常谈12 发送悄悄话 老生常谈12 的博客首页 (1319 bytes) () 03/29/2017 postreply 12:01:29



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