DOJ scrutiny opens door to new Uranium One investigation

来源: mypresident 2017-12-22 07:51:16 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3907 bytes)

DOJ scrutiny opens door to new Uranium One investigation


THIS is where it all began..While Mueller and Comey were at the DOJ and FBI appointed by Obama..Hillary AND BILL were taking bribes, Kickbacks, money laundering into the Clinton Foundation in return for Uranium sales to Russia..Hillary, and Holder and the others approved this deal KNEW what the Clintons were doing. Mueller an Comey looked the other way..Obama turned the IRS, DOJ, an FBI into Politcal Secret Police going after Political opponents.. This is why Clinton had her own ILLEGAL Email Server..The fact that Top Secret Info was on that server and hacked into was Secondary..This was where all the emails were housed and then Destroyed by Hillary and her Clintonistas including Mills and Huma..Thats why the DEM State Dept and Obama allowed them to remove evidence from their offices. This all happened because they were CERTAIN she would be the next President so they had nothing to worry about...Then when this info came to light guess who was put in Charge of Investigating it? CLINTONISTAS, Comey, Strozk, McCabe, Ohr and on and on and on..They predetermined the Outcome..Strozk Interviewed Hillary and DID NOT put her under oath..That NEVER happens..Mills an Huma LIED to the FBI and destroyed Evidence..No consequnces..WHY? Well the fox (Strozk, McCabe etc were guarding the Hen House.) Since they just Knew Hillary would win well no worries..THEN she lost...Ruh ROH Now what to do?.Lets not forget it was Hillary and the Corrupt DNC that paid for the FAKE Dossier


That Fake Dossier was then used ILLEGALLY to get a FISA Warrant to open a FAKE Investigation against Trump because as we now KNOW these same people were CONSPIRING to protect Hillary (There soon to be boss or so they thought)All paid for by the DNC..and NOW we know the DNC Riiged the primary and laundered money for the Clintons..Just this week we found out that the Pakistani "IT" guy and his family were on the DNC (Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz) payroll and were oprating a Money Laundring scheme using a Fake Car Dealership that had NO CARS on the lot. People ALL the Pieces of the Puzzle are coming together



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