
来源: yzout 2017-12-04 20:46:04 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (69809 bytes)
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    • The real question from this story: Why does a state university have 13% of their students coming from China? Then, add all of the students from other countries. Do any Americans or citizens of Illinois go there?

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    • The truth of the matter is, foreign students pay full tuition and the state of Illinois is broke thanks to Chicago. B/c of all those facts, UIUC has the largest number of foreign in the country, closely followed by USC and Purdue. High school graduates in the state of Illinois are short changed. Illinois politicians should be held accountable.

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    • The elite sold out our businesses to China, then they priced Americans out of education and healthcare

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    • I like the apology, it tells the truth about foreign students and the fact that American universities and colleges should be for Americans...good for the bus company!

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    • so CNN once again reporting from a safe space point of view.... Did it ever occur to you that they were saying you won't be pack in like a sardine or is that too offensive to the sea life. Stop with all the That is so racist BS.

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    • The President of Suburban Express is obviously a Republican, and he knows exactly what he's doing. He has been voting for budget cuts to education for decades. Then, when the public schools run out of money, he blames the public schools for "mismanagement," conveniently overlooking the fact that HE, as an Illinois voter, IS the management. And if he can sow some ethnic strife at the same time, hey, so much the better.

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    • I would have taken that to mean "our buses are not overcrowded and we don't allow pushing and shoving." had they not added "Passengers like you." They can't legally ban Chinese people, so if they'd just not mentioned anything, word about the "passenger type" will get around and people will self-segregate. They'd still attract their target clients, but in a different way. Putting it in the ad was just dumb.

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    • "And this high-percentage of nonnative english speakers..." So Most of the Chinese students who come to UofI or any other Big 10 school not only have beaucoup bucks, but have a good command of the English language. Suburban Express is going to get a nice Christmas ...this guy seems to be bitter about "diversity" and I would actually respect him if he just was honest about it instead of peppering his apology with red herrings. In the meantime, as a minority, I will make a Suburban Express sign with the words "Whites-Only" and send a Christmas card...I don't think I will ever use that service anyway...

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    • The school had no options but to trade the unsold empty seats for full tuition. Without the 13% foreign students that are paying highest tuition, text books, various fees, rooms and boards, the school will have financial difficulties. Besides, a majority Chinese students are enrolled in science and engineering schools where domestic enrollments, like many other engineering schools have experienced in the U.S., have been way too low for years! It has been a business decision, rather than a political ones, between keep running the educational business, or shut them down.

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    • It is probably only the exam results of those Asian students from U of I that prevent it having a 3rd World status of education . I am sure the bus company is run by fools who will shortly be filing for bankruptcy .

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    • I wonder if they give you free white Robes and Hoods too? It would be a nice bonus!

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    • Generalizations are very sensitive nowadays. If this Bus Company is simply implying their buses won't be crowded, then so be it. But in today's world, you can't just go around labeling entire groups. All you have to do is add the word "some" to your sentence. Why? Because there are regions in China that aren't population. .Americans are obese = Not True, Some Americans are obese = True.

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    • If the Chinese feel they are offended the next plane to China leaves in ten minutes.For all you offended snowflakes there will be room at the back of the plane for you.....bring your own seat belt.

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    • As long as I don't feel like I am in an evangelical church or rodeo, full of phuking white morons

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