If there’s one thing on which conservatives and liberals alike can agree about President Trump, it’s that he’s fulfilled his campaign promise to nominate highly qualified and principled judges to all levels of the federal courts.

Justice Neil Gorsuch is the most prominent example of an impressive nominee committed to interpreting laws and statutes as they are written, not as he’d like them to be.

President Trump has nominated more than 40 other such men and women to lower courts.  

But Senate Democrats are desperate to stop the president from fulfilling his promise to American voters, which is why they’re abusing Senate rules to engage in an unprecedented campaign to delay and obstruct the confirmation of the president’s highly qualified nominees. 

Just how bad has this obstruction been? When President Trump took office, he faced more judicial vacancies (105) than four of his five predecessors—twice as many as President Obama and three times as many as President Reagan. Thanks to the delays imposed by the minority party, there are now more vacancies (139) than when he was inaugurated. Democratic obstruction isn’t just delaying votes; it’s creating a backlog.
