
来源: 互联网 2017-06-08 14:35:51 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1187 bytes)

[ She was on her way to the airport for a late afternoon flight on Jan. 27, a Friday, when she learned from news reports that Trump had signed an executive order restricting travel from seven Muslim-majority countries. Within a matter of hours, Yates said she thought, her Department of Justice lawyers would be tasked with defending the constitutionality of the order in court even though they knew little about it. ]


[ Yates said the decision she made was not without internal conflict. She grappled with whether she should resign instead of issue a directive, and told the graduates that she believed those who doubted her choice raised a “fair question.”


But I believed then and I believe now that resigning would have protected my personal integrity,” she said, “but it would not have protected the integrity of the Department of Justice.”]





禁止非美国公民入境,是美国法律赋予美国总统的权利,是保护美国人民的安全,保护美国国土安全, -happycow222- 给 happycow222 发送悄悄话 (118 bytes) () 06/08/2017 postreply 14:44:14

每一个公职人员要效忠的是法律,而不是违背法律精神的领导旨意 -互联网- 给 互联网 发送悄悄话 (368 bytes) () 06/08/2017 postreply 14:53:55

你觉得一个正在被调查的领导“效忠”要求不果,直接把负责调查的下属给开除了, -互联网- 给 互联网 发送悄悄话 (141 bytes) () 06/08/2017 postreply 15:08:30

谁说Trump总统正在被调查?Comey都没有说,也不知道,你怎么知道的? -happycow222- 给 happycow222 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2017 postreply 15:11:06

调查的是大选时他的团队是否有通俄,不一定是他本人,但也不能排除 -互联网- 给 互联网 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2017 postreply 15:17:20

OMG, 她是代理司法部长,能不关心法令是否合乎宪法? -互联网- 给 互联网 发送悄悄话 (80 bytes) () 06/08/2017 postreply 15:20:17

Trump总统颁布禁令是根据美国法律进行的,是美国法律要求他在美国受到安全威胁时,禁止任何非美国人入境美国, -happycow222- 给 happycow222 发送悄悄话 (74 bytes) () 06/08/2017 postreply 15:02:18

但是总统自己都说是禁穆令,他要真关心国安会毫不关心政策的可行性? -互联网- 给 互联网 发送悄悄话 (140 bytes) () 06/08/2017 postreply 15:13:10

他嘴上可以说是禁穆令,但是他的总统令上说是禁穆令吗?再有,他并没有禁止所有穆斯林国家,而是7个国家。 -happycow222- 给 happycow222 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2017 postreply 15:20:39

很不幸,他推特发言就代表官方立场,发言人也没辙只好认了 -互联网- 给 互联网 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/08/2017 postreply 15:25:10



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